Did you like Squall?

Did you like Squall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 76.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 16.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 8 7.6%

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Cloud was an alienated little nerd

You made excellent commentary but how was/is Cloud Strife a nerd in any sense? I'm just curious, this is a serious question.

Oh, and I liked Squall. But I felt his presence was too early in the series. The last game already had a antisocial rebel. Squall's redeeming qualities were his attitude and sometimes hilarious apathy.
Honestly, I thought his character was quite predictable and easy. Just another quiet, serious, loner on a mission. The bit gets old after awhile. I think that is why I liked FFIX so much, very vibrant characters that add different twists tot he story line.
Am I a Squall fan? No. I don't like him at all, but I guess he fits in with the rest of the misfit cast of FFVIII. He's just so freak'n melancholy and pussy-ish and apathetic that he's not one bit appealing as a main character to me. Maybe if he would have put some emotion into his attitude instead of just dragging himself all over the ground everywhere he walked, he'd be half decent.

And get a freak'n sword...
... I don't get it :\

I wanted to whack Squall upside the head many, many times. I hate his personality ¬_¬
I liked Squall. And I like his personality.But I don't understand why does he treat everybody else like an ass. Yeah maybe with Rinoa sometimes I get it cause she can be a bit annoying. But what about Quisty or Irvine?? Anyway... this change from "I wanna be alone" to "I love Rinoa" was a bit too hasty... I hated it.
Yeah and his outfit is very crappy. I think a leather jacket like the one Leon has in Resident Evil 4 would be perfect for him.:lol:
He wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't so indecisive. That's a personal thing that really bugs me. I just hate when people can't make up their mind. And he was so quiet and unvoiced and yet people still followed him. Somewhere in the world of Final Fantasy VIII there was an actual hero who everyone just ignored and that bothers me.
i think squall is cool. he has that lone wolf thing goin on. i think he's awsome but clouds better.he should admit that he has feelings for Rinoa
I thought Squall's design was amazing, I loved the gunblade thing, unfortunately he did suffer from Post-Cloudal Depression and I can only put up with angst teenagers for so long.

Having said that, I grew to like him (KH Leon made me like him more) so Squall gets a thumbs up from me.
Post-cloudal depression :dry: /ban



I see no difference. The kid is a complete goth and it's horribly annoying. I don't know how you can compare it to Cloud and see the same thing. It's one of the reasons I seriously want a remake... so they can hear the difference between cool and queer.
Squall is still my favorite character in all the ffs. Say what you will but hes the most level headed cold hearted hero there is in this series. Hes like me, and is only concerned with the real things that matter in life. (Cloud-can actually be as cold hearted as Squall or dumb as these two->depending on how you play, though the movie makes him act like a depressed choir boy who was just molested, either way hes just acting like some one else, Titus-retard going through puberty, Monkey boy-too buisy chasing tale-though saves the world by accident,)
Zidane was left stranded. He had no one. He was "adopted" by thieves... and he had an incredibly upbeat outlook on life. Cloud was an alienated little nerd who failed all the way through life but never gave up trying or looked down on himself or the world. Tidus hated his father and even moreso after he found out the destruction he brought on the world. They all went to the school of hard knocks. None of them got a free ride. It was hard for all of them. Their personalities were strong so they rose above the situation. Squall was raised in a country club with a mother figure and a father figure... and he couldn't handle it. He was weak... and let the situation beat him. "The Great Ones Play Hurt"... it means being greater than your situation when the time calls for it. Squall didn't have it in him, just like Irvine failed to shoot Edea.

