FFX-2 Do you badly want an English version of FFX-2 International + Last Mission?


ShinRa Guard
Jan 6, 2011
Laguna, Philippines
Just asking your opinion: do you want an english version of this? Who knows, square-enix might notice this thread and really make an english of this:awesome:!

If you're gonna ask me, I totally wanna have one of that.
I wouldn't mind it.

I've been meaning to give the game a replay anyway, and it would be fun to play the DEFINITE version of it.
There's been a couple of "director cuts" that stay in Japan or aren't released world wide I wouldn't mind getting my paws on. PS2 games are obsolete from Square-Enix now, but I'd hold out hopes for a PS3 remake (which wouldn't even be all that major, but the disc used would be universal).

EDIT: I don't really want it, but if it comes out, I can see myself picking it up >3>
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I don't care either way. If they do release it (which seems kinda unlikely) I won't be getting it. To be fair, I actually thought the battle system was kinda cool. But I don't see myself replaying it ever, so I don't really care if some super special version is released.
Nah I really do not care if they were to release an english version. I havent even finished Final Fantasy X-2 yet anyway and I plan to do so very soon. Last mission must be cool but I couldnt care less about it coming in english when I have x-2.
I wouldn't mind if they released it, but I'm not utterly desperate for it. I like the game as it is, and I don't think the other version would add that much to my game from what I've seen of it...
TBH the last mission isn't even fun,
the battles are NOTHING compared to the actual battle system in the game.
It was poorly done, and it's just a complicated structure.
It was nice to be able to roam around as Rikku or Paine for a change though (only in the Last Mission).
Everything in the game remains pretty much the same other than the creature capture, and even then when you collect past characters like Lulu, or Kimhari, they are auto battle characters and you don't have any control over them at all.

The only cool new thing about this game was the two new dresspsheres.
The festival goer one was one of my favorites!
Rikku attacks with gold fish haha
Who knows, square-enix might notice this thread and really make an english of this:awesome:!

They hardly even listen to their customers anyway, so to be realistic, the chances of SE noticing this is minimal, let alone bother releasing it in English when there is a) literally no demand for it and b) the PS2 is mostly a dead format now. :wacky:


But to answer the question, I'll say no. I've already had a little peek at the Last Mission through Youtube years ago and nothing's really impressed me. I spent much of FFX-2 kind of disapproving of a lot of the game as a whole. Granted, its battles were more enjoyable than FFX's, that's pretty much one of the only things in FFX-2 that I liked.