Dislike this game

I absolutely loved playing the game... I was just a bit gutted that when I put in a lot of work throughout... I got the end and I slaughtered the boss and the ending wasnt too good. No love... No feel good... felt as if no one was really friends. And I was a tad confused to the wherabouts of Fran and Balthier :/

FANTASTIC gameplay though... 10/10
The biggest flaw...

I absolutely loved playing the game... I was just a bit gutted that when I put in a lot of work throughout... I got the end and I slaughtered the boss and the ending wasnt too good. No love... No feel good... felt as if no one was really friends. And I was a tad confused to the wherabouts of Fran and Balthier :/

FANTASTIC gameplay though... 10/10

Yes, I must admit that it was a pretty amazing game. But the apparent flaw is the lack in characterization and plot.

If you got the collector's edition, or otherwise saw the bonus DVD, in one of the interviews, one of the game designers notes the incredibly high detailing seen in the world, but he also says that his one regret is that they probably put too much detail into some things that they should've put into other aspects of the game. I'd say he probably referred to the detailed minutia of the game (did anybody really feel like having lavish design of the stores and towns were that important?), and the sparse amount of story content.
hmm I liked the shops detail... Characters and the people u faced looked brilliant. also lol... Vaan's character is not photogenic at all... He looks like a total gay shy boy tbh....

but i liked the character and voice acting... thought he was pretty cool! :D
Vaan's character is not photogenic at all... He looks like a total gay shy boy tbh....

I thought he looked like he was made of plastic in every cutscene, especially his stomach. He just looked really weird to me. And he had a haircut like my seventh grade gym teacher.
Yes, but...

hmm I liked the shops detail... Characters and the people u faced looked brilliant. also lol... Vaan's character is not photogenic at all... He looks like a total gay shy boy tbh....

but i liked the character and voice acting... thought he was pretty cool! :D

Well, of course the details were amazing. But I'd say that the game needed a more fleshed-out plot towards the end, whereas I'm not so sure it was so crucial to see that one of the merchants in Archades had a barrel full of beetles behind the counter.

I agree somewhat about Vaan, though. He seemed really plasticky, so it freaked me out. And what's with his abs? They look like bad tan lines more than muscle definition.
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