Do you think people who do drugs are bad?

Just because they've made bad choices doesn't make them bad people. Though, certain drugs do equal to major changes in a person. I would stay away from a meth or coke addict, but no one who smokes pot or any minor drugs. --I know drugs aren't minor, but I'm comparing to the "worse" drugs.
The drugs dont make the person sure drugs in general are a bad thing to get caught up in but they arent what i judge a person on. Not saying i'm for the drugs or anything but from seeing people who do, do them i'd say as long as the user isnt pushing them on another, then its just them harming themselves so no drug use doesnt make a person bad not technically anyway
Not at all. My best friend is a weed smoker, and whenever he would quit for a little while, he was the same person, just a little more talkative. I mean, it's not fair to make a snap judgement of someone just because they do something you don't, even if it is something controversial like drugs.

I'm a firm believer that the health problems and other issues that are associated with any kind of drug is way overhyped by sources like the press and media. They lead you to believe that because the effects of drugs are bad, that the people who are using them are as well. It really doesn't make sense, but I guess we can't just believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty (and no I don't mean that in a judicial sense, but by a personality sense). I guess it's built into human genetics that they have to be judgemental about a group of people, and some feel like drug users are the group to discriminate against.

And for the record, I've never done any illegal drugs in my life, nor have I drank (and I am old enough to drink). I don't believe people who do these things should be alienated for them.
Just because they are doing drugs, doesn't mean they are a bad person. I know lots of people that do some form of drugs, and some of them are my best friends.
Those who do drugs? No, unless they, themselves are assholes. Those who influence other people purposefully? Sort of. I myself do it, as do most of my friends, and the ones that don't, have no quarrel with it. However, if someone does drugs and it affects other people (eg:family) then that person is rather selfish and should probably stop.
You can't really judge a person because they do drugs. Some of them can be the nicest people out there who, for who knows what reason, just fell into using them. Still, there are others who do drugs, and at the same time, are complete asses. It's all about personality. Or, at least, that's how choose to see things. To have a negative view on an issue like this isn't good for me.
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They are all bad! We should skin them and eat the meat!!!! naw just kidding, people on drugs are so fun to be around:P
It seems like almost everybody does drugs these days, people who ill talk to and think are perfectly normal people ill later find out they are doing some sort of drug. Personally i prefer straight-edge people over those who do drugs because i have a real problem with them. I don't necessarily think everyone who uses drugs are bad but i much prefer people who dont
I dun really think so, I believe they were pushed for drugs coz of there surrounding :hmmm:
Some of those ppl may turn bad searching for drugs, but I believe the bad person is the one who's selling drugs -_-
The question itself is flawed, and therefore any proper answer can't really be given to it. "Drugs" is a relatively open word with loose definitions. They can range from caffeine, to nicotine, to heroin, to penicillin. Where do you draw the line for this argument? You can play the role of, "clearly I meant narcotics such as marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc", but even then the lines are thin. Do you classify drugs like the U.S. Federal Government does, like the Mexican Government, like I do? I personally put caffeine, a very dangerous and addictive substance at a higher risk level of both health concerns and addictive qualities above that of marijuana and nicotine, but below those of heroin and oxycodone. At what level are we referring to here?

Then we have the term "people who do drugs". What is this in reference to? On purpose (do you really know what's in that energy drink, bottled water, twinkie?), regularly (how often is regularly by the way? does it depend on the substance, your personal opinion on the substance, etc?), taking prescribed medication in the recommended quantities and schedule, etc?

Also, there is the relative term "bad". What defines a person as "bad". Are we using the 1980's American slang term of bad to mean good? Or are we using the online dictionaries definition, which is vague at best? Where does bad rate on the scale? Is someone still only classified as "bad" if they are a rapist, a serial killer (assuming one opposes this thing, as clearly the rapist/serial killer most likely does not), or are they given a label with a more "evil" connotation?

You have to remember that an answer can only be as good as the question. I'll do my best to give my opinion on the matter.

I'm not assuming any classification of drug to not be considered, I'm considering the term "people who do drugs" to mean who use any substance at least once a month or more on purpose, and I'll assume that we are using the relative term "bad" to mean destructive to one's one community (regardless of size, the Earth can serve as a community). The reason I choose these definitions is because I believe they are most closely related to what the original poster was referring to.

Simple answer: no. A resounding "no", I might add. Just because someone chooses to use a drug (regardless of which drug) does not make them inherently bad. There are untold masses of people on this planet who use unknown quantities of unknown substances everyday and still manage to function and exist underneath societies radar. These people aren't out killing people (murder, by the way, can cause high doses of endorphins, which is a highly addictive drug, and can therefore potentially be considered a determining cause of why someone becomes a serial killer - for the thrill of the kill - or in drug terms, for the fix of endorphins) or burning villages, or whatever it is that bad people do when they start destroying their community more than they are helping.

