Do You Like School?

There really aren't enough good teachers in the world. I may not have graduated high school, but I did actually attend every single year (except for the last two months of 12th grade). I've also attended about 8 different schools between kindergarten and 11th grade, and 3 different schools in my senior year.
And in all of those years and places, I have only encountered about 1 or 2 (maybe 3) teachers that I liked and respected.
There are too many teachers that are not passionate about their jobs. =[
I like school when I am at the top of my classes. that's why I like semester and hated last. and maybe because I have a few good teachers. My psych instructor is the best.
though I do have to admit my physics teacher has no idea on how to teach. he's brilliant, but he teaches the course as if we all already know the subject a 100% already. but that's just him.
Now that I no longer live in Puerto Rico, I appreciate my culture and schooling much more.

While in high school, most of my days were spent dreaming about the future and how I wanted my art to impact society. I partied hard and still managed to scrape damn nice grades, too. What I couldn`t stand.. the people in it. Attending the best school in the country, an all-girls catholic school, I had to deal with a lot of frivolous and materialistic people. I know they`re everywhere, but I`m not joking when I say these girls were spoiled and vain.

I managed to retain a down-to-earth attitude, and now that I`m in college I realize I should have given them Hell for it, but all in all it was nice.

College is amazing. I see strange things every day and I grow in personal and artistic terms. I appreciate history more, that`s for sure.

It depends on where you go and who you meet, I suppose.
I hated it whil I was there but oooooh I'd love the easy life again!! I hardly see anyone from school anymore and finishing at half 3 was great

oh to have the east life again :P
i like it, except for exams. They will be the death of me, at our school, we have nice teachers, plus i like most of the subjects i di
Nope, didn't like school at all. Basically through most of my secondary years I would dream of the day that I was finally able to leave (And it had nothing to do with bullying). I just didn't enjoy it at all and I left as soon as possible. My mum wanted me to stay in school but I don't think I could "choose" to go to school rather than being forced to go.
I think many of us, including me, take school far too much for granted. It should really be a priviledge that we can have this education, when there are students who can't have one because they're too poor for it, or because they've done some bad things that restrict them from having said education. I hate math as well. I hate having to be piled on with homework. I hate awful teachers and awful exams. Nevertheless, I did learn something and it has taken me somewhere.
Yeah youve got a point sucks but were lucky we have the chance to attend one.
Im kinda neutral cause is I stay home I get bored and if I go to school I'll ruin my day (teachers :-@) but it will be fun too, I'll be with my friends :P
I love school!

I mean besides the stress and pressure and the fact that it is full of a lot of twats etc. I do really enjoy it though =P I like getting to see my friends every day and i like learning and I enjoy all of my subjects (even English sometimes.. ), and i think that im really gonna miss it when i go to uni, although it will be nice to have more freedom there but i'll miss the secure atmosphere you get at high school =/
Having just finish school to goto College.

As rubbish as college is, it's much better than school. In school everyone had to fit into some nice little clique to get by and all that shit.

In College this is not the case, there are still little groups of people who tend to be shallow ignorant fucks. But it's alot nicer, and more freedom.

Anyone who says that school is the best time of your life is a sad sad sad sad sad person. If school is going to be the best time of my life, I think I'll go and end it now.
I always thought senior year in high school was the 'best time in your life' or something. Eh, heck, what do I know about school on that side of the Atlantic.

But anyways, yeah, there's more freedom in universities, but it's just...not as safe as PA said. But just a little bit more dangerous lol.
Whatever we are saying school is cool, different reasons for everyone of course (My reason for example, teasing teachers or beeing with my friends ) :)
I just going to go with: "Just because I am forced to go does not mean I can't hate it while I am their", school is truley something I despise, not the teachers, just the environment I must deal with....
I love going to Mizzou. I'm on break now and I'M BORED AS FUCK! I'd actually rather be in school cause there is never a dull moment and a lot of skate spots and that's a lot better than in the Central West End in St. Louis. As for college mishaps. I had a pregnancy scare but the bitch was lying which I knew she was cause she was on the pill and I wore a condom every time. So she took the test and when it was negative I ripped her a new one and was like piece bitch IM OUTTA HERE! That's how i do when they play games like that. I'm too fly to be caught up like that :highfive:
School is very awful in Greece.In some other countries it might be better but here it's horrible.You wake up everyday to do 7 pointless lessons and then you go home to read again.The only good in my school is that every October some students go the night inside the school and take it for some days.
Zitanier said:
School is very awful in Greece.In some other countries it might be better but here it's horrible.You wake up everyday to do 7 pointless lessons and then you go home to read again.The only good in my school is that every October some students go the night inside the school and take it for some days.

I can't see anything bad about school from what you've just said, considering mine's more or less the same..

I do not have 7 lessons in a day.. But i have 9 periods of 45 minutes slots. I won't say its that bad, since my friends basically make the whole time pass more eventfully.. All in all, i think schools' okay. To me at least.
I love going to school. School brings back some happy memories. I met my first friends in school because our family we're like the Cullens before and we never associate ourselves with other people except for family members. I also learned a lot of things in school even the ones that are not discussed by teachers. I learned how to play the guitar in school and I was really grateful for it!
I think I like school, even though I don't really have many friends (because of all the clique bullshit and the fact that I'm different and speak my damn mind)... It's just that although I love to sleep and hate waking up early, when I have more than two days in a row off school, I start to get freaking depressed. I need goals, work, structure, and having to push myself.
I'm entering my second semester of college in a few days. My first semester was kind of a drag personally, because I had a lot of family issues, but I can see myself in an opposite universe where nothing goes wrong enjoying my time at college. High school was an absolute blast. I was in the drama club and that gave me the majority of my good times, but I found a way to make every day interesting somehow.