Deserving an FMV


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
So, I beat FFX again last night, and Aurons sending was just so ....shit. As soon as he was gone,the FMV kicked off into full swing. The aeons getting sent got an FMV so why the fuck didnt he? He had like 2 piddly lines then was instantly pyreflies


I think Square fucked RIGHT up there, why the CHUFF didn't they give him an FMV?!

It was over so quick, I just found it really dissapointing

Also. When Jecht jumps off the edge thing just before he turns into the final Aeon, it was near the end of the game, it wouldnt have killed them to make these 2 little bitty sequences FMV

Auron moreso though. Such a maHOOsive part of the story and they fucking send him off like that

Auron wasn't the main character, Tidus was. So his going away should be the most important part of the ending by far. All the party know that Auron and Tidus is going to fade away and they had far more of an attachment to Tidus, he was a surrogate brother for Wakka and Yuna's lover (if not physically). Also from the perspective of the player, they are Tidus, so again he is more important. If you give Auron a big FMV I think Tidus' would have been anti-climatic.
I couldn't give a rats arse about Tidus ._.

I onlywanted that one small sequence to be FMV anyway, it wouldn't have taken anything away :gonk:
Auron wasn't the main character, Tidus was. So his going away should be the most important part of the ending by far. All the party know that Auron and Tidus is going to fade away and they had far more of an attachment to Tidus, he was a surrogate brother for Wakka and Yuna's lover (if not physically). Also from the perspective of the player, they are Tidus, so again he is more important. If you give Auron a big FMV I think Tidus' would have been anti-climatic.
I don't think so, because it's not like asking for something big in Auron's send off. They could've started it with his exit and moved into the full (lengthy) sequence of Tidus' departure. I don't think it would've overshadowed or taken away from Tidus', just given Auron's a bit more effect.

I don't really care for Auron as a character, but this sounds like a valid request. It made Auron's thing seem very minor, while his character wasn't.
I agree with Hal in that anything too dramatic would have taken the focus off Tidus. It wouldn't take much for the focus to be taken off Tidus as Auron was to many people a better character. I think they knew that Auron would get quite a big reaction so they felt the need to tone down the scene of his sending so that Tidus vanishing would appear dramatic.

I wish Auron did have a good FMV sequence for his sending though.. It would have been great.. However I can see why they decided not to. The scene of Yuna having to send a character you had only just recently discovered was an unsent would have been a pretty dramatic scene. If I saw that, I'd probably be thinking about that still when Tidus went bamf.
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I kinda wish he was sent with the Aeons, then after the shock of losing him.... BAM! Off goes Tidus, in a stream of pyreflies, and goodbyes unfinished. Much sadder, though.
IMO i think they should have started the FMV with the sending of auron, to me watching it being done in all its glory would have made a bigger effect on me, (even though i did shed a tear anyway :P) plus i also would have like to of seen jecht in FMV that would have been cool!
I wasn't dissatisfied with Auron's face time in the game. He's a pretty damn important character, so I never really felt that he should've had more face time since I think he got his fair share. I mean, he does appear in the final FMV during Tidus' leap, right? :ness:

Not to mention his intro in the beginning is pretty epic :awesome:

And anyways, although it wasn't a CGI, Auron's fare well was still a rather prominent scene O.O
But I wish they would have at least used the better graphics/models for the other characters, not just the really really basic ones. That would have made the scene a little more intense without taking away from the big ending FMV.
Seymour got rejected with his sending as well, he didn't get a FMV clip for sending eithers. Poor Auron and Seymour both of them got rejected..
I think it was unnecessary... The plain gameplay graphics were good enough to be able to make something like someone dissolving into pyreflies dramatic.
Not that I exactly care. I wouldn't mind even if they actually removed all the FMVs. Though I would love it if they dedicated FMVs to every important segments in the story- which would probably bring about an early death due to massive overwork, overtime every single day.

While I would have appreciated a FMV sequence for Auron, I suppose it made little difference to me.
I agree that they should have given Auron a bit more credit and made him a FMV especially for his sending.

He was more important than the Aeons.

He bloody went through this already with Yuna's dad and then had to go through it again and not even really acknowledged by SE for it!

So I'm rather disappointed that they deemed it okay not to do this for him too Kelly. v_v
Hey, Auron was my favorite character in the game, so seeing more FMV's of him would be cool in my book. But honestly I felt the drama from his sending even without an FMV, it was quite powerful. In fact, it was more moving for me personally than Tidus disappearing, which was in FMV form. So really, if you feel for a character, the graphics are there just to make things look cooler. They don't always add to a scene. But for scenes like the big battle against Garden and Galbadia in FFVIII, that would be more of a requirement.
Auron was definitely my favorite character in this game, but I think his sending was good enough as is. What's important is his attitude there, calmly walking out of the world, job finally finished, as he tells everybody "this is your world now." I think it's an awesome scene and have no complaints. I don't thinking making that part into an FMV would have added much.