Dependant On Your GF's?


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
In FFVIII, we all know gf's can cover your ass on many occasions.

Were you dependant on your gf's to fight your battles or did you really use them at all?
i used them alot in boss battles, because otherwise i would have died pretty fast as i suck at TT so i couldn't card mod some cards for some halfway decent spells.
I rarely used my GF's in battle

I'd use like doomtrain for the meltdown effect on bosses so I didn't have to use a meltdown spell and Eden which just got boring because it took too long, but once you boost all your stats you don't really need them much IMO.
They were useful near the start of the game, but as you progress, you'll get better magic to junction. And once you get 255, Aura + Limit breaks are better.
I used my GF's some during tough battles when i really needed them, but other than that i don't usually use them.
In my particular experience GF's were only good for junctioning. I rarely summoned them. At the very beggining of the game I did use them, since they did more damage than my characters, but once you are properly junctioned with powerful magic your characters were more efficient. Plus like somebody mentioned, with Aura you could use the more powerful limit breaks so there wasn't much of a point in summoning them. Though I must say that the GF that was most useful to me was Doomtrain. His ability to inflict status effects on enemies proved to be very useful, especially when training in the Island Closest to Hell.
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I mainly used them as tanks, like say one of my characters was low on HP, i would get them to spam GF's while i healed them..

Simple but effective :)
At first I did summon the GFs during battle, but eventually I ended up just using GFs only for the purposes of junctioning and the various abilities you use outside of battle.
Never used them that much except during like the timed fights, for boss's that were weak aganist a specific element. Sides from that I didn't use them that much. Only had them junctioned for thier abilities.
Heck yeah, I was definitely dependent on them and a few particular ones surely saved my butt when it came to bosses/final bosses. I summoned them many times throughout the game, actually...although not all of them, of course. Just a few ones that I found very useful.
i only used the gf's in tight situations, i cant beat an enemy, or i just want watch the cutscenes
They were really useful as tanks - and of course for all their stat-enhancing glory and abilities. For attacking... not so much. I'd use Shiva, Ifrit, and Quetz, since they would probably be the strongest, having had them the longest, and more importantly, they have relatively short animations.
Hypothetically everyone relies HEAVILY on GF's. Considering the fact that you need them to junction magic, you need them for support abilities like changing items into better items or cards into weapon pieces, and the fact that they help out in battle (some of their own accord).

In my opinion, GF's are pretty much a necessity...
I only used GFs on my last playthrough to Defeat bosses weak to that element but in my first playthrough I used GFs constantly.
I guess, I can't really remember now. I know they saved my ass sometimes when I was attacked, and their HP would be taken off and not mine.
I rarely used GF's since I usually just kill enemies with my normal attacks.
I used them quite heavily my first playthrough. It was rough for me. lol. They coverd my health and dealt way more damage than my characters could.

Soooo, yeah. =).

Btw, anyone notice how it seems that Shiva has the shortest animation sequence? Or is that just me?
from the start of the game i used my gf's a lot in battles like ifrit and after that mostly i used the boss battles like biggs and wedge, but when i fourght dioblas i used squalls and zells limits to take him down on hp, then i used selphine to use full cure to recover all the party, i also used zells burning rave to kick its ass, with the metal spider i only used thunder gf to take like 1710 off him and then ran like mad, i foght him once.
Hmmm didnt really find them that affective at all really, tho they cum in handy when they take damage instead of your character. At the start of the game shiva combined with boost is a great way to finish off ifrit really quick!
i only figured out what Boost ACTUALLY did last night,

up until then had no idea. I was curious and seached for it....its actually quite handy :D