Dirge of Cerberus Divided opinions


Aug 1, 2007
I was observing opinions on Dirge of cerberus and it seems that a lot of people dislikes the game or have not play/finished it at all. The main reason for that is its action-shooter model instead of classic RPG. Most of ff fans were hoping for ff-7 sequel but surely they didnt have Cerberus in mind. RPG fans probably didnt played it at all and if they did its most likely they did it in respect to other ff games they played. While I do know some of RPG fans who enjoyed Cerberus, most of them wished it was never made. In most forums ( as I`ve noticed, not just on this site) people were stating reasons why they disliked it or why it shouldn˙t been made so I would like to here reasons why do you think its worth playing. I personally did enjoy playing the game, having Vincent non-stop kicking deepground ass. While I do prefer more RPG I didnt have anything against something new. So whats your opinion, why do you find this game worth playing?
I liked it a great deal, probably because it wasn't overly hyped. I'm not into shooters but I thought it was great fun being Vince in a non RPG scenario. I also loved the cut scenes. It's not the best game ever but I have played a hell of a lot worse. Plus, I'm in it :)
I think the only thing that really kept me playing was the story line. See I've never played FFVII so after FFVII: AC I was somewhat entrigued by the story and I saw FFVII: DoC as just another chapter.
I personally found the game deplorable and it wasn't because it was an action shooter or anything of that sort-- my whole reason for hating it WAS the story. The characters were watered down to fit cliched, the story model was weak, especially concerning Deep Ground. Most of the "bad guys" had little or no story development at all, and they did everything because "they loved to kill." Many of them did evil things in the name of evil.. which is trite and makes for a overly simplistic story. Vincent's personal story was lacking and what could have been one of the best background stories became possibly the cheesiest in all of FFVII. There were blatant and obvious contridictions to the original FFVII game so that if they ever were to remake FFVII, they would have to go against the original story just to make sense of it. One of the things that bothered me was how he went from a tortured man who spent 33 years of his life in grief unable to move on to all of the sudden perfectly fine-- and there was no climax or revelation that would make such a change, or not a realistic one. What? He finds out that it was Lucrisia's fault so "OHH WELL! IT'S OKAY NOW". That was so foolish as it makes Vincent honestly look shallow and worthless if that's how fast he'd change at such a revelation. It didn't change why he used to feel so horribly of himself. He felt that way because he felt responsible because he DIDN'T do anything about a situation he knew was wrong. In a technical sense, it is Hojo and Lucrisia's fault, but he sees himself as more at fault for knowing it was wrong and letting it happen. Yet, in DOC, that revelation was never made. The obvious is stated "it's Lucrisia's fault" and all of the sudden everything is fine. That's unacceptable.

The gameplay was alright, but it wasn't that good. If they wanted to make a cool shooter-- I've played better. I wouldn't play this for the shooting aspect, only the story; and since they failed with the story, the gameplay means nothing to me. The graphics arn't as good as many games. The AI are very stupid. The use of cover is pointless. The gameplay is linear in that you walk a set path the whole damn game. The gate and card key system was just a cheap leveling system that was retarded. The hand-to-hand was nothing but a button masher. The double jump feature was useless. The ability to take a more tactical perspective instead of walking a set way is none-exsistent. That could work for a regular 3rd person; but as games progress and become better, this system becomes boring. Ya.. they gameplay was boring.

I could go on and on about how much I hate this game. I played all the way through... through every painfully unbearable moment. I found it an insult to everything that made up FFVII. I rated DOC an F in story content and a D in overall content. Just... unworthy of even being called an FF.

What I liked about this game? Hmmm.... mmmm....



Cid actually smokes? I thought ever since the movie that SE jumped on the band wagon of not allowing smoking and drinking in their games and movies because it could "influence" others to do it or all that crap... Ya I liked that...
It was a good idea, but I think the game could have been so much more. It's nowhere near as challenging as it could have been. The story was OK, but again, could have been a great deal better. There's no replay value to the game either; once you're done that's it. There's nothing to play for again, since everything is self-explanitory.
It was clearly made for the fanboy/girl in people though.
I think the only thing that really kept me playing was the story line

Same here. It was an O.k. Shooter and had its fun moments but whenever the camera fails over and over in a game I get irritated. And this was the case here. As well as the cheesy mono logs put in the story, this game just came out o.k. for me. I did enjoy the story, just because I liked FFVII and Advent children. This was another chapter to enjoy. Plus Vincent is awesome.
I admit, it could have been better, though I could say that about almost any game. But the part of the game that made me happy was the gun customizing. I could switch from my accurate, Ice-powered rifle, to my heavy-loaded, fire-blasting machine gun.

The story was ok but shooting crap with guns I built is was won it for me.
I love Dirge of Cerberus. While the gameplay wasn't anything special, in fact it was pretty mediocre compared to other third person shooters, I found it to be quite fun. I found the story to be excellent as well, so good that even if I didn't think the gameplay was fun it would be worth playing through for. I thought the Tsviets were interesting characters to begin with, and after viewing the Online mode cutscenes I appreciated them even more.

