Help Disappearing Continents.. Help?


Stage Coach
May 23, 2011
Hokay, I'm playing this on my PS2, and whenever I try to go to the Fire Shrine, all of my continents disappear. Is my game defective or is this one of those things that didn't translate well over to the PS2? Would playing it on my PS1 fix it and allow me to continue the game? (I would have tried it earlier, but it's in a box somewhere right now because I just moved.) Has this or anything like this happened to anyone else? I talked to the dude at Game stop and he didn't have any idea :P
I think the disc might be damaged. I have had the same issue happen with my disc 4. Playing it on the PS1 might help, so try that. If that doesn't work, then I think you either need to get it fixed, or get a new copy. :hmmm:
You would probably have to take it in to a Gamestop and see what they can do.
Before getting your disc resurfaced or if you can not find your PS1, here are some suggestions:

1. Clean the Disc: Use a piece of cloth like a lens cleaner(something that won't cause scratches) and apply a small dab of rubbing alcohol. Try to avoid cleaning in circular motions to avoid scratches. This is the safe way to clean them. Personally, I've always used Windex and my shirt to clean discs. A lot of people whine that I will damage the disc but I've been cleaning my games like that since the 90s and guess what? They still work.

2. PS2 settings: Set your Disc Speed to Fast and your Texture Mapping to Smooth. You can get to this by pressing the triangle button on the browser screen and then again on the PlayStation Driver. Also, make sure your PS2 is set in the Vertical position. The system reads better when it is standing up.

3. E-Bay: If none of the above help, the PS1 doesn't help, or resurfacing it doesn't help, then it is time to go on E-Bay and get a better copy.

Hope some of this helps.