012: Duodecim Dissidia 012 Spoiler Discussion Thread


Mar 6, 2011
post your spoilers here
or just ask me something about duodecim and im sure i can answer it
so whos ready to be spoiled??

heres a video one of my friends made fighting my ghost data cloud.
yes his hp is over 95000!!
not too sure how high the new limit is but it goes higher than this

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Excuse the thread hijacking...

...as the thread title now suggests, discussion involving spoilers are to be made in this thread. Please be courteous and provide spoiler tags in addition if you are to discuss an important plot point in your posts as not all members may have reached the point you have in the game.

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OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Freaking hell 99999 max hp is in the game!! I was so praying for that,the 9999 max sucks since if you just do 2-3 bravery breaks you can whoop them in a few mins this will make battles 5x longer <3
OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Freaking hell 99999 max hp is in the game!! I was so praying for that,the 9999 max sucks since if you just do 2-3 bravery breaks you can whoop them in a few mins this will make battles 5x longer <3

99999 is not the new hp limit
D. Chaos has 0ver 100000 hp when you fight him in the story mode
holy shit are you serious!

I wonder if this is for the npc's only or if players can pull it off too,and if it goes to 100000,it may go to 999999 ._.; omg that would take forever to kill but would be fun I guess,nice battle btw shame you got killed =/
So... Can someone tell me if Cloud dies in the game? I've heard he does. :mokken:
holy shit are you serious!

I wonder if this is for the npc's only or if players can pull it off too,and if it goes to 100000,it may go to 999999 ._.; omg that would take forever to kill but would be fun I guess,nice battle btw shame you got killed =/

players can brek the 9999 hp limit if they have the right accesories. but wont be able to break about 15000. anything higher than that on a human player is hacked accesories

So... Can someone tell me if Cloud dies in the game? I've heard he does. :mokken:

yes he does. he fights chaos by himself and he dies. i cant understand the story tho
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So... how is he alive in the later Dissidia? Can I please have a link to the video? xD
they always get revived for each cycle of battle? but i guess if some are completely destroyed they go back to their homeworld?

lol no idea if thats right,Dissidia's story is a little confusing hopefully the English game will explain alot more
if your killed by a manikan you wont come back to life. if your killed by something real (chaos, sephiroth, garland, etc) you will come back to life. its in the story but i cant remember which scene it is
Well, if you remember, post it here please. I have to see it :sad3: My poor man dies :sad3:
Are you talking about Cloud? Cloud doesn't die.... >.<

Also....Does anyone know what is being said when Lightning battles WoL and then all the new characters show up? I don't think Tifa was there, but does anyone know what's going on? Did Lightning betray or want leave the group? Or did Wol betray them or want to leave the group?

Stupid Japanese words I don't understand :(
Well. When the character is gone from the main story. (AKA they were Slashed,Flared untill unconciousnes) They die. Because their Dead untill the next cycle.

Yuna,Tifa,Kain,Laguna ECT get Defeated by Manikins. PErma Killing them.

I also saw the Video of Tidus getting Flared. Twas sad.

Tidus is in the next story and last war, he doesn't perma die. If that were so, Kuja, Tidus and Cloud and another one (can't remember) would be perma dead and wouldn't make an appearance in LD.

I think it has something else that goes with dying by the hands of a manikin that makes them perma dead...... :hmm:
Well. When the character is gone from the main story. (AKA they were Slashed,Flared untill unconciousnes) They die. Because their Dead untill the next cycle.

Yuna,Tifa,Kain,Laguna ECT get Defeated by Manikins. PErma Killing them.

I wonder if the "newcomers" were apart of the previous wars, and only permanently died with this war.

I also saw the Video of Tidus getting Flared. Twas sad.
Damn, and I was hoping given Report 3 with
Jecht getting knocked out cold after trying to save his son
meant that Tidus would pop in again in 012 after he was flared.

Anyone else feel that all the characters are virtually getting no love with dissidia's way of story telling? They barely get any screen time. :brooding::argh: *sigh*

The ending should've made me feel sadder.

Tidus is in the next story and last war, he doesn't perma die. If that were so, Kuja, Tidus and Cloud and another one (can't remember) would be perma dead and wouldn't make an appearance in LD.

I think it has something else that goes with dying by the hands of a manikin that makes them perma dead...... :hmm:

Thats not what I meant.

I meant was that When tidus was flared he was "Killed" when the manikins killed the new comers they were Perma killed.

Someone said that If killed by a warrior You can be reborn. If killed by a Manikin you Cant be reborn. So Tidus DID die for THIS cycle. Yuna and Kain ECT died PERMANANTLY. I didnt say Tidus perma died. I said the newcomers Perma died.

Okay, found the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb0d-TmR0uE

I am seriously confused. How the hell could Cloud die in this game than come back in the later Dissidia? It makes no sense. And why wouldn't Cloud ever speak of Tifa in the later Dissidia? I mean she just died and he never speaks of his friend again? 8(

Bad retcon is bad. :hmph: