Crisis Core Did you cry? Were you moved?

oh my goddness i havent cried this much at a game since Aerith dies is FFVII haha.
What made me cry so much was when you were fighting because i knew no matter what i did he was going to die. I didnt attack lol and was just topping up my health in a desprate attempt to change the entire FFVII story line haha.
Then i was gettin angry at cloud becuase he does forget about him, well not forget but you know waht i mean lol.
aww it was sooo sad though i was proper crying haha
This very minute I'm going through the ending credits of my first playthrough of Crisis Core (finally!)

As to the original question, did I cry? Well, I've never actually cried during a video game. I was shocked and aghast when Aerith died, but I didn't actually shed a tear. And I didn't cry either when Zack died.

No, I was trying to prevent myself from screaming in outrage over a fictional character's circumstances. I was in denial about what was going to happen all through the game and up until Zack final breath.

The way they set up by allowing you to fight just really tugged at my heart, and kept making me think that there was a fucking possibility that there was going to be an alternative ending despite the fact that I know the friggin' FFVII story and even knew about the scenes in CC. That I somehow had a magical copy of CC where there was an alternative ending where Zacks lives or the Turks find him first or something -_-

But the one scene that really made me emotional was just as Zack leaves Cloud to deal with the Shinra Troops (and I gotta say, with all those missions fighting 200+ of them, handling the ones that came to take at Zack should've been easy o_O) Cloud regains consciousness and REACHES OUT TO ZACK! And omg, I'm thinking if he had managed to grab his arm, or something, maybe Zack would've stayed behind with Cloud, figured out a way for the two hide or the Turks find them, something. ANYTHING! T.T

People keep saying how if there's a way for Aerith to be brought back to life, well, they better do the same for Zack, 'cause he didn't deserve to die. Not after everything he did, or had to live through the people that had to leave him.

Zack's death, like Aerith's, was more of a fuckin' tragedy than a plot device.
Zack's life, the price for freedom, the end of an era and the start of a legacy.

To me, Crisis Core was the missing puzzle piece in the franchise, the mystery behind Final Fantasy VII. Every minute during gameplay was a minute closer to the known fate of Zack Fair. Square Enix managed to create a bond between the player and Zack, which made it even harder for me to hold back my tears at the end. A great game, a great conclusion and one hell of a story.
Call me heartless but I think he fulfilled his purpose so it was more of a thing to smile about.

When you understand what Genesis says at the end.. "The dream has been fulfilled" or whatever.. you can tell that none of the 3 will survive. (genesis does, but we don't know what happened to him as of yet, unless you consider dirge)

Also when Zack sees Genesis underneath the gift of the goddess.. genesis says.. "We are altogether, you have the spirit of Angeal and the something of Sephiroth"

I just don't see why Zack had to die in order to let Cloud fulfill his legacy. Don't get me wrong I felt bad for Aerith and felt bad that Zack had to die, but it was all about destiny in the end.

So no tears shed, now Aerith originally was a HUGGGE surprise for me, had no idea she would die in order to fulfill her destiny.
i was seriously feeling attached to Zack as i played through the game. He was such an engaging character and that's what makes him so cool. I really liked seeing him with Aerith and i felt that they were suited well. So even though i already knew the ending, it was still really upsetting to see his strength fail him and i hated seeing those Shin Ra soldiers shooting him like that. it was horrible to see, but Zack was such a brave character, he risked his life to protect Cloud and he told Cloud to live on for the both of them. I admired the way he passed on his honour to Cloud and was unwavering till the very end. The thought of Aerith that last occured to his mind was also very touching. This whole scene made my eyes go misty. ha ha...
I played through it again recently, and as I was finishing off the last missions I was starting to feel sad, because I knew I was about to send him to his doom, I'm petty sure it's gunna be one of those games that will make me cry at the end everytime, like FFbloodyX, although that was more for Auron than Tidus, but whatever. Anyway, Ithink it's abi daft that we all know what's coming, but half of us still squalk our ways through the end of Crisis Core. I replayed VII after I beat it the 2nd time, and I was sad everytime a mention of Zack came up, I didnt even care less before then xD
First off, i didnt want to play Crisis Core because i knew the ending was going to be really sad. As i went through the game i became attached to the main character and sort of forgot about the dreaded ending. When it came to the ending i was so sad!!!! :sad: Graphics where obviousley amazing though :P
To put it simply yes I did cry and it takes quite alot to make me cry so there I've said it.

