Do you think it's right to kill spiders?

I disagree with the Cow, Lamb, Pork thing too. There's other ways to get iron and the other things that meat can give you. Cows and other animals can usually sense when they're about to die. Which is terrible. They're all stuck in a crew and they can sense death and they can't do a thing. Then they're slaughtered in some of the worse ways possible.

With a bug the death is usually a surprise and a big shock and then usually it's over. Lambs are usually babies almost when they die. Bugs usually last about a few weeks anyways. A fly only lasts seven days.

But a Lamb, Cow, Pig or Chicken can last for a full few years before it's natural death. Life is fucking terrible if your a Chicken. You're stuck in a small cage and they break your neck and then if you're still alive or not they don't care and then you're sent to burn to death slowly in acid.

It's worse if you just happen to be a KFC Chicken we're the fucking jerk workers step on the chickens, toss the chickens aside and tease the chickens and sometimes rip off the chickens wigs while laughing. KFC has denied this of course.

If I was a animal I be wondering what the hell I did wrong in the past life. Seriously. I think I would rather be a bug. Because they have it easy compared to animals that are bound to end up as somebody's dinner. A bug is bound to die but the spatter is usually over in a few seconds.
Calm your tits down haha!

For the record humans don't actually need meat to survive, we could all easily survive off veggies as a lot give protein, but we'd have a pretty horrid quality of life living off nothing but meat. We slaughter and kill cows, etc because we love the taste, not because we need to, to survive.

So essentially it's the exact same thing as killing a spider for nothing.
Saul Goodman said:
Either way I kill them because they're big and nasty here, the tiny ones get a free pass.
lolwut? :wacky: The worst ones that you will find in your house are huntsmans and it's easy to get rid of them without killing them because they have balls and don't run around when you try to catch them.

I used to be terrified of spiders and used to always kill them, but a few years ago I began to just remove them from the house without killing them and tbh, aside from the initial shock when they catch me by surprise, I don't find them that scary anymore. Sometimes if they are really high up I'll actually let them stay inside for a few days until they are low enough for me to reach them.

I feel kind of bad about killing them. I also feel incredibly manly when I remove them from the house. So I try not to kill them.
lolwut? :wacky: The worst ones that you will find in your house are huntsmans and it's easy to get rid of them without killing them because they have balls and don't run around when you try to catch them.

You may be fine with picking up a huntsman and placing it outside but I'm not lmfao. I also have a lot of redbacks and white tails around my house...they're counted as big to me and they're nasty :S
Saul Goodman said:
You may be fine with picking up a huntsman and placing it outside but I'm not lmfao.
Coward. :wacky:

All you need is a glass/see-through plastic container and a piece of paper. Be a hero and tame the huntsman.
I disagree with the Cow, Lamb, Pork thing too. There's other ways to get iron and the other things that meat can give you. Cows and other animals can usually sense when they're about to die. Which is terrible. They're all stuck in a crew and they can sense death and they can't do a thing. Then they're slaughtered in some of the worse ways possible.

With a bug the death is usually a surprise and a big shock and then usually it's over. Lambs are usually babies almost when they die. Bugs usually last about a few weeks anyways. A fly only lasts seven days.

But a Lamb, Cow, Pig or Chicken can last for a full few years before it's natural death. Life is fucking terrible if your a Chicken. You're stuck in a small cage and they break your neck and then if you're still alive or not they don't care and then you're sent to burn to death slowly in acid.

It's worse if you just happen to be a KFC Chicken we're the fucking jerk workers step on the chickens, toss the chickens aside and tease the chickens and sometimes rip off the chickens wigs while laughing. KFC has denied this of course.

If I was a animal I be wondering what the hell I did wrong in the past life. Seriously. I think I would rather be a bug. Because they have it easy compared to animals that are bound to end up as somebody's dinner. A bug is bound to die but the spatter is usually over in a few seconds.

I think it's pretty lame how farm animals are treated as well. I disagree with it entirely. They have NO lives of their own, they are born only to eat and fatten up so they can be slaughtered by humans. None of them get to die of old age, peacefully. None of them have any real urges either, they're just bred by fucking people. Why? Because its convenient for the world. Someone decided humans are the king species and therefor get to fuck over and take advantage of anyone below us on the food chain. Society is raised to think this way without any hint of even the slightest remorse. It's pretty sad that convenience for us is valued more than a life. I would totally learn to hunt for my food if that meant cows and sheep and pigs get a shot at some kind of life.

Spiders and insects are no different; like I said, we share this world with other living things. This is not our planet.
Perhaps its not a matter of being humane at all. What if those of us who kill spiders are simply territorial? I mean, I think we can all agree that your room/house is YOUR space. If you have a sibling, you've probably chased them out at some point. Perhaps the more dominant ones among us see insects and spiders and the like as possible invaders and that they must be killed for daring to intrude. You've marked your space and how dare others come in - simple as that.

Of course this is really tied into the whole evolution deal. That and a tiny wrench is thrown in seeing as I'm one of the spider-killers and also the uke in the relationship... though not necessarily always submissive...
Perhaps its not a matter of being humane at all. What if those of us who kill spiders are simply territorial? I mean, I think we can all agree that your room/house is YOUR space. If you have a sibling, you've probably chased them out at some point. Perhaps the more dominant ones among us see insects and spiders and the like as possible invaders and that they must be killed for daring to intrude. You've marked your space and how dare others come in - simple as that.

