Did you miss leveling?

I miss leveling a lot, that really defined why i liked the FF series so much, but w/o it, the game was still amazing so idk.
Well, I remember that I did at first, but i got used to it. Seeing my character at a high number always made me feel accomplished.
I didn't miss it at all! I absolutely loved the sphere grid, 100 percent! I liked the freedom it gave you, and I always, always, always made Rikku into a second Black/White mage. My Tidus could usually cast some cure level spell, usually Cura and Curaga, and Auron generally ended up with Haste. I tried to make sure my whole party could steal if not mug, and I really just... well, beefed my characters into what I liked. I rarely had trouble with any bosses or anything, and the only things that actually bothered me were the things in the Monster Arena thingie.

So yeah, I love the sphere grid ^_^
First time I played, the Sphere Grid massively confused me. Now it's easier, and I like how I can train characters the way I want them - Kimahri doesn't need a massive amount of MP, so I steered him away from that. It was only until I got into all those locks surrounding his grid.. :/ Argh.

I didn't mind, I like knowing exactly how much more MP they're getting or whatever, rather than just knowing they've 'gotten stronger'. :gasp:
The sphere grid was a new and interesting way to strengthen your characters, and I enjoyed it. But, I really did miss leveling up. I just feel empty without the classics around. I grew up playing RPGs where you have to level up, so yeah, it did feel odd playing a game without that around. Liked the sphere grid, but I loved leveling more, is basically what I'm trying to say.