Defeating The Undying in less than 10 minutes


What an irony, I can't die!
Feb 23, 2007
Croatia, Sesvete
I was bored so I went to Bahamut for some boss fights, I battled The Undying and I used Quickenings with Vaan, Penelo and Balthier. I was chaining quickenings to till I failed to chain another one, till 13 (my lucky number, :Dlol) and automaticaly was Luminance casted (looks like Ultima's Holyja) and dealt around 60000 damage to him. I tried it two more times (then I got Ark Blast and Wind Burst) and killed it.
lol, gratz, i watched my friend fight him. He spent most of his time with one person alive trying to get of a charge and heal. Somehow though he won, only cause he was about to die and i told him to just try a gil toss. 9999 damage, he won :D
maybe you could try the yiazmat strategy where you have 2 characters with masmunes in berserk and haste. They will do 9999 each hit with long combos
When you think he is low on health use a quickening on him to kill him
Quickening is usually the general strategy i've seen, but by the time you get to the Undying I've found if you screw one up really badly you can get annihilated in seconds because of Bravery and Faith. I would just stick with using Dispel to wipe those out, and use defensive status magic to support your heavy-hitting characters. make sure that at least two characters have weapons that hit hard and fast (like the masamune), as big baddies like the undying usually have resistances against stuff like blind and disable while they can cast those with ease while still hitting you for 4000-5000 each.

Just make sure you have a major defensive character as well, who has a revival gambit at the top like Renew or the better form of Raise. At least then if the baddie kills your two other characters in one hit, your defensive character can quickly revive them.