Do You Like School?

I didn't mind school that much when I was there. It was annoying waking up early and spending the whole day there but I got used to it.

I didn't really notice the clique thing at my school, sure there were different groups of friends, but there was nothing stopping people from different groups interacting with each other.

The thing I liked about school was that I was always surrounded by my friends, where as now that I've left school it's gotten harder to keep in touch with everyone besides my close friends.
College bugs me now, it's starting to drag.
I don't mind my lessons or teachers and the socialising party of college is generally just takes ages to get through a day sometimes. Like today. :(
Whah whah my pussy aches! Whatever, college is a hundred times better than high school will ever be. You decide your own schedule, teachers, and classes. It's epic. Sure the classload is a tougher and requires more time and focus but at least it's not just academics for Acadmia's sake. You learn real skills for the real world all A LOT of the useless shit is deleted. More importantly, the useless people are deleted. No cheerleaders in my engineering classes. A fucking men for that.
I'm finally back to school and I love it! I missed school, I really did. College is indeed epic and I love how flexible it is. What's even more awesome is my school's tuition. xD 20 dollars per unit. How cool is that?! And then there's a gym class (although it's not really a class since you can go there whenever you want and just swipe your ID card to get credit since you'll need at least 30 hours credit per semester to pass) which I'm loving since it only costs 10 bucks per semester and they've got TONS of equipments. Some I havent' even seen in all my life until now.

I must say the only thing that annoys me are those people that are still fresh out from high school. You can really tell because in class, they'd save a seat for their friends or say something like, "Over here, Mike! Sit with me!" -_- Please. And you hear a bunch of giggles behind you because one of their friends tried to be funny and stupid. I mean seriously, I didn't come to class to hear jokes. I paid for that class (and their ridiculous book prices) to learn, not to witness a bunch of kids goofing off.
I don't absoultly hate school, but i don't like going. I mean some positive things about school is that you get to meet a lot of people you probably don't hang out with much, and you get to see them every day and even sometimes meet new people you've never talked to before. I don't mind school when i got good teachers that are actually good at teaching and can throw in jokes to make the day go by faster. Also when you go on summer vacation and you never see your friends, you get to finally see them again after a long 3 months of not hanging out (especially since i live like an hour away from my friends =\)

Some negatives are that it isn't fun to do homework. I hate it very much and i wish we could just do it all well we are in school. I like to have home as my time. Thats why i generally don't do homework most of the time =\.
Really didn't mind it at all. College was WAY better than High School. More freedom to do what ya want, when ya wanted when it came to classes and studies and who your teachers were and all. The best part is probably not having to take bullshit classes that are not going to help you out at all in the long-run. Oh wait, my college did that. Damn Theater class. All i gotta say is in college you spend a lot less time in class because of having the class only 2 or 3 times a week instead of all 5 weekdays, but the responsibility grows tremendously.
Bust all I gotta say is don't scare me. Didn't mind highschool much though I was bored much of the time. I started college in september but due to personal reasons had to cancel classes a week later so now I'm screwed into getting a job in order to pay off a 267 dollar cancelation fee. Oh well maybe I can try again in september.
I love school. Somewhat, thanks to the presence of these entities called friends. They certainly make the entire experience so much better, otherwise, I'll be whining everyday about how I'll have to return to school.

The only reason I'll hate school would be the fact that we have to do work, and face the tremendous stress during examinations.
School, where do I start, well Since I suck at remembering I FAIL at maths...I have Thalasemia Minor, so I always fall asleep (It's good, cuz I'm actually alloud to sleep in class, with certain rules of course) Recess and Lunch are too short, I demand a 2 hour Lunch break :D
And...That's about all I could remember (Holidays have fried brain)
Hmmm....I like school as long as I can take classes that I'm interested in. At this point, I just don't care about subjects that I'm not interested in. I certainly like the lifestyle of being a college student, but that's not really the point here.

