Do you have to pay Per month?

Money wise it was too much into my budget to play. I was on WoW most days and I couldnt afford to be on both, so I chose WoW because it was full of European players.
$12.95 per month for your first Content ID = First character.

For every other character thereafter it is $1.00 per month extra.

I was paying $16.95 per month for 18 months due to having mules and other characters just for "storage" purposes.

Not bad if you can afford it.

I can't remember the UK equivalent even though I'm in the UK the credit card payment just was in dollars.
I'd have bought this if it were free, but I'm not big on online gaming anyway... so paying for something which I doubt I'd play much seems a bit pointless. It's a shame you have to pay for something like this.
Not that I'm saying I can't afford it, I'd rather just... not.
I don't think people will ever understand the advantages of paying to play online. You will never come across a game in which the company wants to spend more money than they make back. That'd be the dumbest thing any developer could do to themselves..

In the case of Final Fantasy XI, they charge for online play because they are constantly working on the game, updating the game, adding new content to the game, and giving a lot back to the community. The reason for paying Square Enix to pay to play their game on a monthly basis is to continously pay their staff to be working on expansions, updates and maintenances.

Games that do not require a monthly fee are poorly maintenanced and rarely updated with more than a few features. They put very little effort into making the game better than it was when you first started playing.

As a few people have mentioned, if you want to play a lot of other games, and if you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to Final Fantasy XI, it's not going to be worth the ~$12.95 a month. For those that say it sucks that it's an online-only game... play Final Fantasy X or Final Fantasy XII. The back-end to it is going to be nearly identical, and the stories are going to be the same. The differences? Online versus not online.

Final Fantasy XI is just about working together with other people to kill monsters rather than playing by yourself. Play some Oblivion too. That should give ya a good feel for the game.

I had to quit FFXI as it was something I couldn't devote the time it required from me. I hit end-game too soon and rushed into it.
I suppose they should have never let me in the Sky LS @ lvl 60 and fight Kirin @ 65 but I did. And missed out on the more finer aspects of the game. Also running your own social LS is a very time-consuming process.

How does the company get the money from you for the monthly fee? Is it done through PayPal or can you send them a check? I don't have a bank account so I'm wondering how that would work.

You must have a debit or credit card. There aren't any other options.
I don't play it because of the monthly fee. But the game is fun because a friend of mine is playing.
I've started to play again and I think what annoys me the most is not that you have to pay, but the game is meant for playing a long, long time which means the longer you play, the more money you play. I did stop playing a bit because money making was becoming a real bastard. The game solely relies on the Auction House and I find it a struggle to sell items at decent prices.
Sorry LA. While I agree with you it's a horrid prog spamming up our forum, there's nothing we can do but wait for one of the mods to notice, and ban him.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
As he's probably not a bot, there's not much you can do.

In response to JustDaz: The point of Final Fantasy XI is not to beat the game. The game was designed to go on forever and ever. Even after you level all 18 jobs available to level 75, there is still more to do. You have quests, missions, equipment, and lots more. Offline Final Fantasy games only provide a single storyline with the side quest here and there.

A lot of people make it a point that it's wrong that you are charged on a monthly basis and how you spend so much money over time playing. Final Fantasy XI is one of the few MMORPGs that requires you to party and work together through most of the entire game. You're always interacting with people. Because of that, a lot of time is required to dedicate to the game. Now with that in mind, factor in how much time you'd actually spend playing if you were really into the game.

We can take myself, for example. I've been playing since October of 2003 and my current playtime is just under 14,500 hours. That means I average about ten or eleven hours of game play PER DAY. Let's break that down even more. Every month, I pay $12.95 to play Final Fantasy XI for about 340 hours. That's an unbelievable deal for people who are actually into MMORPGs; not just your everyday gamer or Final Fantasy fanatic. Let's look at one more aspect to what I'm trying to get across.

For people like me who actually play ten or more hours on a daily basis, we don't really play any other games. This is about the only game we play. We may buy another game here or there just to tie us over for a bit, but we generally play this game all the time. The average game will run about $49.99 for a new release. The average high school student/college student will probably buy one or two games a month. That's $100 a month they spend on games. Now look at us who play Final Fantasy XI and that's it. We pay $12.95 a month and maybe spend $49.99 once every two or three months.

In the end, an MMORPG is less-expensive. However, you can only fully understand the concept if you're an avid MMORPGer. I'll shut up now though. =D Night night!
I don't know, I want to play this game so badly that I may just put up with the monthly fees. I don't even buy games often and I disagree with the fees. That's why I'm addicted to GW, no fees, just MMORPG action. I may just suck it up and pay it though.
I might buy this game one day but right now I don't think it's worth paying monthly, don't get me wrong I love FF games but not nough to pay monthly to play
when i finish my exams i may get it

my parents say i can do what i like once i finish my exams :)
I'm getting FFXI again soon aswell, I feel I may not have given it as much chance as I should of done. Well we'll see what happens once I get it again next month :P