FFX-2 Did ffx-2 ruin ffx

Did ffx-2 ruin ffx

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Apr 28, 2011
Hal's place XD
I want to know if anyone thinks if ffx-2 ruined ffx

I think ffx-2 kind of did ruin ffx because it was a bit repetive how your always in the airship most of the time but some bits in ffx-2 were great like the end. And you have to search of all these things to get 100% and if you finsh a chapter you can't go back and do the things you missed out on.

What do you think i want to know what you think did ffx-2 ruin ffx and why do you think it.
I played the game, finished it, broke the disc, burnt it, buried the ashes in my garden and pretended it never existed.

So no.
Well I don't think it ruined it, honestly I only liked the ending. (The good and perfect ending that is). FFX's ending was jut too sad for me, especially since I really liked Tidus. (Sure he was annoying but funny at the same time). His character was too lighthearted to go away.

But I hated everything about FF10-2. The music was terrible, Yuna became a slut, Rikku changed from cute to skimpy, and Paine was basically an even more goth version of Lulu. (Don't get me wrong, I love Lulu, but Paine was just a copy of her.) The gameplay was decent, but I got sick of changing garment grids. Also, I didn't like the story too much.

But put all that aside, I basically only played the game to have a happy ending with Yuna and Tidus. :P

oops turned out I posted twice...
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Short answer: Yes

Long Anser: yes for me FFX-2 did ruin X. More so because of the story than anything else... I don't care that they turned Yuna into a whore, I don't care that it was a fanservice game... what I do care about is how they butchered the beautifully sad ending of X!

Tidus died, it was beautiful...NOW LEAVE IT BE PLEASE :rage: don't bring him back to life in a shitty sequel, he is meant to stay dead. It ended well, and then they destroyed it and didn't even bother to explain how he came back to life.

It just angers me. I loved the ending to X and X-2 takes most of the sadness and meaning from Tidus's death because we all know "well he just comes back to life in X-2"

It didn't ruin FFX for me.
I realize some people didn't like X-2 and that is their right.
I happened to like it.
I don't care if there is a team of all female heroes.
The sarcastic charlie's angels comments you see on other boards when people mention this game.
I say so what.

A woman can fight, a woman can kill.
Women don't have to be portrayed as helpless nobodies that need guys to protect them in all rpgs.

So the game was ok. Not a great FF but far from being the worst.

Spira still remains my favorite planet where an FF game is set, the characters of FFX among my favorites and I have even thought about writing a story set on Spira.If I ever have the time and I am in the right mood to do it.
No, it didn't. FFX-2 is perfectly fine, maybe not as great as X, but it certainly didn't ruin the game. It wasn't mean to be "X" game, but more of a side-story to complete X. Wasn't for the extreme gamers, which RPGs aren't for anyway....
Yes(though I accidentally selected No, whoopsie daisy).

Personally, X wasn't all that great but what it did have was a cool twist at the end.
Tidus dies(or goes back to dream land or wherever the fuck her came from)
. I always like it when stuff like this happens. X-2 ruined it.

Also, it took everything you learned from the world of X and turned it into a teenage girl's funland. It was hard to take anything seriously in it which reflected horribly onto X. It's like, you played through X to realize that the world continues in a game of "find the spheres!" Yuna and Rikku's characters are thrown into the dirt. Hard to believe that X-2 sold so many copies that there is a Greatest Hits version. Now that, is amazing.
Yes(though I accidentally selected No, whoopsie daisy).

Personally, X wasn't all that great but what it did have was a cool twist at the end.
Tidus dies(or goes back to dream land or wherever the fuck her came from)
. I always like it when stuff like this happens. X-2 ruined it.

Also, it took everything you learned from the world of X and turned it into a teenage girl's funland. It was hard to take anything seriously in it which reflected horribly onto X. It's like, you played through X to realize that the world continues in a game of "find the spheres!" Yuna and Rikku's characters are thrown into the dirt. Hard to believe that X-2 sold so many copies that there is a Greatest Hits version. Now that, is amazing.

First off Tidus
Went to the Farplane, not back to Dream Zanarkand since DZ no longer exists. The fayth stopped dreaming it and the people...that's why he faded away
Just wanted to clarify that.

And second, in response to this poll, no...it did not ruin X. For the simple reason that Yuna deserved to have a happy ending after saving the world. Not only once in X, but again in the sequel. To have her save the world twice and have nothing in return is a terrible ending and will have the general audience finish the game with the feeling of something missing.

And Spira became a fun world because...well....
Sin's dead
. Spira is no longer oppressed under religious tyranny. Did you really expect it to be all serious and conservative as X was? Of course not.

I understand people not liking the tone of X-2 and the overall feel of it. Trust me, I prefer X to X-2....but if you actually give it a decent chance it actually complements X.

X-2 also gave us back stories to X. For instance: The Machina War. It gave us an inside look as to what it was like via Shuyin and Lenne. It gave us more instances of corruption within Yevon via The Crimson Squad. And those two examples are really awesome parts of X-2.

Try not to look at it as a girly game or a game of 'find the spheres'.

FFX-2 was fun, it was happy, and just relaxing. I don't care how corny it was. It was like an FF japanese version of Charlie's Angels :mokken: The music was fun and the graphics were pretty. I liked the battle system of the dress spheres, even. People who hate on it are just sexist. That's right. I said it. People who hate X-2 are sexist.
Ruined it? nah not really.

It opened up the game world a lot more, allowing you to go over old ground in a new way.
The newer parts of FFX-2 dont detract from FFX, they do make me want to play that game with the Crew from FFX.

I think the FFX-2 battle system would have worked much better on FFX.