Of course this is really tied into the whole evolution deal. That and a tiny wrench is thrown in seeing as I'm one of the spider-killers and also the uke in the relationship... though not necessarily always submissive...

This gave me a good laugh.

"A fly? By my window? How dare you! Prepare to go down, you sick son of a bitch."
Sure, but it doesn't erase other realities. Like people being scared little dicks at the sight of a creature and ending its life for being unattractive.
I'd consider trees living things too...they MRS NERG and maybe we shouldn't be using toilet roll or paper in general :hmmm:
Anyways, if we're talking poisonous ones, they wouldn't hesitate to kill us off, so why can't we kill those innocent little twats? :wacky:
There are tons of better alternatives than trees and damaging the environment for oil and such, but that's a whole other topic.

As for poisonous ones and stuff...try reading the thread maybe.
Nah, I'm gonna leave it here. Not particularly fond of thinking about them too much :p . Some might argue why I came to a thread about something I don't want to talk about...some may say, "good on you sir for talking about something you so hate :monocle:" .

...what a load of bollocks I've spoken tonight. Sleep is needed. As if I speak anything but crap when I'm wide awake :/
Nah, I'm gonna leave it here. Not particularly fond of thinking about them too much :p . Some might argue why I came to a thread about something I don't want to talk about...some may say, "good on you sir for talking about something you so hate :monocle:" .

...what a load of bollocks I've spoken tonight. Sleep is needed. As if I speak anything but crap when I'm wide awake :/

Oddly this is something I can respect. Oh well
Sure, but it doesn't erase other realities. Like people being scared little dicks at the sight of a creature and ending its life for being unattractive.
Well until we determine the specific reason, it's all just theory anyways. In the end of the matter, you asked a question of ethics which varies for everyone so you can't exactly put a nice Venn diagram on paper and separate everything easily.
You are mistaking consciousness and sentience as being the same thing, when they're not. Just because something is alive, doesn't mean it's totally aware of itself. There's a test where you mark an animal, then place a mirror in front of it. If it touches the mark on its own body, it clearly has self-awareness. If it touches the mark on the reflection, then it most likely believes the reflection is a new animal rather than itself. Elephants and chimps can recognise themselves, but many species can't. Already there's a distinction between how aware an animal can be, which means your claim that all animals are the same is untrue.

Do you feel guilty that every step you take you kill billions upon billions of bacteria? If not, why not? They're a living creatures.

You said the way farm animals are treated repulses you, and you disagree with it completely. Then why aren't you a vegan? It's easy to say it's terrible, it's not so easy to abstain. You say you would like to learn to hunt and kill for yourself. Have you looked into anything like that? Or any way of getting meat without having to go through factory farmed products? I'm not sure you can truly disagree with something 100% and still do it, especially when you are not being forced to do it.

How do you propose we resolve the cow dilemma? We can't undomesticate them, so we can't just release them back into the wild. If we raise each one lovingly and and with care, supply will not meet demand and the costs would cripple the already declining farming sector.

Also I find it strange that you're morally outraged by the treatment of animals but not your fellow man. Sweat shops, big corporations making trade reps in African countries disappear, but people wear and use their products without hesitation. That's not really within the scope of this thread though.

SaShman that is exactly how I feel about spiders.
Good news everyone!

I killed 5 spiders just now, one of which was about 2 cm in length for just its 2 segment body. Used my umbrella like a pool cue. Like I said, all spiders must die. Cockroaches too.
You are mistaking consciousness and sentience as being the same thing, when they're not. Just because something is alive, doesn't mean it's totally aware of itself. There's a test where you mark an animal, then place a mirror in front of it. If it touches the mark on its own body, it clearly has self-awareness. If it touches the mark on the reflection, then it most likely believes the reflection is a new animal rather than itself. Elephants and chimps can recognise themselves, but many species can't. Already there's a distinction between how aware an animal can be, which means your claim that all animals are the same is untrue.

Do you feel guilty that every step you take you kill billions upon billions of bacteria? If not, why not? They're a living creatures.

You said the way farm animals are treated repulses you, and you disagree with it completely. Then why aren't you a vegan? It's easy to say it's terrible, it's not so easy to abstain. You say you would like to learn to hunt and kill for yourself. Have you looked into anything like that? Or any way of getting meat without having to go through factory farmed products? I'm not sure you can truly disagree with something 100% and still do it, especially when you are not being forced to do it.

How do you propose we resolve the cow dilemma? We can't undomesticate them, so we can't just release them back into the wild. If we raise each one lovingly and and with care, supply will not meet demand and the costs would cripple the already declining farming sector.

Also I find it strange that you're morally outraged by the treatment of animals but not your fellow man. Sweat shops, big corporations making trade reps in African countries disappear, but people wear and use their products without hesitation. That's not really within the scope of this thread though.

@SaShman that is exactly how I feel about spiders.

I don't care if a creature is aware of itself or not. If it is, I do feel there is more importance to it, but regardless, I still value a creature's life.

Germs I really can't talk about, since I know so little about them. I don't go out of my way to kill them unless they're harmful to me. It makes sense for any organism to resort to certain things for the sake of survival.

I already talked about animals and how I feel about it. Fuck you if you think I need to actually try to hunt for my food in order for my comment to be valid. There's more to this issue that belongs in another thread.

Same with my "fellow man". I feel the same way; I value life, but I'll fucking kill you if you're a threat to my own life. That's off topic.