Do you save Shadow or let him die?

The first time around, I didn't wait. The game had me so riled up that I was going to die; I didn't even think about poor shadow. Every other time I have played it; I saved him. Ultimately, why deprive myself of a good character? ;)
I always wait for shadow. He is an awsome character. And some of his skills are the best, like his throw ability and Interceptor coming in at various moments
Shadow was probably my favorite character in this game bar Sabin so I definitely chose to wait around to save him on the Floating Continent. I'm actually glad that someone spoiled it for me a long time ago and told me to wait or else he dies, because knowing me I just wanted to get off that Island so I would have left and forgotten him no doubt.
I let him die, but only by mistake, I selected "Jump!" and then went, "Oh, heck." On my next playthrough I'm going to make sure I save him, though.
Luckily, before i got to that part of the game, i found out about the whole waiting for Shadow thing, so yeah, i waited.
Shadow is a great character, but unfortunately she isn't present enough of the time to teach significant magic to. (Yes, Shadow is a she, if you pay attention to the cutscenes)
I save him every time for the hell of it really.

You don't lose anything (other than the ability to use him and have his dog as a helper occasionally), and you don't gain anything (other than him and his dog...).
I save him... oh you can let him die? (WHY?!?!?) With three useless characters already (GoGo, Gau and Umaro..) I cant' see anybody calling Shadow useless.
HEY! hey, hey, hey. Gogo and Umaro are NOT useless, I use them both in my leading final team!
Shadow is a great character, but unfortunately she isn't present enough of the time to teach significant magic to. (Yes, Shadow is a she, if you pay attention to the cutscenes)
Shadows a bloke, where does it mention he's a she? :huh:
HEY! hey, hey, hey. Gogo and Umaro are NOT useless, I use them both in my leading final team!

Gogo is one of the more difficult characters to use, and if you do know how to use him he will be quite powerful. Umaro is one of the best attackers in the game. I think a lot of people get frusterated because he isn't controllable.

I never found Shadow to be all that special. He had the badass factor but as far as in battle I've found many characters to be better than him.
Gogo is one of the more difficult characters to use, and if you do know how to use him he will be quite powerful. Umaro is one of the best attackers in the game. I think a lot of people get frusterated because he isn't controllable.

I never found Shadow to be all that special. He had the badass factor but as far as in battle I've found many characters to be better than him.
Shadow's strength lies in the Throw ability. Stock up on Shurikens and Fuma's and whatnot and he can do pretty much the highest physical damage for most of the game. His magic ability does suck though. >_<
Save Shadow, he's heaps good.
Shadow is a guy, he is Relm's father. He can equip the Momento Ring because it belonged to his wife, Relm's mother.
I think people should make sure they are correct before telling others to pay attention to the scenes.
I would save him...he's a Ninja and Ninja's are just made of pure win!

Also who else in the game has Shadow's baddassitude?

Forgot to mention that Ninjas are full of EPIC WIN.
But really, his throw command kicks but through most of the game, so why not keep a cool character with you til the end?
Can't let the poor guy die on a flying pile of rock.
I killed him... on my first playthough. I saved him on my GBA playthough, though.
Uh...Shadow is a male. I don't know why anyone would think he's a female?

I let him die. I didn't really care. He wasn't one of my strongest characters, so whatever. I also wanted to get the hell off of that floating continent, and he was certainly taking his sweet-ass time catching too bad :p Other than the fact he was a ninja, he wasn't a very remarkable character, I thought.