DLC in the Remake


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Jun 26, 2008
Shiva Snowflake
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The inspiration for this thread came from our recent social media promotion for the thread about Yuffie and Vincent. A number of people apparently misinterpreted the word 'optional' in our thread and believed that we were saying that Vincent and Yuffie might end up as DLC. Sad times! :sad2:

If the Remake was to contain DLC at some point, what sort of features would Square Enix get away with locking behind a paywall without protests from the fans? What would you personally tolerate?

I'm not a huge fan of DLC, but if they had to add some to extend the life of the game I don't think that anything that is important to the game should be DLC. I would really dislike having to pay to see an extremely important section of the story. A bonus part of story which doesn't affect the main plot? Sure. I'd welcome seeing a new, original side-story about Reeve in the Shinra HQ or visiting his mother or something.

But cosmetic items or things which make the battles a bit flashier might be okay so long as they don't go crazy with it. Things like new outfits, weapons, summons, etc, would be fine by me so long as I didn't feel like I had to purchase them or that people who did purchase them had an enormous advantage over me.

I'd actually welcome them adding Carbuncle as DLC since I'll probably not be buying the First Class Edition.

What about you?
What I'd prefer as DLC:

- costumes for characters
- weapons
- summons
- vehicles

For "chapters"

An episode where maybe we play as Reno or something during one of his missions that pertain to the FF7 plot, an episode about Aerith/Ifalna's experience in the Shinra labs---oooh, actually. Now that I think about it, I'd love to see an episode of the "Jenova / Cetra" war from 2000 years ago. They could show us via flashbacks from Dr. gast, Ifalna, or Bugenhagen, or maybe something even deeper like playing as a cetra from that time. As long as it's not story content that *needs* to be in the game, I'm good with any kind of DLC.
DLC is so frustrating to me, especially how they did FFXV's episodes/chapters for the different characters. I can maybe tolerate this kind of DLC like what Flower Bell described but I can't deny that it would be frustrating to have to download a part of the game that was actually in the original. I think we're all, for the most part, on the same page about that though!

Costumes would be cool - I never actually download these unless they're free or part of a purchase. Things like Cloud/Tifa/Aerith's dress would be humorous if it was possible. Though outfits for your party members of other characters would be really fun! Like maybe Jessie, Biggs & Wedge getups or having your characters all dress as Turks. Though it really brings into question how they would do that for characters like Red XIII, Cait Sith or even Aerith whom won't be in your party forever. (I think Red could def work some Turk sunglasses though :cool: )

Maybe Materia could be a DLC. Not sure if they're doing the mastering system but if they did I can see them offering mastered Materia for purchase. I'm sure Summons will at least be available, we can see that possibility just by the the fact that they are offered DLC with the different editions of the game you can preorder right now. I just hope the majority of the summons are available in the game and not DLC only.

Chocobos? Whatever system they intend to implement with them I'm sure there is DLC opportunity there as well.
Offering different paint jobs for the Highwind would be really silly!
Maybe some Gold Saucer related fun?

I'm sure some of these suggestions won't come to fruition but they were fun to think about anyway. I guess we'll see! I've got a soft-spot for FF7 so hopefully it won't cost me too much 😬
DLC is so frustrating to me, especially how they did FFXV's episodes/chapters for the different characters. I can maybe tolerate this kind of DLC like what Flower Bell described but I can't deny that it would be frustrating to have to download a part of the game that was actually in the original. I think we're all, for the most part, on the same page about that though!

Definitely on the same page about this too! I would be very frustrated if the DLCs turned out to be parts of the story that were in the original game. It's already being released in parts so I hope they don't do that.

Like most so far, I would like to see costumes or weapons for the characters. I always have fun with this. Summons as well, perhaps some that weren't in the original.

Maybe they'll have additional games for the Gold Saucer? (I'm hoping they'll keep all the original mini-games and not have them added as DLCs >_<).
I hope that they don't do this but can see what they did with Final Fantasy XV, happening again. Episode Sephiroth, Episode Zack, Episode Vincent, and Episode Aerith or Tifa just feels realistic to expect with how Square Enix does its games in today's modern era.

I have a feeling that an Episode Zack is going to be a ''remake'' of Crisis Core of sorts, and Episode Vincent being a ''remake'' of DoC. They might even do just an Episode Crisis Core, Episode Cerebus, Episode Before Crisis and Episode Advent Children...

Again, I hope that they don't though, and just stick to optional and fun DLC clothing.
This game already has my irritated with he DLC because they have already gone beyond cosmetic tat. I don't usually mind when Weapons are DLC - Which XIII-2, LR & XV all did. But with FFVIIR we're already seeing core components of the game restricted with DLC - The Summons. While Summons don't take the centre stage like in FFX they're still a core part of the experience and It's a big deal whenever your would retrieve one in the original game - & Any FF for that matter. So I'm annoyed to see Summons withheld from the initial experience unless I order the Deluxe Edition because I feel they should be within the game.

As for Story related DLC, I really hope S-E don't go there, FFXV will forever remain a train wreck that is incomplete due to the addition of DLC Scenarios - So much so on their 2nd anniversary they cancelled all further plans and are putting the remaining ideas in a novel... When I play FFVIIR, I want to go from start to finish and have a complete experience. I'm totally fine that the Game itself is in parts, but to branch off from them parts with extra scenario DLC will take the biscuit! Especially if that DLC depicts something that happens within the Timeline of Part 1, because once I have beaten the game, I won't go back just for scenario DLC - Which is how I feel about Kingdom Hearts III's DLC, I beat the game in January (Loved it!) but now I am done with it and have no incentive to go back as I'm not immersed in the games experience anymore.