Crisis Core Do you really think that Cloud could beat seph

I agree with HighwindPilot up to the point where he states Sephiroth was not known for his strength as I remember Cloud in FF7 stating Sephiroth is stronger than any story you've ever read about him or something like that, and his plot-continuity of favoring physical attacks has shown him to display completely unrealisticly massive strength.

Also, I believe too much importance is placed on the Jenova cells. The only reason they are in SOLDIER members is Shinra's misplaced faith that they would give members similar powers to those fabled to be of the Cetra. Because Jenova is not a Cetra, SOlDIERs do not display any of the phenomena Aerith was capable of. If anything, Jenova cells subject a carrier to crippling degeneration (as in most of the Sephiroth Clones and those without strong force of will), monstrous mutation (for a few carriers, and apparently this was almost the eminent fate for all the Cetra; not to mention those infused with Jenova cells or at least partial genetic matter like Gillian cells), or next to/nothing at all (as in Zack's case and those like Cloud who were susceptible to Sephiroth's will and even after overcoming this were still susceptible to geostigma).

More than likely, a SOLDIER's or anyone else's (in FF7 universe for that matter) are the "miniature" life stream networks in each of them. SOLDIERs just have an unnatural boost in their life streams through time spent in those Mako tubes that can lead to "super human" (defined loosely in FF7 what with everyone from Cloud and Sephiroth to Cait Sith, a robot !!?!? and some tweens being able to fly thousands of feet into the air) abilities. Obviously, Sephiroth and some of the other villains have extra powers that could be the result of Jenova cells, but because of the writer's obvious use of villain plot power and what-not we can only assume that personal life streams not Jenova cells is the main source of SOLDIERs' and non-SOLDIERs' power.

This leads me to my main point for which HighwindPilot shares: Cloud beat Sephiroth in their first encounter because he drew on some unknown massive store of spirit energy in his personal life stream. This is evidenced in the not completely canon Last Order FF7 (mostly because of the added content of CC and the non-canon way Sephiroth made it into The Planet's Life Stream) where Cloud's eyes are glowing with Mako energy despite not being in SOLDIER and how Sephiroth cries "What are you?" which I believe Sephiroth actually stated along those lines in FF7 along with "This is Impossible!" or something of the like.

Guess its really up for personal interpretation as this is purely a plot power driven event.
To be honest it would be nice to see either of them in real life...

But in all seriousness,


Cloud would get wiped on the floor like the mop that resides in my Kitchen. He'd just pansy out and cry in a corner or something.

Sephiroth has loads of Dark powers and Cloud has a Big Sword, so does Seph, Sephy WINS!
Flat out, no. Cloud had much to learn in order to be as skillful if not better than Sephiroth. Cloud was weak. The only time he showed strength is when his cells activated or whatever and was able to throw Sephy against the wall. Zack in my opinion would have never beaten Sephiroth either, course they never had a chance to fight a final fight, so the world may never know.

But to stray from the topic a little, I just wish Angeal had a little more... umph, instead of being a push over eventually to Zack. I guess it had more to do with enhancing the story line though, so I won't be harsh about it.
Definitely not. If you paid attention during the end of Crisis Core when Zack gave Cloud the Buster Sword, you could see him dragging it out while basically limping. Personally, I bet that he had to go through loads of extensive training just to learn how to lift that thing and swing it around without losing his grip. Sephiroth's Masamune, on the other hand, is basically twice as long as his height o_O But, Sephiroth can teleport so he should be fine ...
but seph did have another fight with cloud in advanst child and seph lost the fight after a long strugle
but seph did have another fight with cloud in advanst child and seph lost the fight after a long strugle

The only reason Cloud won this fight was because this fight takes place after many events:

1. Cloud is infused with Mako.

2. After what happens in FFVII, Cloud had a little bit of downtime what with him regaining his true memories and having to let the past go and recover from geostigma.

After all of that happens, Cloud becomes much more powerful after learning to believe in himself and that power gives him the ability to beat Sephiroth. Although after watching Advent Children repeatedly, it seemed as though Sephiroth was suprised when Cloud did Omnislash Ver.5. But he could not be suprised seeing Cloud do a variant of something he did in FFVII, so I disregarded that.

All in all, he beat Sephiroth one-on-one is Advent Children due to the fact that he became MUCH MUCH more stronger since Crisis Core and maybe Sephiroth having to use Kadaj as an avatar to battle him made him slightly weaker :hmmm:
i disagre i dont think setheroth was weakend in any way at all or evan killed cos of the averta now cloud is not weaker but is about the same streangeth as zack or tidus or both 2 gether cos cloud is fast and strong so he has the speed of tiuds and the strength of zack