Disney Worlds?

i would like too see a world where the characters get put in a world that is no world were every character from other world is at ur disposel

...i dont understand...

id like to see the return of Tarzan. and maybe Sword in the Stone and FF worlds.

...oh, now I understand...I think...
He wants a world thats not in a disney place but rather made up. And he wants all the characters from all the other worlds to be in there.
yeah, thats what I figured. thatd be great, a little originality...

oh, and seeing a High School Musical world would be hilarios! Look out Zack Effron, its a heartless! but it should be like the musical mini-game world like Atlantica was in KH2. and 'small world' world would be epic!
yeah, thats what I figured. thatd be great, a little originality...

oh, and seeing a High School Musical world would be hilarios! Look out Zack Effron, its a heartless! but it should be like the musical mini-game world like Atlantica was in KH2. and 'small world' world would be epic!

NO!!!! That disgrace of a movie shalt never harm Kingdom Hearts!

Worlds that I'd like to see:

Spira: Partly because I fell in love with it in FF10, and I want to see Lulu as a party member.

Castle Oblivion: Just to see it in it's 3D uber graphical goodness :P

Meet the Robinsons: That'd be cool, you cn choose to go through time, and fight off the evil hat of doom!!!

Lilo and Stitch: I don't see how I can stress this enough. I want to be able to properly fight with Stitch and Lilo, not like in KH2, where stitch bearly does anything. And Lilo can have uber awesome voodoo powers.

I'll think some more will come to mind later, so, I'll post them up later :neomon:
NO!!!! That disgrace of a movie shalt never harm Kingdom Hearts!

ha! I was hoping for that kind of reaction :P it would be awful, but I'd like to see one of them beaten to death by a heartless!

I'd like to see Toy Story world where Sora turns into some kinda action figure!
ha! I was hoping for that kind of reaction :P it would be awful, but I'd like to see one of them beaten to death by a heartless!

I'd like to see Toy Story world where Sora turns into some kinda action figure!

I don't think that'd happen, partly because of Pixar, great idea, and if Pixar was allowed, A Bugs Life FTW!!!
i wouldnt mind seeing the robin hood world... but i also hope that they create more original worlds... and more customization would be nice...
What would i like to see?

I would like to see:
robin hood
mary poppins
the 3 musketeers
the jungle book
toy story
james and the giant peach
a bugs life
the incredibles
monsters inc
finding nemo
pirates of the carribean 2 and 3
sword in the stone
the lion king 2
robin hood

i think these would be great ideas for kingdom hearts worlds.
I also think they should bring back 101 dalmations.
you said robin hood twice...

and I was thinking about finding nemo but theyd have to get Ellen Degeneres to do Dory's voice. no one else will work out
Not High School Musical!!! I'll throw up if they do that.

calm down. it was only a joke! i swear, if they that, not only will I not buy it, but Id take all the copies from GameStop and burn them all! thats how tainted it would be. I only hope the directors aren't reading this. dont want to give them bad ideas.
Returning worlds, or new worlds.


.Snow White

. Roger Rabbit

. Phochanoas (whatever)

A few more....
The problem with their respective 'Worlds' is that there're not many oppurtunities to fight in them, excluding Pocahontas (imagine "Savages, savages!" being directed at the Heartless). You'd be better hoping for more action-packed worlds where there's a distinct villain who has an obvious fight scene in one of the films.

I'm worried that newer renditions of Disney films will be added, now that Disney and Pixar are indeed one. Despite having a wider range of possibilities, personally, I'm not particularly fond of Pixar. That's not to say any inclusion will flop, just that I'd prefer not to see such worlds and characters taking part and masquerading as Disney cameos.

Of course, with the obvious films already being used, including the odd sequel, they're running out of original Disney ideas and so I wouldn't mind visiting a Final Fantasy World for a change, though it's going to be extremely difficult for them to tie such Worlds into the existing story. Anything from I - VI, IX and XII would work, however, as there's been little/no inclusion of relative characters.

yeah, thats what I figured. thatd be great, a little originality...

oh, and seeing a High School Musical world would be hilarios! Look out Zack Effron, its a heartless! but it should be like the musical mini-game world like Atlantica was in KH2. and 'small world' world would be epic!
Away with you.
No one ever thought of this?

I would like to see....
-The Black Cauldron(There's freaking action everywhere! Lol)
- Toy Story 2
-Buzz Lightyear Series(Don't include him in Toy Story 2, let someone else fill his place)
- Halloween Town- Make Jake and Boogie Scarier; Kidnap Sora for a change!)
- Sleeping Beauty
- Chicken Little
- Oliver and Company(Either make it a hub world or make it a world like Tron's; Rename NYC)
- Mulan 2
To most of everyone's choices, I ask: how do you honestly see the majority of those worlds actually working out, in terms of providing a world for your characters to visit? This is, of course, providing that any further Kingdom Hearts installments maintain the Gummi Ship style of travelling between worlds.
I really havn't heard much on what worlds are returning and what new worlds are going to be in KH III. But a few worlds i really would like to see are:
-Halloween Town ('cuz thats based on like the best movie ever haha)
-Tarzan (that world in KH I was amazing!)
-James and the Giant Peach would be pretty cool, though i dont know how they would make that a world, but anyway
-I think a world based on Sleeping Beauty would be really cool
-some FF worlds would be cool but i think that would be hard to tie into the main storyline since mostly all of the other world from I and II were either Disney or made-up 1's, but you never know Square and Disney are very creative
-Pirates of the Carribean would be cool again
-I'm sure Hollow Bastion will return
-I'd like to see Traverse Town again since they left it out in KH II
-The World That Never Was was a pretty cool place but it's hard to tell whether it will return or not
-the Olympus Coloseum will return i'm sure, but that world is pretty cool
-and i agree with everyone else on this thread about having a Toy Story world that would jus be amazing! haha