Do you think sleep status magic is worthless in FF games?

*i agree status effects are useful when the right situation comes. it wasnt created by the genius crew of Square for nothing! ;)

*what would a warrior do is hed be casted by a cripple or weakening effect?what would a spell caster do is hed be silenced or drained of mp?status are very handy! :)
Yes, I would definitely say that Sleep is useful to the game.

For FF10, I focused a little more on the characters who cast magic, so I would just put a creature to sleep and bombard it with magic spells.:neomon:

It is better to kill monsters with the use of status ailments, because games are all about strategy. Plus, the bosses use them against you as well, so no guilt. :updown:
One thing that always utilizes status magic to the best of their ability is... Status based attacks. Those are actually my favorite techniques.
Pretty much. I rarely use spells like that, since they never seem to work. I use Sleep in old Dragon Quest games, though. They work great.
Status effects are definitely useful in the games if you know how to use them. Usually however, you'll only truly need them in a boss fight but apparently they are always immune and are likely to have the self-status effects in which case you'll have to use dispel. Status effects in general are only good if they are the the type you use on yourself. "Sleep" in specific, is pretty useless. The best way is to finish them quickly while they're awake than to take your time while they're asleep. Also, isn't it funny that someone is able to sleep in the middle of battle with fireballs flying around and teammates being slahsed to death?
Ye, assuming it does work that is.. Some bosses are immune to the Sleep Status.
Other than that, if successful, it will be quite a nice time to head for toilet break! Lols.
It's pretty useful in FFVIII with T-Rex that What I know ;)

Yeah, I thought that was kind of cool that Quistis recommends adding that effect to your weapon when you first encounter a T-Rex in the Training area of Balamb. :D

That does work quite well, then you can keep physically attacking foes and it won't even wake them up most of the time (at least when the amount of Sleep you have junctioned to the weapons are 100).

So I think the Sleep status is indeed useful, completely disables the foe (or yourself. :O), so using it well can really make things easier in a battle.
Hmm I'm not sure. Personally I don't use sleep much I never really need it. Except in some Boss fights that is...
Most are usless. Like i never usally use, stop, slow, sleep, slience all of those magicks too disable your oppent.

But in FFXII it comes very usfull when you can use sleepega on all these bats and then use curaja to pwn them all :gasp:.