Did anybody else NOT use the espers in the game?


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 26, 2007
I only obtained the ones in the story line...i didnt sidequest for any...but to be honest. I never even used them. i didnt think they were effective at all. Another one of my pet peeves with XII. Didnt seem like I needed to use much strategy with my mist attacks or summons. The whole game, i just used my weapon...

and, they didnt even look all that cool. at least the 4 that i came across. only vayne's looked good.

i mean, does anybody recall the GF in 10? The tall demon one. he was white, with chains...and had some other demon thing attached at the bottom. i forget the name. but those GF's were awesome.
got all 13 of them. hardly use them. i did use ultima once when i was in a bind. it pretty much saved me.
XII's espers are useless.I have all but Zodiark,and I only used them just to see what they're summon sequence looked like!I'm also going through the game simply beating everthing with physical attacks.It seems the main strategy for all bosses is get them low and then chain some mists.I love the game,but I also have some gripes.
I use them for fun, and if you cast vanish or something on the big green fat one (notice how I suck at remembering names) he turns all freaky like some hippie's acid trip.

-cough- Ahem. Well, yes, they weren't really needed in order to beat the game, but doesn't each FF have summons? I'm pretty sure, at least, most of them do. It would be weird if 12 didn't have them.
I havent gotten that far into the game and only have one summon so far... >.> I suppose I should look at it once... though from the sound of it, it wont be useful to bother with the summons... but the mist attacks arent that spectacular either... I chained 4 together and barely took off 1/4 of a bosses bar...
I havent gotten that far into the game and only have one summon so far... >.> I suppose I should look at it once... though from the sound of it, it wont be useful to bother with the summons... but the mist attacks arent that spectacular either... I chained 4 together and barely took off 1/4 of a bosses bar...

i feel you on this one, i thought there was no nedd for Espers becuase it was not a turn based kind of battle
Yeah, the espers are pretty pointless in this game. I think the Gigas helped out once, early on when my level was still pretty low, but that's about it.
I have all of them besides Zodiarc right now. I haven't even bothered to assign any of them besides the first 2 I got. They are just a side quest for me. Just another thing to get in order to acheive superiority in the game. The original idea of a one time strike with somewhat heavy damage was much better.
yeah. i figured nobody else used them either. especially since i was about 5 levels below where i should have been the whole game...so things were harder for me.

as for the summons and them being in ever game...thats true, but in every game i played before 12...i had a use for them...a lot.

and the mist attacks were awesome. you gotta string like 10-12 of them...with 3 people all having 3 mist attacks....thats what killed every single boss i fought.
I never used my Espers.
It was just easier to reserve my Mist charges (and thus, my MP) for actual spell-casting, healing, and for the times when I would use my Quickening attacks to bring down a powerful boss or a bunch of annoying enemies (I loved doing that, building up an Arc Blast or a Whiteout, and then releasing it on a bunch of normal monsters - good times)

I may, one day, summon each of the Espers I currently have...just to see what they look like and how they fight, but otherwise I need only rely on my characters and their abilities to get me through battle.
The only time I used the Espers in the game were to see whjat they looked like, and to see what their ultimate DeathBlow moves were. Aside from that, the only time I summoned one was to open the Gigas gate with Belias. I hated how it took away so much MP at first in the game, so I just resorted to using attacks the regular way which did just as much damage.
at first a thought the mist were great til the bosses started to kill me. id use the mist then id have no chance cause my mp's all gone. rather use curaja then mist. summon wasnt very useful either. allthough i have to admit, the final moves were pretty cool. i liked belias.
I think the espers are totally useless except for some areas of the story where there essential. It would have been a whole lot better if they made them like in 7, 8, and 9.
Man I was very disapointed with this game and even more so after I beat it and the fact that I spent $60.00 on the collectors edition sunk in. I never used my Espers but for maybe on sidequest espers so that I could kill them off as quick as I could and still have my party members in reserve. I don't really remember ever dying on any bosses in this game either. I thought XII was way to easy, the story line wasn't really "solid" enough to me and the characters didn't even look that cool and the coolest looking char (Basch IMO) wore green shorts. Wtf?!

I would rate FFXII 3/10
I hardly use summons at all in any FF game tbh so when I get this one it shouldnt bother me too much. The only games I really use summons is VIII and X, and thats only when needed. 7 gets the occational ones too. IV, V, VI and IX hardly ever.