Did you like Squall?

Did you like Squall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 76.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 16.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 8 7.6%

  • Total voters

Sell Sword

Gunblade Swordsman
Jun 17, 2007
What did you think of the stories main character? personally he's my favorite due to the way he dresses and way his personality is so similiar to mine ^^
Squall sucked major ass! I just can't stand him, what a whiny little loner. Ohh please fell sorry for me, what a loser, I guess I just really hated FFVIII.
first of all atra, at least explain why you did or did not like him. thats almost spamming.

anyway, when i first saw squall i thought he was gonna be a girly pansy. and when i played through the first time i thought ehh hes not good, not bad. but im playing it a second time as we speak, i like the way they started out with him being a loner who didn't like to show emotion, and how they have him grow into a mature young man not afraid to tell people whats going on in his complex mind. i also used to think that his relationship with rinoa sucked and was corny and typical, now for some reason ive grown to like them both and their relationship, even though ill admit he changes his feelings all at once. also he's strong and has one of the best limit breaks in the series: lionheart.
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Squall may not be the most popular character in the series, but yes I liked him.

I thought his character and attitude where perfectly legitimate given the fact that his
childhood mentally messed him up
. His attitude and character made him seem a whole lot more realistic, in my opinion.

Actually, like them or not. I always felt that Square did a great job with making all of the characters in this game seem more realistic and true to life, as well as fitting their typical teenage stereotypical roles.
I liked him well enough. His character could be seen as boring, but as you got to 'know' him you realized that he was just like that because of his past and how he had been treated and how he missed his sister.

I liked Seifer more though. :p
Squall's childhood wasn't messed up. I don't see how anyone can see it that way unless your own childhood was absolutely perfect. His childhood was realistic; there's nothing unordinary about it. He was an orphan, that I can understand, but...he has like 6 brothers and sisters that he's STILL associated with.

I didn't like him as a leading roll. FFIX had even younger leading rolls, and they still acted more maturely than Squall and Rinoa did. Squall spent the entire game taking orders, breaking rules, and making mistakes. His most repetitive lines of speech are "..." and "whatever". He's not very outgoing; not leader material if you ask me.

I didn't like his appearance either.
Like I said...Cloud may wear a purple jumpsuit, but it reminded me of German army attire. XD
Squall just looked like he was wearing tight black pants and a jacket that he stole from a 10 year old.
Squall may not be the most popular character in the series, but yes I liked him.

I thought his character and attitude where perfectly legitimate given the fact that his
childhood mentally messed him up
. His attitude and character made him seem a whole lot more realistic, in my opinion.

Actually, like them or not. I always felt that Square did a great job with making all of the characters in this game seem more realistic and true to life, as well as fitting their typical teenage stereotypical roles.
I thought that the characters in FF8 were more realistic as well. I enjoyed the whole 'problematic past' and school/army storyline.
Squall's childhood wasn't messed up. I don't see how anyone can see it that way unless your own childhood was absolutely perfect. His childhood was realistic; there's nothing unordinary about it. He was an orphan, that I can understand, but...he has like 6 brothers and sisters that he's STILL associated with.

I didn't like him as a leading roll. FFIX had even younger leading rolls, and they still acted more maturely than Squall and Rinoa did. Squall spent the entire game taking orders, breaking rules, and making mistakes. His most repetitive lines of speech are "..." and "whatever". He's not very outgoing; not leader material if you ask me.

I didn't like his appearance either.
Like I said...Cloud may wear a purple jumpsuit, but it reminded me of German army attire. XD
Squall just looked like he was wearing tight black pants and a jacket that he stole from a 10 year old.

I really don't think anyone here's had a perfect childhood, but Squall's childhood certainly wasn't any near what most of us where fortunate to have.

His mother is dead, he has no father that he knows of, the only sibling that he believes to be his sister (the only thing stable in his life at the time and whom he obviously loves as any small child would) up and disappears without a trace, with Squall only to think that she abandon him. He has no one around to help him sort out his feelings or maturely explain things to him. Yes he had other kids to bond with at the orphanage, but I highly doubt that a bunch of 7 or 8 year olds are going to help him emotionally sort out his feelings. Yeah, a real happy and emotionally stable childhood there.

So exactly how would this not be emotionally traumatic for a small child who can barely reason or understand why things are the way they are?

As a result of all of this, he grew up (antisocial) not wanting to get close to people for fear of getting hurt and wanted to become emotionally strong and self dependent. So how is this not plausible?

Besides, I thought you said he stole the jacket off a 9 year old. :P
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Indeed I did.
Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe

Wullfe, you know better than this. Come on buddy, longer posts. I know you got them in ya.

