Deathbringer Sword

I've been doing this deathbringer mission all day xD

Finally managed to get 3 of them and my guys are level 24-27. And it's sooooo worth it. Its just about the patience. I did it with Larsa in my party, set my other 3 dudes to steal and relied on his healing me. Once I got 2 of them, clearing the area to make the run bck to the staling point, was unbelivably easy o_o

I'd go get moar, but I think 3 is enough >_>

Cheers for the tips Davey poo...even if all your gaming advice DOES leave my blood boiling :gasp:
Don't you mean Demonsbane? As you don't get the Deathbringer in the Tomb of Raithwall.

SInce you're at the stage of Mt. Bur-Omisace, the Demonsbane will become available at merchants near there once you're done with that area. But there's also a stronger sword in which u can collect once u get a nice chain from certain enemies in the nearby dungeon. It's called the Ice Brand.

Btw, that thief's gloves accessory only applies to stealing from enemies, not treasure boxes.

It is possible, albeit difficult, to obtain the Deathbringer post Tomb of Raithwall. Although I am sure that someone has already mentioned it earlier in this thread.

As to answer the question...

Yes, the Deathbringer is worth it, as long as one of your charecters perdominatley uses one handed swords, that is. Other than that, I wouldn't switch a character from something else in favor OF the sword, although the Death status effect does seem to effect quite a few enemies post alocation of the Deathbringer.

However, if you go about obtaining the Deathbringer early (If you have the patients, AND luck), then it is worth so much to you. I have two savegames. One, I played though normally, the other, I obtained the sword early. And the latter was much easier. If you are having trouble and feel like spending more time than you would meerly leveling up, then the Deathbringer is worth it early on.

Oh, by the way, I have never unequipped the Deathbringer from Ashe since I obtained it early in file two.
It is possible, albeit difficult, to obtain the Deathbringer post Tomb of Raithwall. Although I am sure that someone has already mentioned it earlier in this thread.

There isn't a Deathbringer in Raithwall's Tomb. The sword there is the Demonsbane, obtained by beating both Demon Walls and going to the secret area that leads off the map screen and opening the chest.

Deathbringer can be found in Barheim Passage (steal from Ithuno) Feywood (chest) the Abysaal area of the Pharos (chest) and can be bought from Balfonheim Port.

It can also be made in the Bazaar by selling 4 Solid Horns, 7 Demon Tails and 10 Dark Crystals.

It is NOT any where else.
There isn't a Deathbringer in Raithwall's Tomb. The sword there is the Demonsbane, obtained by beating both Demon Walls and going to the secret area that leads off the map screen and opening the chest.

Deathbringer can be found in Barheim Passage (steal from Ithuno) Feywood (chest) the Abysaal area of the Pharos (chest) and can be bought from Balfonheim Port.

It can also be made in the Bazaar by selling 4 Solid Horns, 7 Demon Tails and 10 Dark Crystals.

It is NOT any where else.

I know. I just wrote that the first time it is available is after the Tomb of Raithwall events. I said "post raithwall", not "In Raithwall's Tomb" It is the first chance you get to be able to do the hunt which is required.
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Mis-read, sorry lol.

Which hunt are you talking about btw? Flowering Cactoid or Nidhogg?

Because you don't have to necessarily do the Nidhogg hunt for the Barheim Key, just getting the giant serpent skin helps with the reward...
Mis-read, sorry lol.

Which hunt are you talking about btw? Flowering Cactoid or Nidhogg?

Because you don't have to necessarily do the Nidhogg hunt for the Barheim Key, just getting the giant serpent skin helps with the reward...

You have to gain acsess to the ferry to the Northern Part of the Estersand. The boy is not available there until after you complete the Tomb of Raithwal, which is what I was reffering to. Not the Nidhogg hunt. I typed that out wrong. Sorry.
Fair enough lol.

We seem to be mis-interpreting or mis-reading eachothers posts here, getting a little confusing lol.

