Demon Wall 1

Damit im mad

Guys help me out here ive beaten the crap outta the deamon wall with ease and i go and touch the stone and there are no stairs tha pop out nor a secret passage way this is exactly what it says when i touch it "Nothing happens, You glimpse some manner of the device behind the jewel"

no stairs pop out
i touched the stupid device and that tells me "Nothing Happens, there must be a corresponding device elsewhere

WTF am i doing wrong here, where exactly are the stairs
please help

ok figured it out

Hey guys just an update
i went threw both the walls and then touched the crystal the stairs moved then i went down the stairs to where the chest is and it was there
6xs it took me to get the sword

I had a theroy if it was based on whos in the group and combo of whos leader
had vann,bash,penelo and guest with vann as leader and got nothing
now i reloaded

had vann,bash,penelo and guest with penolo as leader i got a holy mote

put bath,ash,vann and guest with bash and got a mote

put in all guys and got nothing with bash as leader

all guys and got 104gil with vann as leader

Now tha got me thinking maybey itll give a pure girl group with Fran as leader .... the demon sword it was just a feeling it worked
hope this helps anyone

am i the only girly man that ran from the first demon wall?

nope. i ran too from the 1st demon wall:rolleyes:

i might go back there now that i know how to use quickening very good and saw that i can use combos with other characters who dont have MP to do them by themselves.
"I was lvl 21 when I went though there and a 9 mist chain only took down almost half its life."

It wasn't that difficult in my case either. I'm not sure how many I chained up but I took it down on my first attempt with only 2 characters. I gave it time for one attack while I stole from it and Basch got put to sleep so level 24 Vaan and level 21 Ashe took it down with maybe an 8-chain quickening iirc.

Could someone help me out with the mechanics of quickenings please.

For instance, what sort of damage do they do? I'm pretty sure it's not elemental..? I've taken down a Wild Saurian with a crappy 3-chain but I pulled a 12-chain on something called a Salamander Entite and it didn't even go down to half-life. It's next move after that took down all 3 of my current party members. I had to run the hell out of there after replacing party members. On what basis does it do damage?
Also, this may seem like a no-brainer but I'm pretty clueless, a higher-level quickening (i.e. pyroclasm instead of red spiral) will deal more damage in a chain, yes?


"Go infront of the wall and let Ghis do his ultimate attack on the wall"


"earth dragon"

did you encounter this before this portion of the game, or are you referring to an event afterwards? Because I've just finished the tomb and have never run into that yet. Also, any tips on how to take down elementals? Or am I not yet strong enough? (Vaan, Basch level 26/ Ashe, Baltheir 22/Penelo, Fran 21) Because I tried to take one on after the tomb and ended up running from it.


About the spirit monster of which you speak... I'm pretty sure it was called the Salamite Spirit. It's that huge fire-like aura sphere, right? Well I encountered this the very first time at the Yensa-Sand Sea [sp?] and I thought it'd be a rare but weak monster and tried to encounter battle.

Boy was I wrong. This monster is murder. I used Libra on it and at the time, my characters were weak compared to the Spirit. I think it had nearly 20,000 HP, not to mention basically "ultimate" magics of the highest form.

I died... And couldn't run away because it kept following me. I accidently took a wrong turn and ended at a dead end at which I was killed and cornered by the Salamite Spirit as well as other monsters.

I think this is a pretty rare monster that appears randomly though I'm not quite sure. I even encountered another one back at Dalmasca... Just outside of it too. A powerful monster, in such a place like Dalmasca.

It might be an elemental, but I'm not quite sure of that myself since it doesn't just use fire magic, it'll give you status effects like Silentega [sp?] and such. I have an idea that it might just be an elemental because when I was in Dalmasca, one of the towns folk said to wary of elementals when the sands are under a sandstorm. At the time, it was during a sandstorm that I encountered the Salamite Spirit again. Of course, I ran the heck out of there.