As for whether I liked this half cocked bundle of pansies, FUCK NO! Hell Burt Fucking Bacharach could kick his ass. "What the world needs now" is to find a place we could bury this loser. Squall has got to be one of the most pathetic character creations ever. Other than having a permanent seat in the weekly meetings of "Limp Dicks Anonymous" and reading "How to Connect with Your Man" on his Bubble Bath Tuesdays, the guy couldn't be any lamer if he wore goth clothing and cried... oh wait...
I really don't think anyone here's had a perfect childhood, but Squall's childhood certainly wasn't any near what most of us where fortunate to have.

His mother is dead, he has no father that he knows of, the only sibling that he believes to be his sister (the only thing stable in his life at the time and whom he obviously loves as any small child would) up and disappears without a trace, with Squall only to think that she abandon him. He has no one around to help him sort out his feelings or maturely explain things to him. Yes he had other kids to bond with at the orphanage, but I highly doubt that a bunch of 7 or 8 year olds are going to help him emotionally sort out his feelings. Yeah, a real happy and emotionally stable childhood there.

So exactly how would this not be emotionally traumatic for a small child who can barely reason or understand why things are the way they are?

As a result of all of this, he grew up (antisocial) not wanting to get close to people for fear of getting hurt and wanted to become emotionally strong and self dependent. So how is this not plausible?

Besides, I thought you said he stole the jacket off a 9 year old. :P

I still love you. *Agrees with the above and points it to Neph*
Just from that excellent post, what F.F fan made, I must say, I really do see Squall in a different light. I do like him this time round, and the more things I find out about him, the more I see that the way he is, cannot be helped with past circumstances.
To start Squall ticked me off a bit but as the story progressed i ended up likeing him.
He is a great character. The only character I like better in VIII is seifer. Both of them are so cool.
I know I'm giving a biased view since I've only played a few hours of VIII, but:

I cannot stand Squall. His attitude and personality suck major ass. Even if he did have a bad childhood, Zidane had a bad childhood too, and you don't see him being a total
. Why can't Squall connect with the people around him? There's plenty of people at Balamb he could talk to, but nooooooo he's just ... argh.

Ugh, his character design ...
No i never really liked Squall and that´s because his a 17 year old guy with the mentality of a troubled 50 year old man!

Squall attitude trough the game is pretty well unbalanced to say the least, the guys starts as a complete loner who can get anyone on their nerves by acting like he does not care about anyone or anything, i mean it´s like this:

Quistis:"Hey Squall let´s go to the Fire Cavern!"

Squall:"Whatever...(sis where are you?)"

Zell:"Hey Squall wanna eat a hotdog or something?"

Squall:"Whatever...(sis i´m all alone!)"

Selphie:"Hey Squall let´s blow everything to smitherins!!!!"

Squall:"Whatever...(i lose everyone!)"

And during more than half the game that´s the way he acts until little pathetic Rinoa pops in and he as a drastic personality change at first he does not give a darn about her and then all of the sudden he gets completely obsessed over her!:blink:

Talk about a major change...so that´s why i don´t like Squall first his relationship with Rinoa is completely bogus!

And his whole attitude during the game sometimes tends to get on my nerves...
How is it completely bogus? It develops slowly, it's not poorly executed.

Grand_Lethal, understand this - do you think it's easy for every child to just walk up to someone to talk about things that have gone on in their life? Squall, was one of the few who has found it harder to cope then anyone, and has probably resorted to the wrong way of dealing with issues. His friends gradually helped him change, and Rinoa did too. Even though I hate her guts.
Yea, no. Everyone has problems. No one was brought up 100% right. Some have it much better than others but for the most part it's not about the situation we're in but how we handle that situation. He failed to beat his situation. And of all the people who have ever needed adoption... sheesh. Most adoption places are absolutely horrible. He lived in a palace for a parent-less child. Granted he didn't have parents but he certainly had Edea who cared for them all. If it's not in your personality to rise above those situations then you're nothing all that amazing, sorry to say.

Zidane was left stranded. He had no one. He was "adopted" by thieves... and he had an incredibly upbeat outlook on life. Cloud was an alienated little nerd who failed all the way through life but never gave up trying or looked down on himself or the world. Tidus hated his father and even moreso after he found out the destruction he brought on the world. They all went to the school of hard knocks. None of them got a free ride. It was hard for all of them. Their personalities were strong so they rose above the situation. Squall was raised in a country club with a mother figure and a father figure... and he couldn't handle it. He was weak... and let the situation beat him. "The Great Ones Play Hurt"... it means being greater than your situation when the time calls for it. Squall didn't have it in him, just like Irvine failed to shoot Edea.
At the end of the day it was just what I thought. You can think that way about Squall, but people as shown, think differently about him. He does learn to get over it eventually, which is the most important thing.
At the end of the day it was just what I thought. You can think that way about Squall, but people as shown, think differently about him. He does learn to get over it eventually, which is the most important thing.
Like the scene where he talks to Rinoa and explains everything by telling her he acts like a loner and a person who justs wants everyone away from him because he's afraid of losing them?