So in short:

Finish Raithwalls Tomb, get Barheim Key, find Ithuno.

Would it be possible to do it without the ferry? As you can access the Mospharian Highwaste and from there the North Bank part of the Estersand early, if you get the guards out the way at Nalbina.

Then again, you wouldn't be speaking to the kid and wouldn't know about his father that way, so doubtful.
I don't think that the boy is of any consiquence. I do not think that you have to do anything pertaining to the boys father to get the item needed for Dantro's wife's concoction. You know what this means? It can only mean ONE thing. I have to go investigate! Which gives me a reason to play Final Fantasy XII again! lol.

I love this game!
I don't think that the boy is of any consiquence. I do not think that you have to do anything pertaining to the boys father to get the item needed for Dantro's wife's concoction. You know what this means? It can only mean ONE thing. I have to go investigate! Which gives me a reason to play Final Fantasy XII again! lol.

I love this game!

I think you're right. They are just two sidequests tied together because you need a way to get to the North Bank, and early in the game, it can be difficult.

Plus I'm not sure when the oppurtunity ends to use the Chocobo to get rid of the guards at Nalbina.
You dont get the zodiak spear for, well ages, this is a weapon that has an attack of 90, that you can get early in the game. Im destroying things I shouldnt be hioping of going near yet... of course it takes the challenge out of it mind, but well, i deserve it after the rigmorhole of getting 3 of the fuckers. Plus think of all the gil you will save, not having to buy weapons. Epic

Also, you need to cross the river to get those plant dew thingies, not sure if you can take the scenic route and walk round.... you might be able to :monster:

And if you want the golden amulet accessory for double LP, you will wanna do the nidhogg hunt also ;))

Plus I'm not sure when the oppurtunity ends to use the Chocobo to get rid of the guards at Nalbina.

Gotta do that before you
defeat judge Bergan at Mt Bur Omisace
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I came back and got it later. I tried facing the second Demon Wall my first time in the Tomb, but it ripped me a new one and then T-bagged me so hard, I quit playing video games for a month. Ok, not that bad, but I tried to beat that second Demon Wall twice, said "screw it", then came back a few levels higher later, and grabbed my sword.
I came back and got it later. I tried facing the second Demon Wall my first time in the Tomb, but it ripped me a new one and then T-bagged me so hard, I quit playing video games for a month. Ok, not that bad, but I tried to beat that second Demon Wall twice, said "screw it", then came back a few levels higher later, and grabbed my sword.

Are you talking about the Demonsbane? You do not need to defeat the second Demon Wall to get the Deathbringer. You just have to obtain Belias, and the earliest opportunity you can get back into the Barheim passage is opened up to you.
I don't remember actually getting the Deathbringer the first time I played... well, not until there wasn't must use fer it fer me. I used it when grinding for LP, just because of the on hit: ko.

It's a pretty good sword, but only up to a certain point in my opinion.

I'm currently working on a FFXII walkthrough (though not a boring one... it also points out my experiences in the game) that has made me go back to a new file. So I'll probably use it more often early on. Might make things a little easier. :lol:
The Deathbringer is a strong sword it has 90 atk power but the chance of KO is about 10%-15% so you must be lucky to activate its special status effect
I ended up getting six of the bloody things as soon as I could in Raithwall's tomb. I stopped playing the game for like, 2 days, just so I could get 6 of those bloody things for my main party -__-

I used them for ages too xD They were worth it.

Edit - buggery. I think I've got the two swords mixed up O_O although, I'm sure I've seen other people mention Raithwall's Tomb D=
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Are people alkign about the Demonsbane or Deathbringer here...

This thread is confusing

Just so people are aware, the thread is about the DEATHBRINGER you steal from Ithuno in Barheim passage, if not then the thread creator has made a boob and cionfused us all because I see discussions about both swords...

Anyway...crack on....dont see why it can't be about both to to save further confusion >_>