R.I.P Zack

Almost....If I hadn't known what was going to happen I probably would have since it didn't have an element of shock to it (like when I played VII fo rhte first time and already knew about Aerith :( ) but at the same time I found that knowing he was going to die made the game all that more powerful. At the begining you could just pretend it wasn't going to happen but the further and further into the game you got it just kind of became more present in the back of your mind until the very last levels of the game where the fact was pretty much inescapable. I ALMOST was close..the part where he got the letter from Aerith and you knew he would never see her again got was a close one too...
If I become attached to a character - as is often the case with Square games - I usually find that the ending brings a lump to my throat (I never felt that much towards Aerith's death strangely enough though). I think if you invest such a large portion of your time in the company of such characters, for the most part it's because you want to - call me foolish, but I could never play for so long if there was no one in the group I could identify with.

Crisis core was different. I'd seen AC, I'd seen Last orders and played the original game and to be honest was never that moved by the fate of Zack in those 'Chapters'. I played CC knowing the outcome that had to happen, so in my mind it wouldn't affect me.

I have never been so wrong. I wept like a baby to be honest - it was one of the most moving things I've ever seen, so much so that last night on the way home from work I was listening to the soundtrack on my ipod and when it reached 'The Price of Freedom', I found myself welling up all over again. It's would be considered quite sad in some circles, but having spent so much time with Zack throughout the game, it was as though I had lost my best friend. I find it strange that I should care so much, but I consider it a testament to the great characters and story of FFVII. Needless to say, Zack is now and always will be my favourite FF character.
The price of freedom no one beind could understand, yet First Class Zack Fair paid his price and we all wept for him not in pity, but in loss. Everyone knew what the ending to his story would contain but no one wanted to believe the inevidable. first Class Zachary Fair, you have become a hero.
I was surprised. We all knew he would die in the end, and what really surprised me is
30 bullets to the torso, and 3 shots to the head
. That was weird how those japanese games always defy every law possible.
Not really, we knew Zack was going to die anyways. I didn't want to send him to his death though, I grew attached to him by the end of the game lol.
I'll say it again. I think as most of us knew what was going to happen, we didnt realise how strongly it would effect us.

I think its beacuse unlike VII, we had voices and emotions brought to us. And Zack as a lovable character. There was never a part in the game when you don't like him. He's always upbeat and helping others.

And he goes through the whole dreaming of becoming a hero. Then as the final chapter unfolds, withoug even trying to he realises his dreams by aiding Cloud.

And knowing he more or less has no chance, takes on a army to protect his friend who if he had abandond he could of escaped.

And then his final moments he still has this SOLDIER honor we hear about all the way through.

I think the way the showed his character was perfect. He is everything Cloud aspires to be. He's not the usuaing brooding angsty teen. And to see him meet his end and still be graceful about it...especially with the backing music. makes the hardest of us cry like girls
The ending was immense. Throughout the game you create a very good bond with Zack because he isn't like the other members and soldier because despite things that happen in the game he can still have a laugh about it. Also his connection to Cloud is emphasized here, but most of all it shew us where Cloud got the buster sword from so it was very cleverly done and it was a very moving sequence of events.
I was touched of the ending. I could feel how Cloud lost a close friend. However, Cloud got the Buster Sword more easy. Zack fought Angeal before he got the sword but Cloud didn't fight with Zack. Haha.
I was really touched when Zack said "You are my living legacy". It's like the end of the world. I pity Zack because the Wutai troops are very many but Zack killed about 95% of them. Unfortunately, there are 3 troops and 1 Heli to kill Zack. The best part is when Zack said to Angeal when they are going to heaven "Those wings, I want them too". And lastly, when Zack asked to Cloud if he can be called a hero.

I was really touched of the story.
RestlessXD said:
I pity Zack because the Wutai troops are very many but Zack killed about 95% of them.

Kindly note that those Zack fought were the Shinra troops, not Wutai. Wutai, as far as I can remember had been suppressed rather early in the game, when Angeal had not left Zack yet. Furthermore, for Wutai to actually have advanced technology like the helicopters? I'm not so sure anymore.

And anyway. I think the ending was perfect.. Just played through it the second time and experienced that same sadness when Zack had to die because of the grievous wounds he suffered.
I didn't really get emotional, sure it would have been upsetting in Cloud's position because he lost someone close to him, but as an onlooker it was really all that sad to be honest, but that could be because I only ever feel emotion in games when I can relate to the situation or a scene is about something that would actually happen in real life >.>