Multiple Platforms Devil May Cry 3

anyone who haven't played dmc 3 has to drop their keyboard this instance, run(on foot) to the nearest shop where they sell games and GET IT!!! :D
anyone who haven't played dmc 3 has to drop their keyboard this instance, run(on foot) to the nearest shop where they sell games and GET IT!!! :D

And the first one too, however the second one can be missed as it's better if it just didn't exsist ^_^

And the first one too, however the second one can be missed as it's better if it just didn't exsist ^_^

I dunno... On the greater difficulty settings, 2 can make a fine version of Shadow of the Colossus. Those boss battles can get interesting... but note "can."
I dunno... On the greater difficulty settings, 2 can make a fine version of Shadow of the Colossus. Those boss battles can get interesting... but note "can."
Not so much the difficalty, it's the general look and feel of the game, and the story was utter trash. Its just so takey compared to the installments on its either side. Tho saying that it was kinda damn easy, think I only had trouble with one monster on the easier setting, couldn't stand going through again on a harder one but did manage to sluge through Lucia's disc.
Not so much the difficalty, it's the general look and feel of the game, and the story was utter trash. Its just so takey compared to the installments on its either side. Tho saying that it was kinda damn easy, think I only had trouble with one monster on the easier setting, couldn't stand going through again on a harder one but did manage to sluge through Lucia's disc.

I would've commented on the game in general, but there's not much of a game to comment on. :p I didn't even know there was a story during the first time I played it. Things were just... happening, with no link with characters 'n' such.

DMC2 alone is probably what makes 3 so great in comparison. It has pretty much everything 2 doesn't. Bosses having tactics, monsters not just dying after less than a whole combo, an actual story to follow... simple essentials, but it's all done pretty well.

A favourite part for me would have to be the fight against the entire chess board. I went through most of the game hoping I'd see them all in one fight. So chuffed when I landed on the board.

Annihilating Beowulf with Vergil was a plus too. Did it without taking a single hit a few times, too. God bless Teleport. =D
lol^ im not good with vergil but at the moment im stuck on mission 18 on dante must die mode (im not using super spada)
stupid beowulf keeps killing me and i dont want to cheat by killin vergil on normal mode to gain easy red orbs
lol^ im not good with vergil but at the moment im stuck on mission 18 on dante must die mode (im not using super spada)
stupid beowulf keeps killing me and i dont want to cheat by killin vergil on normal mode to gain easy red orbs

Vergil is... somewhat simple to master. Linking together his weapons for a combo comes with devastating results though, but it's a shame most bosses put an end to your combo after a few hits with some... rather strong attacks. However, using Vergil is very much like harnessing a more effective version of Trickster. Only his Yamato is very bold with its strikes, so practicing a little beforehand makes the gameplay so much more exciting in the long run.

It's just a pity you can't use his Super Devil Trigger technique. That would've been uber fun.
great game. and Dante Must Die is hella hard. My friend tried playing this game and gave up at the first Reaper fight cause it was too hard. lol
DMC3 - best game ever. I just can't get enough of it. I even traded it in for the special edition so i could play as Vergil. And i must say i wasn't disappointed, even thought he only had one cutscene and followed Dante's storyline. I love how all of Dante's weapons are different, unlike DMC2 when all the swords were the same and the only differences were speed, power and range. He even has an electric guitar for a weapon! How awesome is that! I could go on and on about how much i love this game, but i'll shut up now.
does anybody love Devil May Cry 3? if so then please post on here about you views, whether the game needs improving in any way and generally talk about what you loved and hated about the game.
DMC 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition is one of the best games I've every played, Dante is hilarious, and hated to play with Vergil he's not that strong Dante looked stronger and the Devil form is way stupid never used it unless I really have to
i feel the same, the demon form was pretty pointless, it ruined the look even though the character was stronger and faster, i never saw any point in using it really, i agree that vergil wasnt that good on the special edition but i loved dante, with his kwl remarks and quick wit, that and the fact that he is hard as nails helps out when he makes a threat lol
Eh? Vergil was a complete beast in comparison to Dante. Vergil's fighting style is more refined due to training as opposed to Dante's simple hack 'n' slash techniques (which do seem to be a little more than this in some cases).

I thoroughly enjoyed being able to control Vergil after encountering him as a solid boss in the earlier installment (and having fought him as his future self in DMC1). I was a bit disappointed with the fact he only had one style as a reflection to Dante's 4, but the possible combination of attacks more than made up for the loss. The teleportation thing is nice too. ;p

All in all, regardless of who I played, it was a greatly enjoyable game and I'd recommend it to anyone.
I loved playing as Vergil though I did lament his lack of customization he still has a very varied range of attacks, and he is simply so baddass to boot.

It was fun playing as corrupted vergil as when you go devil trigger you turn into Nelo Angelo and fight with his weapon and style instead of Vergils normal style.
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Sadly, never played the game yet, but I did play a demo. (Not sure if it was 3 though).
Man this game rocks!!
Dante is crazy bastard who can shoot really good and he's so freakin funny and I like his sword.

The monsters were fun to kill the Devil form was a crappy idea..But, still a great game.
i found the demon form disappointing, it looked rubbish despite the fact that demons are supposed to be kwl looking and evil, but dante could seriously kick ass, he was funny and a really good fighter, im glad he is in devil may cry 4 as well even though he isnt the main character in it :( but at least he still gets into it, i hope he is as funny as ever and from what i have seen of him in the trailers, he is gonna kick ass when he shows up in the game