Do You Dodge More, or Block More?

Abstract Debauchery

High Mage of Loathing
Oct 5, 2009
I dodge like a guy that just got caught stealing something from Wal-Mart. I suck at blocking, my timing is always off. However, when it comes to dodging, I'm always spot on. I just find dodging to be what I do most.

I've even tried to practice my blocking, but I can never seem to get it down just right. Every now and then I'll get lucky with a block, but not near enough.

So I wait for an attack, dodge it, and during that moment that they can't do anything, I open up with an all out slaughter.

So what do you guys do more, block or dodge?
I'm more of a blocker, though that may be more due to having half my critical boosts as riposte and such, plus I favour Cloud of Darkness and Firion (both of which have sufficiently better brave blocks, even without the counter since they can block some HP attacks like straightrrow without recoil)

So ya, i'm more block friendly than I am dodge.
I dodge like a bitch. Kefka being my main, I find it rather stupid to get close enough for block to be a useful strategy. Even when I use Garland and such, I still dodge most of the time.
I dodge about 99% of the time but levels with lots of rails to grind on i cheat the AI and block/counter them. Someone on this forum told me that when u grind the AI almost always will jump on the rails and grind toward u so all u gatta do is grind towards them and block just before u hit. Works 100% of the time!
i dodge 100% :awesome:

i just can't risk it to block,i done it once against jecht,which was a mistake because his combos just own me.

I find it easier to dodge,and then just combo them in the back ^_^
I don't think I've actually blocked yet... If I have it has been by accident. Not even sure if I know how to block. I probably learned when they told me but forgotten how to as I didn't ever do it.

So yeah, I dodge all the time for sure.
Block, especially because of the adamant set giving bonus to my Brave. Actually, with Cloud, I find myself blocking and dodging very often, so it's really just dependent on which one I feel would work. I think, in general, dodging has a bit more margin for error than blocking does, which can get you really cut up at times. Both are great tools, and I like incorporating them often (and it's essential for Cloud).
dodge dodge dodge

its very easy to beat someone that blocks alot, but not as easy to beat someone that dodges. I mainly always dodge unless I know whats coming next, and I know that I can block it, but thats very rare
It really depends on the character I'm using...but in most cases I won't bother with blocking unless I'm sure of myself. :s
I don't bother dodging or blocking. I just go head on...could be why this one dude keeps kicking my butt.
I dodge, in fact, don't think I've ever actually blocked an attack deliberately...I'm not even sure if I could time it correctly.
Dodge. Every single time I try to block, it usually doesn't even work. Why risk getting hit by blocking? Just run :wacky:

Plus, with these enviornments, you can just hop onto something and slide to the other side of the arena. Dodging, for sure.
I almost always will go with dodging over blocking, depends on who I am using though, I may block every now and then if I am using Cloud or Squall, but not for Gabranth, don't have any Riposte enabled for him, just EX Critical Boost. :P

I can have so he is in EX Mode for the entire battle from the moment he enters it (gauge drops very slowly, and EX Force refills it very quickly, and is absorbed during most actions, and long intake range). :awesome:

I like to dodge an attack on the ground, then use Enrage. :D
Well, at first I didn't know I could block. Cuz like an American, I skipped the directions.... lol. But know that I have read said directions, I try and block a lot more <3
Depends on the character type really, For magi types i definatley dodge a heck of a lot more than i block, but with melee types I tend to dodge until i get into range to trigger the stagger effect off block, a few characters can actually block with brave attacks as well, such as cloud, sephiroth, emperor, shantotto and the most obvious ex-death.
I can't block for nothing! It's too hard for me. Sometimes it depends on which character i'm using, but it's dodging for me.XD
It'd depend on the most efficient set-up for the character, but I generally use characters that have better use in blocking over dodging. My characters will always have BRV boosts for whether I choose to block or dodge so it's no real odds for me; Counter-attack and Riposte are brilliant!

Successfully blocking an attack is pretty much a cert for countering, so that's the most likely reason as to why I block more. But eh, depends on the situation.
Around 95% of the time, I dodge. The only time when I block is on very slow charge and predictable moves. I'm learning how to time my blocks as I suck at it. Of course, if you are exdeath...
Since a lot of the characters I play are the punishing type (Exdeath, Shantotto, Cloud, Squall), I prefer block to dodge when applicable.
I dodge like mad, largely due to my better-safe-than-sorry mentality. The only exception is when I play as Firion and an ample opportunity for Shield Bash presents itself, and even then I might just dodge anyway.