Do You Call It Manga Or Graphic Novel?


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
Lol, sorry for the cap title! But yeah, so what do you call them? Manga or graphic novels? I myself have always called them manga novels or just plain manga!

But Ive heard the term graphic novel used for manga books alot now.

So what do you call them and which do you prefer?

Manga IMO will aways be the true title to them.
I call Mangas....Mangas. Well, when I think of graphic novels I think of comic books such as DC and Marvel comics.

Manga just seems to be more appropriate to use since that's the term for comic in Japanese. Well....and Mangas are Japanese comics.
I agree, graphic novel seems more like a comic book then something western. Its silly cause the term manga has always been used, so why go and change it??
Manga, I've never heard it called graphics novel or something similar.

so why go and change it??

Well I guess one person said it, then another one repeated it and so on ... :D

And I agree GN sounds western, if someone said GN I'd immediately think of DC comics or marvel.
Manga, it seems easier to say to be honest and sounds a little less pretentious XD

I don't think it really matters in the end though what people choose to call it.
I'm not interested in them, but I use the word, "manga." I hear that more often.
I say Manga when it's a series or if they have made an Anime out of it. But if it's actually a graphic novel like just a Japanese book, then I call it a Graphic Novel.
Manga- Japanese Comic
Comic Books- Super Hero Comics
Graphic Novels- Stuff like Sin City
Addleboy, that was border line spam. Dont do it again please.

DT, so youre saying if its just one manga on its own, you refer to it as a graphic novel? Why? Its still a japanese comic just like the others that are made into animes.
I call Mangas....Mangas. Well, when I think of graphic novels I think of comic books such as DC and Marvel comics.

Manga just seems to be more appropriate to use since that's the term for comic in Japanese. Well....and Mangas are Japanese comics.

Yep, this makes most sense to me. People seen to get the pronunciation of "manga" wrong as well. It's pronounced Mahn-gah. Graphic novels lean more towards American-made comic books as Cerri said, like Marvel. Manga is a Japanese comic, naturally, and Japanese fan comics are called doujinshi. Technically, Graphics Novels and Manga are two different things.
Addleboy, that was border line spam. Dont do it again please.
sorry but I was really going to say the exact same thing as he did.

I call japanese comics manga and I call volumes of comics, like Sin City, graphic novels. The smaller stuff like regular batman and superman comics i call comics or comic books.
It varies for me. I use "manga" when talking to people who know what it is. Otherwise, I tend to use "graphic novel". There's just one problem. People think they're pornographic books. My English teacher thought that, I think... -_-'
It's not that difficult to figure out -_-; Manga is a Japanese comic, Graphic Novel is an American's as simple as that. When you're talking about a possible pornographic/hentai comic they're referred to as doujinshi and not all doujinshi is porn or hentai either.
I call it manga. If it's an american comic I call it a graphic novel though. And unless I'm mistaken I thought that doujinshi was freelance or a non-professional made manga, but I could be wrong.
Doujinshi are fanmade yes, I did forget to point that out. Very rarely to you ever see official manga based off of hentai either.
Well Naruto, Bleach, Death Note.... are all mangas (Anime as well but that's beside the point =P)

While Spider Man, Super man... are graphic novels in my view.

However since I don't read DC and Marvel, Manga for me any time. =D