012: Duodecim Dissidia Duodecim Character Wishlist

Setzer Gabbiani

Dark Knight
Apr 28, 2009
Puerto Rico
As we all know, Square Enix has already announced 3 new characters that will be appearing in Dissidia Duodecim. Kain Highwind, Tifa Lockhart and Lightning Farron. Which other Final Fantasy characters do you want to see in Dissidia Duodecim?

The other Final Fantasy characters that I want to appear in Dissidia Duodecim are:


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From each FF game

FF1: Monk
FF2: Maria
FF3: Can't say, haven't played it yet.
FF4: Rydia but since Kain is in it I highly doubt this one.
FF5: Can't say, haven't played it yet.
FF6: Locke
FF7: Tifa is fine
FF8: Seifer, Quistis, Irvine in that order.
FF9: Vivi, Dagger, Eiko, in that order
FF10: Yuna, Auron, Wakka in that order
FF11: Haven't gotten far enough to choose a character
FF12: Balthier
FF13: Don't really care.

With that said, I want a playable summoner dammit. :gasp:
they said that there was not gonna be a new character for every FF Game... therefore the new characters introduced would be this:

FF4: Kain Highwind
FF5: Gilgamesh
FF6: Locke Cole (or Celes Chere)
FF7: Tifa Lockhart
FF8: Seifer Almasy
FF10: Yuna (or Seymour Guado)
FF11: Prishe
FF12: Balthier (or Vaan/Basch von Ronsenburg)
FF13: Lightning Farron

Reason: They were considered in the original Dissidia but was dropped, chances are they have the highest chance of making the sequel.

For every other FF Game though, which has another chance at it, it goes as follows:
FF1: Another WoL
FF2: Maria/Leon
FF3: Xande
FF9: Adalbert Steiner/Beatrix
For me? Easy! lol

FF5: Faris!
FF6: Edgar or Celes (we don't need another thief in the dang game :mrgreen:)
FF8: Seifer Almasy
FF9: Beatrix, or Eiko. :)
FF10: Yuna
FF12: Balthier
My wishlist:

FFVI: Celes
FFVIII: Seifer
FFIX: Beatrix or Garnet/Dagger
FFX: Yuna
FFXII: Balthier
FXIII: ?????
I haven't played Dissidia but i've watched alot of footage of it.
I think they should go:

VI: Edgar, although i doubt it, it would be interesting to see how he would use his tools!

VII: They wont add another character, but Nanaki would be awesome.

VIII: Seifer is the only one they could add, but he is too similar to Squall.

IX: Should add everyone, but Vivi would make an awesome character.

X: Seymour would be the obvious choice for this game.

XII: I would love to see everybodys favourte dashing sky pirate, but i fear they will add Vaan.

XIII: Hope, just so i can buy the game and beat down on the worst FF character in history.
FF1: monk OR white mage
ff2: idc
FF3: Xande OR Dogra
FF4 - FF6: IDC
FF7: TIFA ^_^ so happy 'bout this
FF8: Edea? (maybe rinoa)
FF10: yuna or lulu or wakka
FF11: idc
ff12: balthier
Kain and Lighting aren't enough for me . Let my wish be heard :

Luneth (FF3) - Why the FUCK is he not already in the first one I still wonder ?
Edge (FF4) - Seeming how he has his own story to tell apart from the other FF4 characters, I think he would make a good addition to the allies.
Rubicante (FF4) - To be Edge's main enemy in the game. Considering he was the only main enemy he just HAD to beat. He'd be another one of those 'wise' enemies (like Garland) siding with Chaos.
Wakka (FF10) - He was an excellent ally along with Tidus in the game, and I can imagine some of the things he can do if he were to be in the sequel.
Balthier (FF12) - He has a story. He has a trio of enemies (the bangaa), and I think he'd be somewhat like Emperor (only on the good side) : Polite, yet conceited.
I just want Genesis, It'll never happen but that doesn't stop me from wanting him in the game.
Realistically I want Balthier, and............ yeah, just Balthier is the only one I wnat that could actually get in, and Vayne.
A wish list of mine of a sorts...

FF IV ------- Well it was Kain which is great but for his enemy if they did
it Zeromus

FF VI ------- Shadow and Sigfried

FF VII ------ Rufus and Red XIII

FF VII DoC -- Vincent and Weiss and maybe on the side Nero or Rosso or
Azul heck even Shelke could work

FF VII CC --- Zack and Genesis of course even though Zack would just
mostly be Cloud with a different voice and lines but worth it.

FF VIII ------ Edea and Seifer but also Laguna and perhaps Fujin and or

FF IX ------- Beatrix and Zorn/Thorn and perhaps Vivi which covers the
Black Mage as well!

FF X -------- Yuna but as X-2 maybe, or Auron and Seymour

FF X-2 ------ Pain or Yuna and Shuyin maybe but I don't know if he works
so perhaps LeBlanc and Ormi and Logos just for fun!!!

FF Tactics -- Ramza and Alma and Delita

Of course I would love to see all the characters from every game but these are just the ones I think would be the best additions in story, completeness and just fun and appeal!!!
I haven't played some of them

FFVI - either locke, celes, edgar, sabin or leo
FFVII - Tifa, Reno (can he count?), Zack
FFVIII - Zell (ftw), Seifer or Kiros (lol)
FFIX - Steiner or beatrix
FFX - Auron
FFX-2 - Paine (if this counts)
FFXII - Ashe
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FF2. I'm hoping for Guy because he was hilarious in FF2 !

FF3. Luneath, the hero of the DS version of FF3.

FF4. They have already announced Kain and I'm happy with the outcome.

FF5. Fairs. This is want I want more than the world. Please SE, Fairs.

FF6. Locke. He's really cool and he'll make a good rival for Zidane, or friend.

FF7. Tifa has already been announced.

FF8. Laguna or Zell. Don't mind either one, as longs as one of them are there !

FF9. Garnet. Because she was really pretty, and we need more female fighters !

FF10. Auron. He'll be a badass fighter !

FF12. Vaan's already in. Sadly.

FF13. Already Lighting.

FF6:maduin(probably not)
but really really want gilgamesh and seifer
FF: Warrior Of Light (B. Mage version) vs. Astos the Dark Elf
FFII: Maria vs. Leon
FFIII: Arc vs. Xande
FFIV: Kain (by default) vs. Rubicante
FFV: Faris vs. Gilgamesh
FFVI: Sabin vs. Vargas(?)
FFVII: Tifa (by default) vs. Reno
FFVIII: Zell (chickenwuss) vs. Seifer
FFIX: Steiner vs. Zorn & Thorn
FFX: Rikku vs. Seymour
FFXII: Vaan (by default) vs. Vayne
FFXIII: Lighting (by default) vs. Cid

So yeah, I wasn't too sure about the FFVI match-up since there isn't that many badguys that would be playable in a non-awkward way (Deathguise/Ultros/Gesthal = awkward). But again, Vargas isn't really that important....
I've said it before, I'll say it again. I just want Genesis. Throw in any other character except for vanille and I'll be happy.
Well, here is my list of who I WISH was in it and should ne in the next one. (if they make another....)

FF1 - dont really know...
FF2 - duh. Leon.
FF3 - Arc <3
FF4 - Rydia or (just fanboy wishes bursting out) all 4 Elemental fiends. <3
FF5 - oh boy. Gaulf. <3
FF6 - Setzer
FF7 - Vincent
FF8 - Rinoa or Seifer
FF9 - Vivi or Garnet
FFX - Auron for Cosmos and Seymour for Chaos..
FFXI - meh
FFXII - Ashe <3
FFXIII - Fang or Hope. <3