Definantly a monster not to toy with unless you're strong enough since this is like taking on a boss, but possibly worse because if I remember right, it'll "Oil" you before using fire magic which only makes the damage worse.
There are regular elementals ( not hard to beat, good xp ) and then Entites, which are the floating globes. They're beatable just not for awhile. I beat my first one at lvl 32 iirc.
I also ran from the 1st demon wall then ran from the second one, lol. I kept having to go through the door, and heal. If it wasnt for healing it was because it got too close, one tip I can give is that some of the torches on the side, slow it down. But some speed it up so be careful.
I got characters with level round 15, and used 3 chains each with a different PAIR of characters, dunno why i get better chains when using only two characters rather than 3. With that, i defeated the first demon wall, obviously after completinf that area. For instance, I defeated the second one without the need of quickenings, it wus just really EZ, even in level round 12-13 :P.
I am still struggling with this one. I have all my characters with a Quickening each. My character levels are:
Vaan: LV15 | HP 858 | MP 59
Balthier: LV10 | HP 346 | MP 36
Fran: LV10 | HP 452 | MP 42
Basch: LV16 | HP 743 | MP 46
Ashe: LV16 | HP 665 | MP 66
Penelo: LV11 | HP 542 | MP 58
Vossler: LV16 | HP 556 | MP 62

I know I need to level up some more, and I have teleported back to the Dalmascan Estersands. I managed to get the Cypress Pole as a weapon from the Bazaar, and this is one-hit killing all the enemies in this area, except for Nekhbet (Strong Cockatrice) which is still pretty easy and gives 157xp and 3lp.

Of course, my aim is to level up, and also gain some nice LP points to get some more Licences.

What more do I need to do to kill this boss, or am I just too under-levelled? Also, where can I get some more holy motes? I have one at the minute and the Demon Wall hates the motes. They remove between 1000 - 1200 HP.
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i have no opinons....

(its like if the game, had a nOOb, very easy, easy, normal, and hard modes)
(if you use quickinings all the time for hard guys just cause your a lazy(or suck)... that means you picked the nOOb mode and thats just SAD)
i have no opinons....

(its like if the game, had a nOOb, very easy, easy, normal, and hard modes)
(if you use quickinings all the time for hard guys just cause your a lazy(or suck)... that means you picked the nOOb mode and thats just SAD)

LOL, Fair enough. But have you done this Optional Boss or have you skipped it? If you have done it, what level were your characters on, and what weapons did you use. Did you reflect Aero from your team onto the Wall??
First of all, I didn't do it the first time, so I skipped it. But, then I forgot about it until I was like lvl 50. But, What I would say to do would be to, basically, only use quickenings if you are almost out of time, because you will probably REALLY need that MP beforehand. Also, you have to make sure your guys are about 5 levels higher than when you first try to fight him, otherwise(at least for me) you wouldn't have a chance.

Also, designate a healer in your party, a character who will be your main attacker, and a character who will do whatever is necessary whenever, your leader. what I mean by "whatever is necessary" is to attack mostly, but if your healer can't do something in time, he fills in.

Agian, I can't say for sure that'll work, but it generally works for later bosses, so I assume that it'll work here.
I used Quickening on Demon Wall 1.
2 set of 3. And just finished off. I cant remember the level - I think it was 17-18.

I am at level 29-30 right now and can beat elementals slowly.

One thing I noticed Augments > all other except some magicks.
Once you defeat the first Demon Wall, activate the side stairs in that area by
examining the area where the Demon Wall was and then save your game outside at
the Gate Crystal. Now take those stairs all the way to the back. Go all the way
down until the two paths converge. There is a 70% chance that there will be a
chest here. If there is, there will be a 22.5% chance that it holds one
Demonsbane (+59 sword).

Wow. I must be lucky. I was reading a walkthrough that told me that going down the secret paths was pointless and that there was nothing there... I just decided to go anyways to fight some monsters (I needed 1 LP to get Balthier's Lv2 Quickening) and I found it there with the Demonsbane inside! ^_^
I ran from him the first time aswell. i beat the second one and then activated the touchstones and then before fighting Belias, i went back to beat the first door. I only had vlv 1 quickenings at the time and my main party was around lvl 20-22.

I just bought alot of the wine that Dyce sells outside the tomb, so that i could put Vossler and Balthier on berserk, so they would attack faster and hit for more damage (time is essential). Make sure to put berserk on before the battle and dont put it on everyone or you wont be able to move lol. Took me a few tries but i beat him.

Im way past that now and every now and then i still go back to the tomb to try an get the sword but i always get gil, or something stupid.
If you take the LEFT door, the walk to the chest is faster. The chest appeared to me when the walkway gets slightly wider.

I am unsure what makes the Demon Sword appear, it seems random, but I got it the second try. Great sword to have at this poin in the game by the way.