So it doesnt take anything away from FFX, just adds to the history and world of Spira.
Yes it did...

Not only did this game ruin the ending to FFX, by having that very sad ending and having Tidus come back from the dead (which I still don't understand why they did it, I thought that completed FFX...)
But they made it into a musical, and on top of that turned all the FFX personalities and turned everything in Spira from this past feeling to the future in 2 years...

One more thing that struck me as...weird... Yuna and Rikku are cousins right? So that would make Yuna and Brother cousins... but Brother wants to... be with Yuna... someone explain that to me....
No, I don't think it ruined X at all.
Was it pretty cheesy at times? Yeah, it was. Was the story weak? Yeah. But I enjoyed every minute of it regardless. I liked the fun and upbeat setting it had compared to X's darker setting. The ending didn't bother me much either. I saw it as Yuna's reward for saving Spira twice, and she deserved it too. I even think the battle system was an upgrade from X's.
I do not think it ruined X because I believe them to be different game entirely, its just like I don't think AC ruined VII. So I will still like number X regardless of how X-2 fails to reach the satisfaction I recieved from playing X, because either way I was satisfied.
I don't think it ruined FFX as a whole, but it did a damn good job of ruining some aspects carried over from FFX. For example, I'm all for a stronger, more independent Yuna able to kick ass on her own and portray the idea that like the rest of Spira she has changed, but I couldn't bear how they executed this. I didn't like her Gunner outfit or this personality-shift that occasionally makes her speak in a similar immature manner as Rikku. It just made me think that it was hard to believe that this was the same Yuna from FFX and I really do think that the idea of depicting Yuna going through change into a stronger woman could have been in a much better way.

Although, the ending with Tidus's revival has torn me slightly. On one hand, I wanted the ending of FFX to be preserved. I wanted that emotional edge to be preserved and Yuna closing off the story with her speech was pretty much perfect enough for me. Having FFX-2 agreeably, does remove that emotional edge in a way, although there was the part in me that wanted Yuna to attain a happy ending. While Tidus's revival did make me smile with satisfaction at this happy ending, I was irritated at the same time, which I find a little weird. I'm just not too certain which side of the fence I'm on.

People who hate on it are just sexist. That's right. I said it. People who hate X-2 are sexist.

That's a bit of an unreasonably strong assertion to make. Plenty of girls here including myself just don't like FFX-2 for other reasons completely unrelated to the fact that there are three main female protagonists. In fact, I liked the fact that there are three main protagonists though it's how they portray Yuna in this game that irked me a bit. As for the guys, I can't speak for them, but I'm willing to bet that those who do genuinely hate this out of sexism are a small minority. :olivia:
LoL I actually liked the game and found it fun.
I think it was a good game and i rather liked all the mini games and such in it.
In my opinion every game after X-2 realy is shit. I think this was the last game SE released<for FF> thet was actualy good.
I think it was a little poppy but altogeather I think its a good solid game and one ive actually replayed a few times just for the fun of it.
The Purifico can be monotinious but I did find it fun to do unlike some other games where I found it just boring.
I know alot of people dont like this game but I did find it apealing to play.
I found the dressphere system fun to be hhonest and I rather liked that part
Yeah, it did ruin FFX. I was a big fan of FFX's tragic ending, and FFX-2 did nothing but ravage that bittersweet feeling. Having Tidus come back from the dead undid everything that was awesome about FFX's latter half: You knew Tidus was going to vanish in the end and there's nothing to stop it. It was depressing, sure, but Yuna's speech at the end was extremely satisfying and made it all worth it.

Then came FFX-2, with its bullshit, last minute twist ending. "Hey, we can bring Tidus back to life!" Yeah, right. It's not a good game. The storyline is lazy and forced, and the characters are uninteresting and annoying. The only good thing about it is the freedom it gives the player from the beginning. Otherwise it's just an unenjoyable experience all around.

People who hate on it are just sexist. That's right. I said it. People who hate X-2 are sexist.

Well, that's news for me. Thanks for letting me know I'm sexist. You know, I also heard people who judge others by their taste in video games are idiots. Besides, that's a hilarious claim made from a game that's all about making teenage boys drool at half-naked girls.
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Besides, that's a hilarious claim made from a game that's all about making teenage boys drool at half-naked girls

I just have to point out 90% of RPG's are this way,half naked girls and all, It realy dosent matter weather its a FF game or not its rare to show a girl fully coverd or with a working "brain" for that matter in well any game to be honest.
But im off topic now....
I think everyone has their own taste in games and well duh its a given,But I also find it stupid when hardcore fans dont see flaws in a game as well...perhaps I might be one of those people because I honestly dont have realy any complaints about this particular game.....

Not for me. Then again, I played FFX-2 first. I guess that makes me ever so slightly biased, but I played X-2 first and still prefer X. But in hindsight, no I don't think that it affected the way I saw either game. Although x-2 is a direct sequel of X, I don't think they affected the other that much.
No, it didn't even though I played X-2 first.

It just felt like an unneeded extension of the first game. SE knew fans loved the "romance" between Tidus/Yuna. They then proceeded to milk it into a sequel adding some girl sexual prowess to coax some more male buyers since the females would inherently buy it.

It's like saying KH 358/2 ruined KH1/2, it didn't but it was an useless addition.
Well...it ruined the story. I thought the gameplay in FFX-2 was actually really fun and I've been waiting for the return of a good job class system for a while. X-2 sort of provided that for me. :D

They should have just created a new game. The ending of FFX was perfect in my opinion. Very sad and happy at the same time. They had it right on que, but then they sold out in order to try to make more money. The storyline and character design in X-2 was utter shite, but the gameplay was still fun.