Did anybody use Tecknicks?

Telekinesis was one I used veryyy for Aerial foes, obviously. =/.

Steal was used as well. Hrmm...There is no other I used besides those mentioned above plus Libra. haha.

I found the others to be kinda pointless, IMO.
Oh Em Gee

I think tecknicks are very cool, and have a lot of potential. It's like, I don't get halve of them though. I use Libra, of course, but thats about it. I would use them soooo much more if I wasn't so confused by them. I really only need help on one of them:

Horology - Deal damage based on a factor of time to all foes in range.
Sounds sweet. But what!?!? What factors time? And how do you change time to make this technick my advantage. Is it talking about total gameplay? Or whether you are hasted or something?! Can someone explain??

Also I just have to say that Revive is a very silly technick,
and I'm wondering why they even went through the trouble to put that on the game. Mabey it's for people who dont use certain charactors, which is stupid.
For Horology, you just have to wait an extended period of time between uses if you want it to do a good amount of damage.

All Technicks are pretty much silly, but I used and abused Libra and Steal. Later in the game, Charge was my best friend.
Revive is good early in the game to sacrifice a character with low HP to get a character on full hp back.
I never really found a use for revive. In fact the only ones I stood by were libra, steal and charge, and even charge is pretty useless once you can get hold of syphon magic. Never realised shades of black didn't use MP though, so that may be one more worth having...
I used Libra the most. I never used steal the first time through, but now I am, though only on the rare occasions I recall to use it. Charge is also insanely useful. I never managed to get telekinesis, however...
I pretty much used Libra and Telekinesis, I used Libra to avoid traps and I used Telekinesis to attack flying enemies because I cba using magic
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Not many. I would only use Libra to avoid traps and such. I also used poach a few times when i needed money.

Telekenis was pretty good at some points.
The only one i really ever used was Libra and i mainly used that when i was on the path to verse Zodiark. So many traps there.
I've used Shades of Black a lot, mainly because I'm too lazy to get Ardor from the Baknamy Merchant. The first time I used SoB, Scathe came up, and I thought "wow, what are the chances." It helped out in the Ultima fight, when the Mp-drain field came up.
Libra, Infuse, Steal, Charge, Telekinesis, and Thousand Needles were my aces.
Steal and telekensis were the only two I use that and well libra.

I didn't find any use for most of them and half of them did nothing anyway. They needed teknechics that affected your enemied like Aurons power break and such.
Stamp affects your enemies. So do Wither, Addle, Shear, and the other one that lower enemies' stats.
At the end of the game I also realized that I hadn't used many tecknicks. I always forgot to steal something (and when I thought I should it didn't work), for example. On my licence grid I got almost every tecknick for every character, and I also bought many, but I never used them. Perhaps I'll use some when I re-play it. I just didn't think that they were strong enough. ^^"
Some Technicks are strong, some are just plain strange. How does Traveler work?
Oh, and I just beat Famfrit. I put Oil up on him, and used Shades of Black. Ardor came up, which was an instant recipe for Famfrit Flambe.
Steal is basically the only Technick that doesn't suck, besides SoB, Libra, TK, and Thousand Needles. I use steal a lot. It was pretty valuable in the beginning when Gil was scarce.
Libra was my favorite technik charge and shades of black are good if you run out of mp and telekinesis is a must if your planning on taking on flying enemies.
The two main technicks I used were Libra and Steal.

Some technicks such as Telekinesis, Scathe, and Ardor came in handy during boss fights later on in the game. I used them if I was running low on magic, or if I wanted to deal double damage to a boss. For the most part, I just relied on magic though.