It's been like a year since anyone posted in here... <_< >_>
I liked the school that i was in,rumoured to return their just to take advanced math for an hour,the teachers are great except for french,i hate french!!! i know most of you have spanish cuz you all live in the states.
Things have changed drastically at school so I pretty much love it. It was kinda fun before sixth form, but being arts based it's only really fun when all the people who don't want to be there leave in year 11. Now I'm with a group of people who I feel a lot happier with, even if I don't see them out of school. To tell you the truth school is my social life now- I have about one friend who I meet up with out of school, and that's it. I just don't approach people, maybe, or maybe my interests are just completely out of kilter with other people.
School was rocky for me. I hated the fact that I had to wake up early, get ready, go to school, do homework and have hardly any extra time leftover just because I was so tired from it all. I mean, it wasn't like that all the time, because I wouldnt have loads & loads of work to do all the time but it was a never ending cycle until the weekend >_>. I think I would've liked school better if I was smarter and got things right away instead of having to get help. xD. I mean other then that, school was okay. I had friends and whatnot so I wasn't completely alone =)
At the time, I hated school.

I hated the bitches who made it hell for me and I hated doing school work too. >.<

Especially when I had to stand up in class and do talks etc.

But now that I'm working and more confident, I'd love to go back and give it another shot. It'd be much more fun. >.<
At the time, I hated school.

I hated the bitches who made it hell for me and I hated doing school work too. >.<

Especially when I had to stand up in class and do talks etc.

But now that I'm working and more confident, I'd love to go back and give it another shot. It'd be much more fun. >.<

Amen to that!

I recently changed schools, quite simply because my teachers were horrible and the girls there weren't exactly nice =(
...stupid superficial pretentious rich bitches...

Oh hai, ur still here

Anyways, now school is ok, and I actally fear leaving it and facing the real world...:gonk:
Um, no. I hated school. The only classes that I mildly liked were a handful of my history classes in college, because they were actually taught by people who dedicate their lives to research, unlike in lower levels of school where they usually do the minimum required by state standards. I kind of liked hanging out in between classes for a short time around the university--it made me feel intelligent and grown up to be able to go grab a candy bar and find a nice shady, plant-ful corner of the campus to sit and skim through interesting library books for papers; however, after 4 1/2 years of that and having acquired a $19,000 student loan to pay back AFTER receiving a 75% scholarship (and it ain't no Ivy League school either), I find that all I've received in return is the ability to say, "I have a Bachelor's in History. Would you like fries with that?" It doesn't help that I live in the worst place in the world for such a subject either--the miniscule amount of archaeological sites here have been long paved over and there are almost no museums--but still. :rage:
Lately, I have become very fed up with my school. The program I am in, while good at preparing us for our career, is now driving me crazy. The staff can not get along, they hire adjuncts in to teach classes, and they do a terrible job at it, and they have this high and mighty attitude. And I feel like we have so many required classes that are pointless and a waste of time. (We have a business class for a medical profession!)

And I also feel like they treat us like children. We have to sign in after every break so they know that we are not playing hooky and that we arrived on time. We are only allowed to miss one class, which usually consists of a guest lecturer reading off the powerpoint, which I could do on my own time, and just the general attitude of the staff can be very condescending.

Then we are giving assignments with almost no direction and we are left wondering what the hell we are supposed to do. We e-mail the teacher and she gives a non-helpful answer.

But I only have one semester to go so I will be happy to finally graduate.
While in ele-high school you or not equal to me teacher should still be able to hit their students.
The teacher is the boss and you or way below them that how it suppose to be.
School is work just like a job, so being fun as well who cares.
I went through schooling so i could actually do something with my life maybe even change the world.
College you even less of a equal to your professers since they most of them have actually help the world in some way.
I'm in college right know as well to help me get closer to my goal.
However i never like school and i never will, however only way to get to where i wont to be so i will deal with it.

sorry for bad grammar
It varies with me. I like it, but then I don't like it as much other days. I think it depends on the subject I'm doing. If it's History, Literature, and sometime's science I'm pretty much for School. But when it gets mind shattering boring or just very hard I just kinda don't like school as much as I did before.

I sometimes am annoyed by school because I become discouraged from it all.

Eh, I'd say I'm 50/50 on the matter.
I hate secondary (high) school with a passion. I'm in my final year now and I'm sick of it. I'm totally unmotivated in all subjects but Engli, History and Religion, which I love, and see no point in most of the others, apart from basic Maths. I'm thinking of playing truant a little this term, as I couldn't be bothered with some of it anymore. I fully intend to keep studying, but I'm not letting my life revolve around some of the worst years of my life, filled with some unpleasant people and tedious times.