Bartz had character.. or character flaws to be more specific.. he is afraid of heights and that brings up an interesting point i think.. how did he get away from his hometown on an island surrounded by mountains if he doesnt like heights it makes no sense.. he was definitely slow taking him 3 times to realize where they were going and what they were doing.. and yes some would wonder if he's not a little light in the loafers after getting aroused by "boy" faris.. but who can blame him after the messed up childhood he had what with his mother dyeing and then his dad wisking around the world all the while lying about his true identity.. i think i'd b a tad odd too.. and galuf may have been the best part of that game and then they go and kill him off what the F*** is that about.. which brings me 2 my next point after galuf dies Bartz is travelling around with not 1, not 2, but 3 ladies.. coincidence i think not.. i think the creators realized their major upset with a poorly created main so they made Bartz into a PIMP lol..