Did you find FF1 hard?


Jul 24, 2009
I've played all the way through FF7, 8, and 9. And I've played some of 6. But right now I'm maybe halfway through FF1 on NES and I'm finding it to be brutal at times.

I stock up on the latest armor and weapons for my warrior/Bbelt/Thief/RedMage party , always carry 99 potions and antidotes, and several cabins and houses. But I STILL run out of resources to keep my party alive as I"m spending alot of time going through some crazy labyrinth. And every once in a while, I may run into a particularly unlucky encounter that spells quick death (for example, being ambushed by 5 fire gargoyles that all cast Fire2 on the party. Or 9 ghouls/geists that keep everyone paralyzed)

Are any of the other FF games just as hard or harder than the first?
ff1 is the hardest by far, ive beat ffvii, ffviii, ffix and ffiv and i STILL cant beat the first 1 and thats the first one i played. im even almost done iii still cant beat ff1:gonk: i REALY WANT 2 :wtf: o ya its the hardest
I disagree, FF1 was too easy for me. But then again I was using a guide so that may be why it was easy. :P
I'd say in terms of diffuculty, the NES version of Final Fantasy 1 would have to be horrible! I beat it on 'normal' difficulty on the PS1 version. The difference between the PS1 version and the NES version is the upgraded Graphics and the ability to dash.(biggest difference anyway) There was an Easy mode where they made the MP for spells more abundant and items cheaper as well as abling to level up faster (and past 50)

the normal mode left the difficulty unaltered and I have to tell you it was haaard!

The only other Final Fantasy that could have been harder in difficulty would either be FF5 or FF12(if you don't know what you are doing in both games.)

Of course it is, NO SAVE POINTS in dungeons. I mean that's a source of relief in all other RPGS, not having to start from scratch after losing to the dungeon boss. This is the first Final Fantasy game, and one of the first rpgs out there.
Without a White Mage in the mix, you're probably going to struggle of FFI. That's not to say it's impossible though.

I found FFI quite difficult, and had to do quite a lot of levelling to keep at a level I felt comfortable with when going through the dungeons and stuff.
I struggled with this game, but it was more down to how much gil you needed than anything, I found myself training to gather money for magic as opposed to training for levelling up, I didnt really thin much of the game either, so I never really trained unless i had to, I scraped my way through the final boss and was just glad when it was over

I found FFV harder though, that game was the devil ¬¬
I found that this game got real hard real quick. I quit playing many times cause of it, too. I find all the class based FF's to be very hard due to you having to chose classes that could support each other the best. I might try to beat it in the future, but it still hasnt been given forgiveness for how hard and mean it was
Do white and black mages get alot more spell casts per spell level than red mages?

Because my level 16 red mage could cast 7 cures, 5 cure2s, and 2 cure3s per rest. That's only enough to get through several battles. But I don't have cure2 or cure3 with me so I don't even know if a red mage can obtain those.
I think they do, although the more you train them the more they learn, jut not as much as a black/white mage, yuo also can't learn the final level spells of a black/white mage either, it stops at 6...if there are 7 levels...either way, you cant teach it the 'ultimate spells' Everything else though, if memory serves me correctly, you can learn
My experience with this game kind of reminds me of the PS1 game called Beyond the Beyond. That game would become difficult/frustrating in alot of the same ways as FF1, and it even had an instance of "ugrading" your characters classes not unlike FF1. I couldn't get through the last dungeon of BtB without cheats. And don't get me started on that cavern with all the holes in the floor that you couldn't see.
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I consider this game as my "hardest game of all times".
At least that goes for the NES version. I have played the GBA remake for a short while and it was quite easy.

I think FFII and FFIII are almost on the same level, BUT they can be quite much easier if you know what are the right magics to use.
The hardness of FFI is probably the fact you have to do A LOT of training in order to complete the next dungeon.
In FFII and FFIII it is more about having the right magics and using them in the right time.
If you played the GBA version or the PSP version, then it was easy. It was sooo much easier then the other versions.

I played the GBA version, and I've heard that the original is a lot harder. If I get a NES system then I'll try it out.
Red mages can get you through the game in the original, however in the GBA version you *HAVE* to have a white mage to defeat Chaos easily, unless you're super power-levelled. White mages are the only class that can heal all allies and Chaos in the GBA version has massive AoE attacks that hurt your entire party for a lot of damage. I tried the GBA version with only a red mage as a magic user and failed horribly. Though in the original Chaos isn't nearly as hardcore so you shouldn't have a problem. Other than that, the GBA version is WAY easier than the original...though I personally still find the original FFII the most infuriating. Yes, I played it on an emulator. Sue me.
I love this game. Not much story to it, but it's classic.

I found it to be moderately hard on the GBA, a little easier on the PSP, and brutal on the NES. Mainly brutal because of not being able to switch to the next target in battle. What I mean is if two of your fighters target the same enemy and the first kills it, the second's attack isn't switched to a new enemy, it's just wasted. I rely on that tactic quite a bit, so I found it difficult to adjust.
I disagree, FF1 was too easy for me. But then again I was using a guide so that may be why it was easy. :P

aw dude ive tried not using the guide the first time and i had nnooo clue wher or wat i was doing
weird thing is is that i liked it :P im on chaos but kicks my azz all day
For me its little hard but i am go through it so that's fine for me... But nice to see here ... Thanks for sharing ....
It's damn hard when compared to some other Final Fantasy's. Yet I have made my way all up to chaos in NES version with 4 white mages and to Earth Fiend with solo whm on NES. And that's why playing it with a normal party seems kind of easy when compared to my previous playtroughs ... but still, it is hard. Probably as hard as FF III, though the boss battles are easier than in FF III.