Did you have a favorite disc, or rather part of the game?

As much as I love disc one, I'd have to say I liked disc three the best. I just freaking love the Terra part so much. 8D I dunno, maybe it's just me.

Another one of my favorite parts in the game would have to be when Eiko writes that love letter for Zidane, and Steiner thinks it's for him, lol.
my favorite part is being at memoria, thats when i take care of most of the side things...

Mod Edit: Put a bit more effort into your posts please?

Edit: i like this part most because its easiest to level up to fight the Ozma and Hades and u can get all their final weapons, Not to mention the fact that u can go anywhere and are free to do whatever u want makes it better cuz i like that kind of freedome
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This being my favorite FF Game.........I would have to say that disc 3 was my favorite. it had the best fights and moments of all. I also liked disk 1 because of its entertaining and emotional stand point. overall disk 2 & 3 were the best because by disk 4 it just got to boring with just fights and not much of a story.
I cant remember which diesc its on, maybe 3 or 4 but my favourite part is the four shrines scene. Where the characters are all at different shrines and it skips back and forth between the fighting and what theyre going through. That was a great section, the whole story just before and around the shrines section is my favourite part
I quite liked disc 2 actually. The first part involved Steiner and Garnet getting train rides to Treno- which was rather entertaining due to Steiner's genius smuggling technique. Treno itself was a nice city (apart from the mugging) with the auction house- where you could get Doga and Unei's items (a direct reference to FFIII). Conde Petie has the dwarves- whom I've not seen in more recent FF games much to my disappointment. Their "Rally hos" and Scottish dialect are always entertaining. Furthermore- Vivi and Quina have to be hitched in order to reach the other side of the continent. That was utterly priceless.

ONE OF MY FAVORITE BITS HOWEVER, is when you kill Zorn and Thorn's Gemini form. I hated those two jesters- I was so ecstatic to see them finally kick the bucket. I think that's in........Disc 3?
I like alot prefered Disc 1. This is where the story started and captured my attention, but I guess that what it was suppose to do. It brought you into the story and made you wanna keep playing. Around disc 3, I stopped playing for a while, but the happens with any RPG game for me (it also happens, before the final boss battle).
Disc 4 would be second, because thats where the story reaches its conclusion and the awsome story ends.
When it finally ended, haha!

But honestly, disk 1 was great, quite impressive. But by the end the storyline slumped quite a bit, plus I found the main villain, Kuja, to be very obnoxious. I just kept playing for the individual stories of some characters like Vivi and Freya. The game does look gorgeous though for a PS1.
disc 1, 3, and 4 mostly 1 and 3 disc 2 was eh garnet wasnt there in most of it I like garnet in my party