Demon Wall

At that point in the game I still sucked at it so I got mauled by him. Now I am pretty good, well, if i do say so myself.
I found it very hard and it will be difficult unless you've been training for a while. I don't think you're suppost to beat it on your first go because it's optional and it seems that you have too flee(I fleed first time!). The elder wyrm is optional as well but I think you're suppost to fight that(I fought that with a little difficulty!).
If your levels are low at this point in the game you can always examine the flames beside the Demon Wall and it freezes him for a min or two. When he starts moving again just do the same to the other flames in the room. Then that just leaves you too hammer away at him with attacks or quickenings and he should fall easily.
Im at the walls, I havent done them yet, but I want to know if im strong enough to kill the first, if not the second?

All my characters are level 16 or 17, two people have lvl 1 quickenings.


All my characters are level 18 or 19, five people have lvl 1 quickenings.
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when u beat it u get the demonsbane, a very strong sword but it is obtainable later in the game. i beat it second time through, 6th try i think, level 19, 2 level 1 quickenings
I just now defeated both demon walls. All my characters are lvl 18-19, and everyone had quickenings. I just chained them all. After that I saved, touched jewel, went downstairs and got sword. In had nto open the chest about 6 times to get the sword. It kept giving me Holy mote, and weak amounts of gil.
The first time I fought the 1st demon wall I was crushed smashed by it. Them about my 5th try I managed to beat it by useing 1 lv.2 quickening and the rest of the teams lv.1 quickening to beat it. It may have been overkill but it worked.
I only had 3 chars with a quickening xD, was a hell of battle. You just gtta be lucky with chainign your quickenings or you need a fair amount of ethers which I didnt :p
It took me about 4 tries but I finally got it today, my characters were about level 22-23 and I had two characters with quickenings. Before the battle I 'zerked Vossler and as soon as the battle started I got a 6 chain quickenings and that got him down to about 60% from there I 'zerked Bash and just went to town on him. I ended up killing it seconds from being smashed against the wall, it was nuts my heart was beating very fast.

yeah Ethers are hard to come by this early in the game.
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Nah, the first time through I wasn’t as strong as I should have been… In short, I got my ass kicked. It took a couple of tries though, but I eventually got passed it with a couple of Quickenings.
I beat both the other week. All my characters have all 3 of their quickenings now, so neither lasted very long lol!