Can drugs be a persuasive factor that caused a typically good person to turn bad? Absolutely. However, the drug itself can not make the person bad (I assure you that neither man nor nature has constructed the chemical that promotes the evil gene in a human being, and therefore cannot "make" them do anything "bad", especially since bad is a relative term that, more than likely, you and I and everyone reading this would define differently if extended to the proper barriers on the proper conditions). The environment, personalities, dangers, etc that a person encounters on a regular basis while obtaining, using, or even discussing drugs however can play a large role in how that person chooses to make his/her decisions.

The easiest way in science to disprove a theory is to prove it wrong on a single, simplistic level. In this instance we can easily use the "is EVERYONE who does drugs a bad person?" example. Certainly we can all agree that not every single person who has ever done a drug is bad. Especially if you consider drinking an energy drink once a day, or puffing on a few cigarettes everyday, or having a glass of wine on the weekends as doing a drug.

If you want to be more complex about it, you can say with a fair deal of confidence (due to the sheer number of drug users combined with mathematical odds of any given event happening at any given time) that not everyone who injects heroin into their bloodstream, or snorts cocaine through their nasal cavity, or breathes THC laden smoke into their lungs is going to turn into a bad person.

Vague generalizations and poor question structure aside, no, I don't think that people who do drugs are bad. I don't think that anyone who properly thought this through for even a few minutes could rationally decide that just because a person takes a drug, whatever that drug may be, they are automatically to be deemed to be a bad person. If we can justify murder (say in defense), put logic behind war (either we kill them, or they kill us), etc, we can probably all agree that a something as simple as getting high in one way or another off of a drug for whatever reason, does not make a person bad.
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Nah. I don't think people who do drugs are "bad". There are some bad people who do other things to make them bad and also to drugs.

I've got a few pot smoker friends, and some friends who do other drugs. I'm not going to force jesus on them and tell them to repent or go die. They're not bad people, they just enjoy a different style of enlightenment and pleasure.

Everyone finds those two in different ways.
Hahahaha no. People who do drugs are not bad people. Theres no yes to this question. Its their body, their life let them do what they want. As long as they dont hurt other people whats the problem?
Its when they rob and mug people to get for their fixes, then theyre nothing more than scum.
HAVE A TOKE OF A JOINT AND YOU ARE BAD. Its laughable to be honest.
I often find the most believers of this ''theory'' are young kids who have yet to step into the real world, or those who see life through a computer screen.
Its funny aswell how alcoholism isnt so frowned upon. Its more or less just a drug that is deemed 'acceptable' by the law and society whereas other drugs arent :lew:
And for those who say ''oh well its not as bad for you'' Your wrong, iv seen it first hand and theres nothing pleasant about it, just like almost any addiction.
Smart people know their limits and they dont abuse that knowledge.
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I know several people that smoke hash, and I don't care about the fact that they do; its their choice and their choice alone. I know one or two people that pop pills, I don't agree with it, but I don't think it makes them "bad" in anyway. Sometimes people do drugs from problems that they have, others do it to seem cool and others have been forced. It depends on the person and if they want to take them or not.
The only thing I don't agree with is people dealing in school. Which happens in mine a lot, but they got caught and its not happened since. Dealing drugs in a place like that I would see as bad, but not taking them.
No, if you're a rapist, murderer and what not then yea. But a drug user no, you want to destroy yourself slowly be my guest. Drugs don't do anything good for you at all so the whole everything has a pros and cons doesn't apply here.

But if the person is someone i know THEN i'd get them to stop, seeing as how i don't want them to die from doing something as foolish as killing themselves slowly.
No, if you're a rapist, murderer and what not then yea. But a drug user no, you want to destroy yourself slowly be my guest. Drugs don't do anything good for you at all so the whole everything has a pros and cons doesn't apply here.

But if the person is someone i know THEN i'd get them to stop, seeing as how i don't want them to die from doing something as foolish as killing themselves slowly.

Someone can take drugs without being a frequent user. Its not like the adverts where they take it once them boom theyre selling off their belongings to buy more. Some people do it very rarely, which tbh has little to none effect on their lifespan. And wer all dying slowly mate, we get there one day.
Its when they rob and mug people to get for their fixes, then theyre nothing more than scum.
I don't think I'd even go that far, doing something bad, doesn't make a person bad of you know what I mean. Addicts will do anything for a fix, they'll steal from old ladies, they'll cut the wires off power pylons and sell the copper, or they'll go out and become whores. There's a difference between beating someone up when you are thinking straight, and when you need to get high, because you're obsessed and therefore do not act as you would normally. I think addicts are to be pitied and judged, because judging people is a right that no one has.
The only drugs I see someone really robbing someone for are the ones that are actually considered addictive, so pretty much everything but Mary Jane. I mean the harder the drug the more fix one needs in order to be stable. I don't hang around cocaine users for the same reasons I provided before or any other harder users to be honest because their personality is severely affected, and no offense its like hanging around bipolars. I just doubt I can do it, when all it is, is an up and down. Yes, one can argue prostitution has occurred in the past because of this very reason, male and female alike. We've all see the movies and such.. Requiem for a Dream.. or any other drug related movie. So do I hang around drug users? Pot heads are fine, but the rest, can't say I do anymore after all the bad occurrences I've seen.