Demon's One Stop Shop

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ShinRa Guard
Aug 3, 2009
Alright, I'm new to this but I'm pretty sure I've got the basics. I'll make you anything really, just request it. What I need is listed below. Just, give me a bit of liberty here. I can do just about anything, but sometimes I have to experiment to get what you're looking for. As do almost all artists. I'll do my best. :)

1. Image size you'll be needing (how big you want signature, etc)
2. Required Images (this is obvious)
3. Required Text (lyrics, username?)
4. Colors, if looking for something specific?
5. And anything else you have in mind.

Pretty simple really. Give me all that and I'll give you what you want to the best of my abilities.
Alright, I hope you like this. If not I'm more than willing to try again. :)

1. Image size: Default
2. Required Images:
3. Required Text: A.I.R Darkness
4. Colors, if looking for something specific?: Just make it dark (not that much dark tho)
5. And anything else you have in mind.: Take your time ;) I picked the perfect pic for you (dark)
Sorry this took forever. Is this what you were looking for? If not, I'm willing to retry. :D


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heya babes <3

1. Image size you'll be needing: whatever you wish, perhaps the size of my mad hatter sig though
2. Required Images:
3. Required Text: Onion Knight: a midget on speed
4. Colors: anything babe <3 I trust you
5. And anything else you have in mind: nah, just make something sexy :awesome:
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Still doing these? :yay:

1. Hmmm, size of your current one? It really doesn't matter, as long as it's not too thin.


Or you could cut her out on the left of this one-

Or maybe you could just blend 'em together :D

3. Maybe 'asabella' and some super tiny text under it that you can't read?

4. Kinda like the "Time Stands Still" signature you've done, sort of a warm feel.
I hope this is good

I tried to use the other photo you gave me but the coloring didn't fit well with the coloring I did up there. :3 I could always give it another go if you'd like. :D

I hope you like it!
It's beeeeautiful, but I just have one thing- I thought that dark would work with this picture, but Vanille is a happy lollipop girl so maybe light and pinkish would work better :tehe:

The text is PERFECT, I still wanna keep that.
The size is great, but I cut out this as an example, because I want to have her cute little accessories to show. Also, when I was cutting it I accidently flipped the picture, but I think it looks a lot better anyways.

So maybe you could either copy off that, or just use it yourself, doesn't matter :monster:
Sorry for being so picky, but you really did an amazing job!
Okie, sorry Asabella darling, I've not been in the best of health this week. :3 I hope you like this. I redid the whole thing, kept the same text, and changed up the textures, placement and stuff I used. :D

Tell me what ya think, I'm open to changing it of course. :)

:gasp: 'tis beautiful. I love it! I keep trying to put it on and the server won't let me edit my signature.

I shall put it on whenever it lets me though!
Hey nice work in here,

i need an Avatar with April in it.

its for my clan. just make sumthing iif you want.

i dont really have an idea.

can you try fix something? ;p
May i request a new set please?

Size- Im indifferent, be creative:D


Avi Text: .Hope
Sig Text - .Hope - Never give up...

Other: Is there any chance you can make the rendor come out of the sig? if you know what i mean?

thanks mate:D
Marshy, I messed you about the image link. :3

Dearest Confusious, I'm working on your icon now. :) I'll have it to you in a wee bit, sorry if it's rude to do the request below yours, I just didn't notice yours till after I started the one below yours. I'm just not use to people requesting. :wacky:

Joey Star, I think I understood what you meant, but if I did it wrong fix me. XD I like skulls. :funnyface: Don't ask why, if you want it redone, ask. :)


Demonata would like me to tell you all that she has deleted photoshop by mistake, and can't find the discs. She'll post again when she can make graphics ;)
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