Weiss is quite the badass,
exponentially more so when he isn't being controlled by Hojo.
I found the story to be excellent as well
Some random group of elite soldiers suddenly appearing and terrorising the world for some random piece of ultimate power is considered excellent nowadays? Wow.
I thought the Tsviets were interesting characters to begin with
The only good ones were Nero and Rosso, but neither of them were given enough time really. Shelke was like one of those kids that you'd dearly love to kick. Azul was just like the stereotypical super-strong bodyguard, and Weiss was barely in it. There was hardly any need for him.
Some random group of elite soldiers suddenly appearing and terrorising the world for some random piece of ultimate power is considered excellent nowadays? Wow.

For starters not all of them were elite, the only difference between the standard DG trooper and a regular ShinRa MP is the uniform. Only the elite troopers, the SOLDIERs and the Tsviets are enhanced superhumans.

Second of all, they weren't just randomly doing stuff. How long has it been since you played? They were all following Weiss, whom they swear loyalty to as the emperor of Deepground. Weiss was
possesed by Hojo's mind fragments and Hojo wanted to set the clock ahead on the coming of Omega WEAPON, so that he could become one with it and have his knowledge grow infinitely. Hojo was a crazy guy, I wouldn't put something like that past him.

The only good ones were Nero and Rosso, but neither of them were given enough time really. Shelke was like one of those kids that you'd dearly love to kick. Azul was just like the stereotypical super-strong bodyguard, and Weiss was barely in it. There was hardly any need for him.

Azul was a bit generic, I'll give you that. Weiss is a lot better in the DoC Online mode,
because he isn't being controlled by that douche Hojo.
Shelke had her moments, but mostly she was a decent addition.

Here is a link to a cutscene in DoC:Online showin the power of Weiss even in his base form.


Its definitely my favorite of the online mode scenes.
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In all fairness, it's been a while since I played (about Christmas), but the story was just so... random. I know the files were "lost" in FFVII, but for something so big in the world, you'd think there's be a little more mention of things like the Protomateria. It all just came out of nowhere.

I couldn't stand Shelke at all. Probably because small children annoy me.
Shelke was a retard. Somehow she got messed up so she has no personality and never grows up. Only explanation for that is she found Neverland and was forced to live there. Plus what was the stupidity about Shelke having Lucrecia's files uploaded into her brain so that she would talk or act like Lucrecia at times. That made no sense at all. When I first saw her in trailers I was like, "Who is this stupid little kid?"

Anyway, the game altogether wasn't too bad. Storyline was the main reason I even played.... although once you got to the levels where Nero was running around there was pretty much no story.

The final boss was completely stupid. I thought I would be fighting the real Omega, flying around in the sky (with full control of Vincent's flying mind you)..... but no. We had to fight a dumbed down version of Omega with Weiss attached to it. It's exactly the same as in FFIX when you're fighting whoever it is and you win and then all of a sudden the great god Necron comes down to attack and it just made you go WTF?

They could have fixed so much with this game and it's a shame they didn't. I will say though that they did do a good job recreating Shinra Mansion and the Sector 7 Train Graveyard.

If I get around to it I just might try to finish those missions they have after you beat the game. I did a few and I noticed that SE didn't work out all the bugs with the missions. Sometimes I found myself walking into a room of nothingness and 5 soldiers were floating in front of me shooting.
It all just came out of nowhere.

No one talking about Deepground in any other compilation titles does make sense though. Only President ShinRa, Scarlet, Heidegger and Hojo knew about it, and they had no reason to bring up DG in FFVII. If only 4 people in the entire world know about smething then its a fairly easy secret to keep.
The only good ones were Nero and Rosso, but neither of them were given enough time really.

I agree, those two had so much potential to be memorable characters. It's a shame the game didn't touch upon the story of the Tsviets more.

Weiss was barely in it. There was hardly any need for him.

Yes he was barely in it but I think he had a remarkable bearing on the game's story, what with him being
Nero's brother
and the fact that he was
being controlled by Hojo
, and don't forget the
secret ending with G
. ;)
I'm horrible at shooting games, so my buddy played through the whole game for me so I could see the cutscenes and whatnot. Pretty fun game; I would have played it if I could. I just really suck at shooters...>_<
I love first person shooters aswel as RPG's so I didn't mind it, altho I wouldn't put it up there with timesplitters I did find it quite good to just shoot at things in an FF for a change! I only REALLY liked it when Vincent became Chaos and by then, it's the end of the game I was dissapointed at how easy Nero and Weiss were to take down tho, I was looking forward to a good butt kicking. Overall tho, I did quite enjoy the game!
I find the game a distraction at best. The storyline was OK...but it didn't really fit the Vincent that we had come to know from elsewhere. The gameplay got a little repetitive too...but I play it every once and while still.
I really enjoyed DoC. It was nice to play an RPG character in a 3rd person shooter perspective, and explore various areas of FF7 in a different view. The storyline wasn't as solid as the original game, but its nice to have some elaboration on Vincent's character. As for the gameplay, while it was nothing new, it was fun. It had various challenges like unlocking Ultima weapon and the extra missions, and I enjoyed the long range and close range shootouts and spamming melee attacks to large groups of enemies. To be honest i prefer it to an RPG sequel, as playing the same characters in another RPG seems rather dull, and I'd much rather play them in a different perspective.