Do you like ANYTHING besides Square Enix Games?


I know you are but what am I?
Apr 27, 2007
Up there!
Add your comments of what else you like besides ff. I know it's a bit Not Nice to this site but... YOU JUST HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF IT *clears throat* Thank you, thank you very much:)
I like....everything about this forum...and erm, every part from the video games section to the debate section....

Wait, why is this in the FFX section?
I like Legend of Legaia...which is...Contrail or some weird compant...o_O
I like loads of non sqaure enix games. E.G. Tales of Symphonia, Shadow Hearts 1 & 2, pro evo 6 thats just a few examples of the top of me head.
Heh, I don't even really like FF all that much, so yeah, I like plenty besides it. Some of the other, and better I think, game designers would have to be Epic and Bungie.
Heh, I don't even really like FF all that much, so yeah, I like plenty besides it. Some of the other, and better I think, game designers would have to be Epic and Bungie.

What'cha doing on the forums then? :P
Just kidding, just kidding....
Thank goodness my EVA is way up there!

Anyways, I like school, yes I'm a nerd.
As for videogames, it's all about FPS's and strategy gaming for me, like AoE, Red Alert, Dune, and Warcraft III <------ *actually don't have this game but would like to*
I like loads of non sqaure enix games. E.G. Tales of Symphonia, Shadow Hearts 1 & 2, pro evo 6 thats just a few examples of the top of me head.

You and I are automatically friends.

For me, besides Square-Enix games, I prefer Namco and ATLUS. Like Disgaea 1&2(ATLUS) and Tales Of Symphonia(Namco).
pffft, no. The world begins and ends with Square Enix. There are no other games besides FF. What's wrong with you?

But yes, even though I adore FF, I love other games like Okami, Katamari Damacy and Resident Evil 4 x3
A short list of games that I love exponentially mor ethan FF:

God of War
God of War II
Halo 2
Gears of War
Pokemon (All of them)

There are plenty more.
I like Final Fantasy, and I love Kingdom Hearts; however, there's plenty of other games I enjoy playing.

Gears of War
Tales of Symphonia/the Abyss
The Legend of Zelda
TimeSplitters 2

The list goes on forever.
interesting hmm.. well of course i don't think anyone likes just square enix games i like halo halo 2 doom marvel v capcom mortal kombat need for speed street fighter best fighting game to date
i like star ocean which is a square enix game. Kingdom hearts 1 and 2. Magna carta, Yakuza, disgaea 2, another game made by the same company and many more that i cant think of at the mo. however saying that square enix will always be my number 1!!
There's too many to name, but yeah, i like keeping my options open, sticking to one is boring and closed minded, there's so many great games from other companies to enjoy, expanding your options is a definate, in my eyes anyway.

I also like all kinds of genres, not just RpG's.
Most of you only seem to play RPGs...which i find strange, il play anything me, from Gran Turismo to Pro Evo, maybe a lil bit of Timesplitters or San Andreas. As long as the game isnt completly S*** then i'l play it:)
RPG wise yes every one of my RPG games is Square-Enix lol though i love the tekken seires and the Metal GEarsolid series and crash bandicoot 1-3 aand the resident evil 1- 3 and devil may cry,Grand theft auto silent hill, you get the pitcure.
Yes, my tastes vary from time to time, whether it's RPGs, racing games, adventure game, platformers, 2D fighters (My personal favorite), or puzzle games, I'll play it. Just keep the sports games the hell away from me! O_O
I love Final Fantasy the most, but yes I do enjoy other games made by other companies as well.

Some of which are:

The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Dragoon
All of the Grand Theft Auto's
All of the Ace Combat's
Most of the Soul Calibur Fighting Series.
No Way! Before Square Enix games there were

Konami Games
Crapcom Games
Nintendo Games
Clover Studio games

i was big fan of side-scrolling games like Megaman and Castlevania. Nippon Ichi games are pretty cool too (Disgea ect.) I like experimenting different game genre's. actually I play anything except sports games (excluding racing games) nuff said.

FF games are definitely not my main forte (that would be action 3d 3rd person games) but its something i interest on.
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