Dirge of Cerberus Did you cry on the ending? (Might have spoilers)


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 8, 2006
Somewhere you don't
I cried. I thought he died. I still thought he died even after I saw the whole ending. Why? Cause I'm a dork.

I must say that Vincent looks gorgeous in the ending. *Sighs*
i can't say that i cried, but i was definatly feeling the emotional impact! It's like you finaly get to know the guy, and then he dies!!!! Glad he came back though ^-^ they definatly left it open for a sequal as well...
I was so shocked at the end. I seriously thought he died but then you find out he didn't and I was like HOORAH! But then I was like 'Vincent can't die...he's just so...Vincent...'

Yeah...I was pretty excited at the end. And I'm gonna have to agree with LucreciaCresent. Vincent did look very gorgeous at the end....*double sigh*
I never cried but I was kind of disappointed and was feeling very dull. Because the whole game is based on Vincent and all of a sudden, he's gone? Wouldn't that sound so stupid to you? I mean, the whole game you were playing as him and just right at the end of the game, he'll have to disappear? Hehe. But thank god he wasn't really gone. I almost had a heart attack, ya know. :D

Although there is something that wonders me. How did he managed to come back? This may sound idiotic to you but I have NO clue really...

[action=Darkblade]scratches his head...[/action]
I cried when i saw only the music video clip of DoC,it's sure that i'm gonna cry at the ending too:cry2:and to think that i'm not that sensitive.
i have a question about the ending... did Shalua actually die?? I'm so confused... T-T

And yes, i did cry and Vincent was MAJOR SEXY!!!!
Since I knew the storyline, I was not suprised of the ending. I was satisfied with the ending because I did not expected anything from the Dirge of Cerberus. I love SE CG graphics; thus I bought the game. I just loved the scene of
Shalke wearing school uniform at the end.
I didn't actually cry but I was near tears when I thought Vincent really died. I mean my heart was pounding in my chest and I felt really emotional. Vincent is such an amazing character. I was ready to kill Square when I first saw it and that Cloud had been searching for him omg, but then I saw the ending and saw him come out of the cave. I was so relieved to see him alive
Chaos didn't die...it's kinda hard to explain...He "returned" to the planet along with Omega where they belong.
I never cried but I was kind of disappointed and was feeling very dull. Because the whole game is based on Vincent and all of a sudden, he's gone? Wouldn't that sound so stupid to you? I mean, the whole game you were playing as him and just right at the end of the game, he'll have to disappear? Hehe. But thank god he wasn't really gone. I almost had a heart attack, ya know. :D

Although there is something that wonders me. How did he managed to come back? This may sound idiotic to you but I have NO clue really...

* Darkblade scratches his head...

Well in FFX Tidus does disappear and doesn't come back, so if that counts for anything, but it was sad, i thought he had gone with the lifestream reclaiming the purple colour, though it was nice
I was certainly shocked to see the purple light that suggestes his death, it was a big hit and I was like 'No way, that hardcore mofo cant DIE!'. and the Cerberus pendant almost sealed the deal....

But its shown that he lives. But how the hell did he?
He said in the end that was because of Lucrecia that he survived...so it's really hard to say. I mean when Vincent had Chaos in him, it basically made him immortal didn't it? I always thought that Vincent was incapable of dying. Especially since he slept for so long without aging in that coffin, though I suppose I could be wrong in that aspect. I do wonder too how he survived though...
I haven't played yet, but he can't die, and since I'm a newbie I don't really follow what you are talking about...but GO VINCENT.
hmmm. well i didnt cry at the end but i was like NOOO you cant be gone when it got to his chain just hanging there. But he came back. I was like yay Vinny lives! (sorry but you have one mad Vincent girlfan here) God knows how he survived. Maybe its on the same lines as Cloud at the end of AC, i dont know. anyway about chaos i Vincent says that Chaos returned to the lifestream but, personally i believe that there will be always a connection between Vincent and Chaos and that is Chaos was to be reanimated at all it will again be through Vincent, 'specally if Vincent losses that Protomateria again.
I thought that he was dead too but I wasn't that surprised to see him come back afterall since when did anybody really die in the FF series...Tidus came back in FFX-2, Aeris and Sephiroth came back in AC the list goes on I'm sure