Do you miss Airships?

As previously mentioned, there was nothing like going through half the game having to walk from place to place, getting attacked every step of the way. Then you get the Airship. The glorious piece of freedom.

How many of you spent at least 10 minutes just flying around at random after getting the Airship for the first time, just for the joy of it?

It's one of the reasons I really REALLY miss the overworld.
I Miss Airships soooo bad it's unreal, the sheer freedom, not only Airships, but getting the Golden Chocobo too, it was just so amazing the Freedom you get. Not having to fight random enemies, flying to places to Train your characters, it was just like Woohoo, no more wasting my time with weak ass random Enemies, i get to fight something that actually gets me Exp.

OzDok I am one of the Many people who spent time just flying around because i could.
I really do miss airships, being able to fly to the locations myself. Hopefully flyable airships will be back in XIII-2 and Versus XIII.
One of my favorite things about airships, aside from just the awesomeness of flying around as people have mentioned, is that they usually have some epic part of the story that you get to play through leading up to getting it. In VII it was the Junon escape (one of my absolute favorite moments) and in VIII it was the Rinoa/Squall romance scene... just great. :D
Yes, yes, yes a thousand times, yes. I so miss airships. I originally gave X and XII the benefit of the doubt after I found out that the reason there was no world map or airships was because that there was no space on the disk, or the system couldn't handle it, some technical mumbo jumbo like that, you get the point.

Then along came the new gen, I was HOPING to see it in XIII, alas, didn't happen, anddoubt it's out of the question now, seeing as how airships are gonna be on it, which, from what I've read, it supposed to be what made the world map so awkward to incorporate in X and XII. :hmph: They have no argument for not wanting to breaking the whole realism thing either, cause they pulled off world maps in VIII without making Squall (and Selphie) chibi-ish on the world map.
I definitely love the ability to fly airships in FF so I was disappointed when they took that away. I love steampunk machines and have always thought it was cool to fly them manually, it gives you more of a connection with the characters who are flying them as well.
I've seen this thread multiple times and every time I frown saying 'yes I miss airships" :(

They are awesome and it adds on to the fun when you can find secret stuff, travel to areas quick, walk around on board, or having a different model to gaze at when you travel. It upsets me that the way Final Fantasy is going that I may not be a fan of it anymore. I'm mean I will always love it but I no longer look forward to new releases cause they are either A) Re-make or B) have very little similarities to the previous ones.
I miss the basic overworld layout. You know, where your sprite is the size of the city you entered :D
Well, I think they could have an overworld that is more realistic, but c'mon- there's nothing realistic about warping everywhere. I want an airship, a chocobo, a boat, and a buggy (reminisce :ryan:)
I never thought i'd miss airships until I played FFXIII. They way that game was designed to where there were no towns to really go back and visit and such, there was no need for airships. =/. I would've liked to see airships in that game for sure.

Other than that every other FF game I have played has had an airship in it to where you can go back and travel. FFVII up to FFXII (excluding FFXI).
I miss it a lot. I miss being able to control it and not just click on the area you want to go to on a map. I totally pwned as a airship driver in FFIX. I crashed into every fucking thing possible and got stuck everywhere, but it was hella fun! I do wish they'd bring back full control of airships. Mom would be so happy. ;)