Do you have to pay Per month?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Ok, so i was really interested in getting this game as XI III And IV are the only ones i havnt played, but after reading around i discovered that you have to pay per month to play the game - like £120 per year!

I was wondering is it true? becasue if it isnt i really would like to pick up this game - but if it is true, i just wont count this game in the series lol - see i have a strategy lol.
Yes, there is a monthly fee to play. I'm not sure what it is in your currency, but it's $12.95 USD per month for one character.
This is the only reason I've held back on not getting Final Fantasy XI myself. I'm not too cracked up about online gaming much, but then having to buy the game as a whole, then pay extra for the monthly fee's, it's jsut not worth it to me.
M'hmm, same here. I didn't get the game for that exact reason. I heard it was very addicting though, and I have to agree with that since I saw one of my friends play it. I watched for about an hour and was really interested...but like I said, to me it isn't really worth it. I'm not much of an online gamer either. =/
The way I've always seen online gaming is that it replaces all other games for you. Since I pay about $30 a month for two accounts and various mules, and I play nearly sixty hours a week, it is the only game I play. Before I really got into the game, I used to buy two or three video games every month. Now I save myself well over $50 a month because I'm not interested in playing single player games anymore.

It's all relative to one's opinion. The biggest part is that if you don't have the time to play, it's never going to be worth it.
yes you have to pay per month.

What Yarub said is true, however, I would only recommend 2 versions of FF11 if you decide to get it. there is a PC version that has all 3 expansions included, and the Xbox 360 version is the other one for the same reason. I tried to find the expansion packs for the PS2 version, and it is almost impossible. I only found 2 (Treasures and Chains), and the PS2 version itself is $100 USD. but if you get a console version, I highly recommed a USB Keyboard. the controller keyboard is horrible, and it will quickly get on your nerves.
^lies the xbox360 version is not worth it

The only way to get the best experience at a cheap price is on the PC.

On Xbox360,you have to pay for the game.Pay for xbox live and pay for the monthly fees.
The Xbox version is not bad if you play other games that require Xbox Live.
I think it was 7.99 a month for me in the UK when I played. I admit the first 2 months are fun but then the effects really wear off.
I think it was 7.99 a month for me in the UK when I played. I admit the first 2 months are fun but then the effects really wear off.
It gets boring if you do the same thing over and over. You need to actually look around to see what's all available in the game to do.
It gets boring if you do the same thing over and over. You need to actually look around to see what's all available in the game to do.

When did i Say I didn't? The game was boring, end of, and to be honest the thign that put me off the most was the way it was full of people that didn't even like Final Fantasy, loads of lil kids running around doing nothing really.

But it's only my opinion. I much prefered the online play in WoW.
Well, I felt the same way about World of Warcraft. Every single person I ran into on that game felt they were better than everyone else. They all acted like little children and that's what drove me away.

I don't believe that the point of Final Fantasy XI was to draw in just the Final Fantasy players. It was aimed at the MMORPG community.
I've been interested in this game but always drawn away because of the paying monthly and such. Plus it didn't seem like the game could have storyline and that was one of the main reasons I like Final Fantasy.
Real online gamers actually understand the pay online additions. Most people who play Final Fantasy XI that I know do not play any other games. This means that they do not buy any other games. That means that they're saving a lot of money.

In four months of playing Final Fantasy XI you would spend about the same amount of money as if you bought a new game. Before I played this game, I bought one or two games every month. So by playing Final Fantasy XI, I save a hell of a lot of money.
I played it briefly and I prefered WoW. What annoyed me was playing with US players. The time difference made it difficult to do any quests with them at all (I had an imported version of the game before it came to the UK, hence the reason Im mentioning US players). Plus it was a bit much to play.
Are you referring to online play being a bit too much? Or Final Fantasy XI. I ask because World of Warcraft is more than Final Fantasy XI.