Serious Discrimination due to being...fat. Yes, really.

In my country there isn't much of the 'fat discrimination' (might be cuz the last time I've seen, Mexico had one the highest ranks on obesity in the world, so it's hard to discriminate half of the population, I guess), but when I look at U.S. situation... I get concerned.

Here we have a most decent and healthy food at a fair price, and still we get all fat cuz we just preffer to take all the junk food instead. While on the US, I know healthy food isn't as cheap as we get it here, I've seen that it's easier to afford those nasty fat-filled foods than something nice and light (I've been on the US just once, and this little post it's just based on my own observations).

I just feel bad for the people here in Mexico, having such rich things here, they end up getting fat in the end. They just seem to don't care anymore.
It's easy to blame the food industry but after all is said and done, people are shoving pig shit into their own pie holes. It's easy, really.

1) Don't eat fast food, or if you do, only as a treat once a month or so.

2) Snacks are not meals. For example, most people ignore the fact that a serving of oreos is only TWO cookies.

3) A meal is not intended to put you to sleep. Eat in small portions. When you eat large meals, your stomach stretches and expects more. When you overload, your body diverts all of its energy to digestion. :O

4) Sodas are snacks. Always drink water with a meal because it helps you digest your food. Throwing down sodas only tacks on more calories. IMO, soda is a snack to be enjoyed between meals.

5) If and when you do work out, walking at 2.0 with zero incline on a treadmill burns about as many calories as walking to the fridge. If you're heart's not pumping, you're wasting your time.

If your body is creating a road block where your mind should be in control, there's an issue. It doesn't happen overnight either; you have to pace yourself and create goals.

I'm going to agree with this in regards to people who are phyically and mentally capable of losing the weight (yes, that means you larger folk who say losing weight is hard--which it really is, I know--but still CAN do it if they want it badly enough). This doesn't factor in things like diseases that make it extra hard and things you cannot really control/and or were not caused by eating a shit ton of food, and the bad foods, in the first place.

It's about want, drive, education and support. You need these things to be able to conquer weight problems. If you don't want it (badly enough), it's not gonna happen. Keep in mind you should always want something for the right reasons: health consequences, etc. This always results to a lack of motivation and drive. If it's not there, you're not going to achieve the results you want. Knowing what to eat, how your body works and how to exercise is always key. Don't blame the stores or fast food or restaurants for making you fat. You made the conscious decision to pay for and consume it. And definitely support. If you're going at it alone, chances are you're gonna fail. But if you have a great support system, a team of cheerleaders to wave their pom-poms at you, you'll most likely have that drive and motivation to put the want into motion.

It is HARD if you don't have those things, but it's not impossible.
Well like the others said "thats life".

I think one problem is that in this world obesity is growing more and more. The percentage of overweight people in most places has grown immensely over the last few decades, and while it may seem cruel, it is true that humanity wants a good image.

Another reason you have overwieght people being crucified is because there are many different type of overweight. Some people are born with genetics that make them naturally heavier, some people fall off the track of life and gain a lot of weight at once, some people are cursed with diabetes, and some people are just plain lazy and do not eat healthy.

There are many reasons to strike agaisnt obesity, however just to be cruel is not a very nobel reason, however it can possibly be the most effective one. I mean in my honest opinion (and I mean no offense to you), people could stand to eat healthier, people could be less lazy, and people could get some excersise.

Perhaps the iron fist of words is the best thing possible to prevent future generations surrounded by fast food and lazy entertainment from being overweight by their own choice.
If people just did not care about obesity then can you imagine how much bigger the problem could be? Some times learning lessons the hard way is the only effective way.

I am not making any judgements agaisn't you because I do not know your case, but perhaps for all of those unhealthy eating lazy people, it would do them some good to get insulted a couple times, it might be the only motivation they have to leave the fast food joint and go to a gym. Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves, people should take action.
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That doesn't tend to be the case though--in any situation, really. If you're fat, nerdy, ugly, mentally disabled, etc. Words, especially harsh ones, tend to make a negative impact. Some people eat more, some people feel worthless and begin to believe the mean words, some just plain beat themselves up. I would have to disagree with insult being the means to an end here. Insult produces the wrong results. Insult instills hatred, resentment, misconceptions of self image and self-worth. Do I need to go on?

It's like training a cat not to tear up the furniture. You don't want to hit the cat and scream, "No! You stupid cat! I swear to God I'm gonna kill you!" at it. The cat will fear you and most likely continue the behavior anyway. Hell, it may get even worse. You've got to redirect the behavior instead. Give it some place better to scratch, like a post. That way the animal gets to scratch and benefit from their habit and your furniture stays safe.

With any human addiction, the idea of redirecting the behavior and thinking differently about a situation (again, only in regards to those who are capable of losing the weight) is going to lend more positive results as opposed to negative attention/reactions. Instead of hating someone because they're disgusting to you, why don't you offer some genuine concern about things like, and mental well being? You know, the things that actually positively impact a bigger person. Be concerned for the right reasons. Don't bring a person down because they've got issues that are tough to deal with.
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Fat isn't attractive. I'm not apologizing for finding fat people disgusting.

You don't have to be a rock-hard body builder, but damn. A little bit of fat is good for the body, a lot of fat is not. Here, I'll give an example:


The first two are acceptable, with the third bordering on being unacceptable. The last two are definitely unacceptable and need to be corrected before major health problems occur.

With exercise and a proper diet, it is entirely possible to be one of the first two in that picture. I'm living proof. I was the third picture last summer, and this summer I'm somewhere in between the first and second picture. So it isn't that hard or impossible, I lost 56 pounds and it didn't take much effort at all. Simple changes to my diet and a bit more exercise brought about a lot of awesome success.

There really isn't an excuse. I made excuses and they were bullshit. Then I got my shit together, got a plan, stuck to it, and I'm fine now. I still have a bit to go before I'm where I'd like to be, but at least I'm skinny and not a fatass.