Crisis Core Do you really think that Cloud could beat seph

prince of darkness

the lord of black Mages
May 7, 2009
I really think that he shouldn't be able to kill him after all the fight that i when thought with Zack thinlk not :cloud: :seph:
seph is dead he died in crisis core and is now a memory and has pepole to be puppets for say
seph is dead he died in crisis core and is now a memory and has pepole to be puppets for say

...what? S tay on topic please, the OP want s to know if you think it would be possible for Cloud to kill Sephiroth

Now I know there was a topic on this...Ive posted in the damn thing, but I cant find it, because Im pretty sure that I blamed Jenova cells for Clouds strength...although adrenaline would also make sense, and let's not forget, Seph was already injured when he was thrown into the reactor (stabbed in the back off a Buster Sword would do that to yuo :wacky: )

So I guess Cloud just got lucky
Lets lay off the one liners please, its far too spammy in here -_-
No,no way in this game.he got lucky because of ONE thing.One:Sephiroth's back was turned.Sephiroth would have completely destroyed cloud had it been a fair battle.for pete's sake,sephiroth still had enough strength to impale cloud and lift him into the air.Cloud was just lucky in crisis core
na cloud shouldnt be able to kill sephiroth but hes the good guy and of course the good guy always wins. The developers find a way to augument the heroes strength one way or another so it can actually work. I wish to change that fad and I wish someone out there feels the need to make a game where the bad guy wins! it would be totally original, no ones made a game where the villian wins, i think.
I wish someone out there feels the need to make a game where the bad guy wins! it would be totally original, no ones made a game where the villian wins, i think.

Pretty sure the bad guy won in Crisis Core. Obviously Cloud wasn't strong enough to kill Sephiroth in a regular battle, however Sephiroth fought two battle with Zack already, was completely impaled and Sephiroth had hurt Tifa who Cloud has already expressed feelings for heightening his adrenaline. So I think Square made the prior events to Cloud throwing Sephiroth down the reactor enough to make it within the realm of possibilities.
No,no way in this game.he got lucky because of ONE thing.One:Sephiroth's back was turned.Sephiroth would have completely destroyed cloud had it been a fair battle.for pete's sake,sephiroth still had enough strength to impale cloud and lift him into the air.Cloud was just lucky in crisis core

That's right. If Cloud wasn't acting like a coward by stabbing Seph's back, Sephiroth would just dismember him. Let's look at the facts: Cloud was just an infrantreyman and Sephiroth was a SOLDIER 1st class. He was much better... but Cloud was much more lucky :)
If it was a proper battle, then no. Simply because it's pre-Jenova-cells-infused Cloud. He got very lucky and I agree with Kelly - the adrenaline rush probably got him going. Plus, Sephy was already injured from his fight with Zack. It was a nice sneaky attack. But even though Sephiroth already has Jenova cells, he can't predict when he'll be attacked and because of his crazed state, Cloud got very lucky to finally get rid of him.
I think Cloud just got an adreline rush from his disire to live and that let him kill sephiroth. Like he does at the end* spoilers*

When he sees Zack dieing it ends his mako addiction sulk.
ye he did have a mako adikson but he also had geostigma and the memories of zack and every 1 he loves helps him 2 win if u watch the film when you see the airship fly away cloud smiles
After playing the game, I started to see Cloud as someone who can't really do much without friends. So I think he couldn't have defeated Sephiroth without his friends' help.
Each time he defeated Sephiroth, it was either luck or probably weakned Sephiroth
No I don't think Cloud could beat Sephy. I love Cloud though but I just don't think he Really Can beat him. It just seems so Far-fetched especially before he had Jenova Cells.
yes :seph: is dead but in the movie :seph: is bk and:cloud: beats him so ya i think :cloud: can i am not saying that because i love him to bits i am saying it because :cloud: beats :seph: in the movie
Yes, Cloud should be able to take Sephiroth out the way he did.

It had nothing to do with skill or ability, but it also had nothing to do with "luck". How in the world was it "lucky" that Cloud over-turned Sephiroth's power? That's like the worst excuse.

People point out that Sephiroth had been impaled. Uh, lol, was Cloud not impaled in that instance as well? Was he not in the process of being stabbed and even so much as "dangled" by a sword? The previous stabbing done to Sephiroth is no excuse, unless Cloud is offered the same pardon.

What Cloud did was about will, as well as physical and inner strength. He tapped into a strength that stunned Sephiroth, and proceeded to turn things around. In that instance, he overpowered Sephiroth.

Cloud's background had a lot to do with feeling weak and incapable. But that moment was likely meant to symbolize a surpassing (if only brief) of these setbacks, and in doing so, he defeated the very man he once idolized. Cliche? Perhaps, but very likely.

It could even be implied that Cloud had the "strength" for SOLDIER all along (I mean, he could even wield the Buster Sword pretty "easily"). Perhaps he only lacked the necessary "skill" for Soldier, or the "mind" for it - having confidence issues dating back to his inability to protect Tifa. He was weak-minded, but not necessarily "weak".

Regardless of how extraordinary it was, it happened, and Crisis Core didn't even try to retcon anything about it. Sephiroth's fatigue or injury from the Zack fight could possibly be the only real "excuse" as to why it was possible, but in the end, it was still a struggle of strength and determination in Cloud's favor.

After playing the game, I started to see Cloud as someone who can't really do much without friends.

This doesn't really hold water. The whole point of the
Cloud vs Sephiroth final boutin FFVII
was to show that Cloud came out the victor in a 1 on 1 "man to man" battle. He had help with friends against BIZARRO and SAFER Sephiroth. Two forms of Sephiroth whom Zack never had to face.

The Omnislash style ending was set up to show that, over the course of FF7, Cloud gained the necessary skill, ability, and strength to defeat Sephiroth in a regular vs battle (interestingly enough, Omnislash itself is gained through a single person test).

It could maybe be argued that the support of his friends helped him pull through, but in the end, it takes the man to actually execute it.
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Doubt he could have. But then, Seph was stabbed, worn out from previous battles and Cloud had adrenaline and heightened emotions working for him.
Cloud was stabbed too. And you know, this game is pretty detailed, so I don't think it'd be unfair for me to point out that Sephiroth didn't show much fatigue after his "extensive battles with Zack".

And again, what Cloud did was about strength, will, and desire, aided by adrenaline and heightened emotion... There's nothing to say that he never had the *physical strength for Soldier (he did get into a lot of fights growing up after all, and handled the Buster Sword pretty easily), he just might not have had the mind set or skill. Sephiroth, meanwhile, was not necessarily known for his strength, but his skill above all else.

And if one were to assume no mako exposure or Jenova cells couldn't keep up with someone who has them? Well that wouldn't explain how Cloud's mates, The Turks, Rufus, Zangan etc... would all be able to reach pretty powerful levels without any of that.