Alright, I havn't been in on this post until now, but this just got me started. Zidane was adopted by people older than him. He could look up to them and seek their advice. Sure, Squall had that too, until sis left him. Cloud ended up more fucked up than Squall did! If I remember correctly, both Squall and Cloud ended up saving the world. AND if I remember correctly, Squall was the one smiling at the end. He had Rinoa (God knows why...) and Cloud had nobody. In Advent Children, Cloud acted the same as Squall in the beggining of FF8. All of his responses were "..." "whatever..." "leave me alone...". In Dirge of Cerberus, the one or two shots that you had of him, (there may be a little bad ass thrown in there) but he wasn't smiling or joking around like Barret was. Tidus...he is just the worst main character in Final Fantasy history and I'm not getting started with him. I don't see how you can say Squall "failed" when he ended up living in Garden with all of his friends and new...and VERY sudden:worried: lover. He saved the world.

BTW...Irvine's shot was right inbetween the eyes if that damn shield didn't get in the way.
I liked his character a lot, actually. He seemed to be a lot deeper than some of the other main characters. Look at Tidus, for example. Now there's a character I didn't hate yet one I can't safely say had depth. Squall had a past that shaped his behaviour in the future. A past that caused him to shroud his heart in ice. I think the whole charm of the story is that Rinoa is able to melt this wall of ice. It's great to see Squall's change. We get to learn of the true person within. The person whom has been kept hidden for safety and to prevent hurt.
I actually liked Squall until he became a loser. He got soft on me cuz of that whiney little Rinoa. UGH! He changed for HERR!! She was so annoying. She has my hatred. lol.

Squall was cool until he changed. Point Blank.
I know a lot of people don't like him..
I never found him that moany I just felt it added to the intensity of the plot and made him and Rinoa even more exciting.. one of those will-they won't-they, will he mess her about kind of plots :P
And he's different from a lot of other Final Fantasy characters.. Imagine a conversation between Squall and Tidus :lol:
But anyway, yeah I really liked him. And he's pretty hot :D
though I've only played this game up to disk 1, yes I like him. we have some similarities and his birthday is on August! his personality design isn't that bad IMO. I find it cool sometimes. despite being next to Cloud with that moody attitude, he's still okay. he's just second. as people say he's just a copy of Cloud, I'd only dislike it if he happened to be the 3rd. and when it comes to looks, for me he's the most good-looking guy in FF.
He sorta reminded me of a classic colored title man who jsut enver got the message when smeone told him what to do. Everyone has a squall-like person they know. he's arlgith i guess.
He was the classic reluctant hero/leader. something that isn't used enough in stories really. He had everything it took to be a great leader, but did not think that he deserve to be looked up to by others, but when time called for it, he stood up and took control. you can almost see him as being modest in this way.
Squall is the most down to earth character in any final fantasy game. that is why he is one of the easiest for people to understand.
And you can't say that he is just another cloud. He is the exact opposite of cloud when comes to character development. as vii progressed cloud became more closed to the people around him. as viii progressed squall became much more open, and understanding.
Zidane is the most down to earth character in any final fantasy game. that is why he is one of the easiest for people to understand.

Fixed :D

Squall's an arse. If I had that many people willingly wanting to help me or be my friend, I wouldn't be such a f*cktard in return. I fail to understand why he so ignorant and dismisses people so easily.
Squall's an arse. If I had that many people willingly wanting to help me or be my friend, I wouldn't be such a f*cktard in return. I fail to understand why he so ignorant and dismisses people so easily.

Woot? He was a orphan, no mother, no father, he couldn't count on anyone except on himself, all he accomplished he did on his own. IMO he didn't get close to anyone because he was afraid that they would abandon him too.
Later he comes to his senses and turns it all around, he starts to trust people, believes in them, appreciates them. Ultimately becomes a good leader, which is what asked of him. People follow him cause they are attracted to him, and they see what an awesome person he is.
The change seems fast, but it isn't, cause he kept all his feelings bottled inside, and in the end he cracked open, and all that crap came out :D
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Squall's not my favorite but I do like him^_^
I loved his attitude. But what I did't like was Rinoa. Squall needed a more mature woman ,Rinoa seemed too pushey and a little retared.
Your going to like me????? :huh: