Do you think people who do drugs are bad?

M1ghty Mous3

Dec 24, 2008
Anywhere and Everywhere
A simple question. tell us and explain why. And what would you say if someone was hig hwhen they came on here and you knew????

To me it depends on the drug and how often its used. If its along the lines of heroin, crack, meth or cocaine then yes i think their bad people. The ygo crazy over this one product so much that it controls thier lives. Now if it's a little lighter like shrooms or pot, and is able to kept in check the nno that's fine. As long as it doesn't start to get out of hand and take over. When it comes to acid and pills...ehh...only when it's a rave or once a month or so.
A simple question. tell us and explain why. And what would you say if someone was hig hwhen they came on here and you knew????

To me it depends on the drug and how often its used. If its along the lines of heroin, crack, meth or cocaine then yes i think their bad people. The ygo crazy over this one product so much that it controls thier lives. Now if it's a little lighter like shrooms or pot, and is able to kept in check the nno that's fine. As long as it doesn't start to get out of hand and take over. When it comes to acid and pills...ehh...only when it's a rave or once a month or so.
I prefer to judge people on who they are rather than what they do. So no I don't think people who do drugs are bad, murderers and rapists are bad. Without a doubt there are some bad people who use drugs, but that's a different matter. There are various reasons for doing drugs, none of which I believe to be bad. You cannot blame someone for wanting to feel better than it is possible to humanly feel.
I wouldn't call people who do drugs bad. It's their choice if they want to take drugs, for whatever reason, but they also have to be prepared for the consequences. We're all different anyway. Just because I don't choose to put something in my own body like them doesn't make me any better.

I'll only feel anything towards them if they end up having to deal with the consequences by rubbing it in their face and saying, "I told you so." :wacky: I'd expect the same for me.
Thing is, there are too many drugs out there that are considered illegal which are less lethal than the intake of smoking and drinking. Nicotine + alcohol = more addictive than Marijuana, blah blah. And trust me I've had a lot more cousins and a grandfather die by lung cancer because of tobacco and their lack of stopping.

So drug users in my opinion really only hurt themselves, but those that sell are a totally different breed altogether. Drug dealers, I will immediately look down on, but that's only because they are taking short cuts in life and probably end up filtering their drug to the younger population.

Now I don't like those that openly brag about rolling, openly brag about twiking or openly brag about getting stoned. Now as a personal preference I stay away from coke users, because of their mood swings.. bad past experiences with a friend or two.

All in all they are just hurting themselves, it's not my business to tell them what to do as long as they are not advertising it.
No definitely not, it all depends on the individual, drug users or not. Now, would I say it's a 'bad choice' to do drugs? Yes, but that's entirely different from actually accusing drug users that they are bad people overall. There is a matter that sometimes when people use drugs, they tend to act out of character depending on the dosage intake. It may then sometimes lead them to committing a crime, which would be a different story then.

As for those who sell drugs illegally, I don't approve of the action. But are they bad people? Hell if I know. I don't associate with one so I wouldn't know. I'm sure some are not all that bad altogether - just messed up in the head. But for those whose intention are to cause harm to others, especially teenagers who are very naive, then yeah I definitely look down upon them.
I see people who take drugs as incompetent in the area of making themselves happy without the help of drugs. It's pretty sad but sometimes people have had a hard life and so they resort to drugs instead of fixing the real problem.

However, I can't really judge because we all do things for different reasons.

My partner actually used to do pretty much everything you can imagine, but that was way before we met and he'd made the choice to stop.

He does however still do Marijuana which he claims was more addictive than anything else. I suppose it depends on who you are as well. I suppose coming down (after a fix of pot has worn off) may have been less painful than the other drugs. He also reckons that pot was the only drug that didn't turn him into a complete couch potato.

Anyway I still see drugs as bad, however I don't automatically deem all people who use them as bad people. Some people in my life have been into it at one stage but only did it for fun and didn't let it control their lives.

I myself have had the odd cone now and again, I just don't have an addictive mind. I don't do any drug, smoke or drink alcohol because I need to. I only do them sometimes when I'm partying which is very rare, because usually I can entertain myself without the help of any of those things. I would be fine if I never had to touch any of them again. I just think that sometimes it's fun to do and experience life from a really weird perspective if you know that's all it will be. >_<

I wouldn't be with my partner if I thought any differently. >_<
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You know, I was going to type a very long, serious and deep post expressing my views on this subject. But then I remembered. Mr. Hicks had done it so much better. Watch these.

(^included this one only because of what he says upto 0:20. Shit vid and rest is done better elsewhere)

To sum up, I dislike the individual rather than it being because they do drugs. We live in country's that people's relatives have died to defend for our freedom. If they want to do drugs then it's none of my business. Drugs have done a lot of positive things so why shouldn't it be used? If they want to abuse it to the level that they fuck up then THEY have fucked up and not because of the drug. Simple as in my book.

and for the one's who say they can have a good time without drugs, good on them! Congratulations! You get to miss out on times like these which I think make great stories to tell the grandchildren oneday...

I know it doesn't quite keep to the topic exactly, but admit it, you laughed.
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I don't see the individuals as bad but I don't approve of the actions. I used to go out with this guy who had pretty much done every drug you could think of (cocaine, acid, E...household cleaners..anything really) before we met and while he stopped before then he still drank (heavily, which was the would show up to class drunk) a lot and smoked pot while we were together. Basically he knew I didn't approve because he was only hurting himself and that I wouldn't deal with him if he showed up to meet me high or really drunk because I couldn't trust him like that.

So like I don't se them as bad...but I still don't approve and a lot of that has to do with the amount of strain it can put on a relationship when you can't rely on someone because of that.
I know a couple of people who smoke pot, and they aren't bad people. I personally dont take drugs, asides the over the counter stuff *High-5's paracetamol* anyway, and even though i dont do drugs my self i don't atomatically think that people who are on drugs are bad people. i just think that they are wasting their money on something that inevitably makes them feel worse.
Not necessarily that their bad, but that they've simply made bad decisions.

I mean some people get involved in drugs because of serious physical or emotional trauma that was by no means their fault. It's not unlike turning to alcohol when times get rough, they've just been forced into trying to find a way out of their lives and escape the trauma, they could have been perfectly decent people.

Now that's not to say that all drug addicts are good people either. Some of them can be very bad people. But then so can people who aren't drug addicts.

My point, it certainly doesn't help them, but it doesn't necessarily define them as bad either.
Still, I hope those that do use drugs get off them ASAP, just because it's not safe.
technicaly nearly everyone has had drugs...alcohol is considered a are we all bad?
yes i have had one ciggy in my life...but that was to try it...and it put me ex used to smoke weed...but ive never touched the stuff.
I think that my answer to this question is pretty straightforward and to put it as concisely as possible: there are a lot of bad people who use drugs, but not all people who use drugs are bad.
Depends what drug... My dad smokes and drinks I kinda think he is bad. But if it is medicine and you NEED it then no. But otherwise then yes. Not bad for personality but generally bad.
I think that my answer to this question is pretty straightforward and to put it as concisely as possible: there are a lot of bad people who use drugs, but not all people who use drugs are bad.
PizzaEatPizza said:
Depends what drug... My dad smokes and drinks I kinda think he is bad. But if it is medicine and you NEED it then no. But otherwise then yes. Not bad for personality but generally bad
Guys this is the Sleeping Forest, posts in here need more effort in them because this section is for serious discussion. Thank you:)
Here's what i think:
I think people who do drugs are just begging for help. I try not to judge people just because their on drugs.. or whatnot they might actually turn out to be pretty damn cool. I think most people who do drugs either do it because they want to be cool, or they feel that their life's hell. Either way i don't think its the right decision if you will. Yeah coffee alcohol and things on the border line like that are consider drugs I'm talking about the higher level drugs that can fuck you up pretty badly. (unless you abuse alcohol)
So what im saying is that its a bad thing to do, and it could lead to you getting in deep shit and may possibly make you seem like a bad person but before you went through the whole thing with drugs you had good in ya you know? I think everyone has the potential to get somewhere in life. You can get somewhere in life without drugs. Drugs are a waste of time and take life away from you.
So no, people who do drugs aren't bad they just take away the potential in you away. The potential to be sucessful because drugs is pretty frickin serious.
Hope i didn't ramble too much XD
I think that my answer to this question is pretty straightforward and to put it as concisely as possible: there are a lot of bad people who use drugs, but not all people who use drugs are bad.
I completely agree. Not only is that probably the shortest and most simplest answer on this thread, it's the best and most accurate.

Drugs are addictive, just as cigarettes. As kids (normally as kids) people experiment with all kinds of things. Whether it be the strong drugs you mentioned, or whether it be the weaker ones. I don't think that makes them bad. Drugs, like everything else, is important in some way to the person using them. Whether it be an escape, something they enjoy, or just an addiction they can't control.

I don't think it's right to classify someone as being "bad" just by the drug they use or have used. There are a lot of people who smoke weed who are bad people. There are murderers, bank robbers, all kinds of bad people who smoke weed. Of course, you have the people who aren't so bad either who smoke it or have smoked it. Then you look at people who have done crack or do crack. Some of them are very sensitive people. Some of them have kids, have familes they love, have wives, or even have great steady jobs. Normally crack addicts don't have those things, but in some cases they do. Plus, many people that you may know today as great people have probably tried those drugs in the past.

Now, the reason people who do drugs are stereotyped as bad people, are mainly because a lot are, yes. Drugs are a crime, so generally speaking, people who would do drugs, which is against the law, would then in turn do other crimes. Like I mentioned above. That's very true, but it doesn't mean that all people who do drugs are bad. Nor does it mean all people who do drugs are good, or all people who don't do drugs are good either. There is good and bad in everything.
Although I do recognize that my post was a bit short, I feel as though this discussion is opinion based and therefore, fairly straightforward, and seeing as I have a very concise view with regards to the topic I felt as though my one sentence response was more than satisfactory. However, if I were to expand upon the topic I would allude to some of my personal behavior.

I don't ever like to get too personal on the internet because I prefer to maintain an air of anonymity but in this case I will make an exception.

I have, in the past, used hard drugs. My personal drug of choice being cocaine, and although I never developed a serious addiction or habit (thankfully) I never really found anything wrong with it. At the time I was searching for something and the drugs were a coping mechanism. I never had to pay for anything because virtually all of it was free seeing as one of my friend's brothers was a dealer. That was quite a long time ago, and I will never again use another hard drug.

At this point and time the only drugs I use are alcohol and marijuana. I don't smoke that often, but I do drink regularly, so much so in fact that a lot of people who are not particularly close to me think that I have a drinking my problem (my 15 to 20 closest friends know better) and they all have their opinions about my drinking. The bottom line is that I love drinking, and I love being drunk. Morals do not come into question when I drink because I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It's too easy to try to rationalize someone's drug use and to dismiss a user as someone who is lacking something in their life and wishes to compensate for it by drinking their self into a stupor or because they want to be cool (I'll admit in my younger days I was one of these people but not anymore), when in reality most people just like to drink.

I try not t judge people because it's too easy, and as I said previously: there are a lot of bad people who use drugs, but not all people who use drugs are bad.
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Drugs are addictive,

You are partially correct. Marijuana is not addictive. It has no addictive molecules in it. Mushrooms are not addictive as they are a fungus. DMT as far as i'm aware isn't addictive. Meth, coke, crack, heroin are all highly addictive. Alcohol can be addictive depending on the person.

I can understand where a person is addicted to weed. But it's not the weed. The only way to become addicted to weed or shrooms is to have an addictive personality.
Do you think people who do drugs are bad?

I used to. Yeah, in my own way of creating a hate for drugs. I think people who use them shoulf flat out stop. You don't need that shit. You really don't. Grow some bones and just stop being an idiot. Now? >.> I couldn't care less. If they wanna be stupid, go ahead. I just hope they know what they're doing to themselves AND the people that love them.s.
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I've never really thought of this question, but now I realize it's not that the drug addict is bad. It's only that they made some bad decisions, and they only have drugs to turn to. In my opinion, people aren't bad; it's only their decisions which are bad.