Do you think this game will acheive an M rating?


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Aug 25, 2008
Accessory (Arms)
Chocobo Egg
Ellia Lombardia
FFXIV Server
Well I was thinking that this game looks more real than all the other Final Fantasys. This Final Fantasy is supposed to be one of the darkest Final Fantasys ever. But then again should it really have an M rating? Cause mostly every ff is rated T right? But too me it just looks like this one will be rated M. Your thoughts on Versus ratings? What do you guys say about this? Just an unknown topic I had in my head.
No, I still think it will be another titles that receives "T", reason being, with an "M" rating you're looking at around an audience of 17 which means Square Enix would lose a massive market audience. Whilst I do believe they'll succeed at making the darkest Final Fantasy game ever, I don't believe they'll make it to the point it's a "T", for financial reasons.
I don't think it'll be rated M or have any necessarily darker material than any of the previous FF's have already touched on. If it is, it would likely be forced into an M rating by Squeenix's own decisions, like uncensored cursing. Other than that, I believe they wouldn't do anything else to try achieving an M rating. I mean, when you think about it, there are games bloodier than Grand Theft Auto that get away with a Teen rating these days, so nowadays, you have to either be TRYING to offend a lot of people to get the rating (Rated M for iMmature), or have genuinely mature themes that make you think like the Bioshock, Shin Megami Tensei, or Fallout titles.(Rated M for Mature).

To be honest, it would be entirely out of character for Squeenix to make FF VS XIII a blood and gore fest, so that throws out the first option unless they fill the game with the filthier variety of vocabulary. Secondly, Squeenix have no braincells with which to think of anything honestly mature in content and thought-provoking, so that rules out the second option.

I think you'll see a well-rounded Teen rating for this one.
I don't think it'll be T. It maybe darker than the others, but I don't think it'll go as far as M. I think it'll simply be a little more scary, tragic and will have more blood.
Besides, I didn't see anything really DARK so far. Yes, there was some blood and the world is a little dark. But I didn't see things like: head/hand/leg being being cut off, very scary monsters or any other thing like that.
Maybe it'll be in the game though. Just didn't show it yet.

So I think it'll be T, one way or another.
I'm expecting some decently dark themes in this game with Nomura's say so, but I'm rather hard pressed to think it'll get an M rating. I do think FF has been getting closer and closer to passing the T rating, but actually getting to the M rating just seems way too much of a stretch.

Although in all fairness, the FF series started out with an E rating, and there's some decent difference between that and T O.O
Yeah maybe it will get a T rateing who knows? I still think Mature would be a possibility since some square enix games nowadays are rated M. Well only like 2 xD. The last remnant is rated M and The upcoming rpg Nier is going to be Rated Mature. So yeah maybe blood and all would be good. Some themes or some shit would be nice. I want to see this game be the "darkes Final Fantasy yet" Like SE said.
I doubt that FFXIII would get an M rating. Nothing I've seen in any of the footage or pictures have made me see it that way. The only way they could make this an M rated game is if they added lots of gratuitous blood, swearing, or have a sex scene, and I think you can still have a "darker theme" without having all of that kind of stuff.

EDIT: I just realized that this is in the VersusXIII forum instead of the regular XIII forum. <_<
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Personally, I don't see why people are expecting much from these supposedly "darker" and more "adult" themes.

I don't have high hopes for having some truly "adult" themes coming from versus, at least nothing more adult/mature then your average M-rated games, which tend to not be very mature in first place. That and what we've experienced of nomuras stuff doesn't give me hope particularly because it seems to tend to try and present itself as being deep and meaningful when it's just not, and that just tends to make it even worse. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but not because I feel it has much substance to it. The FF series (and most JRPGs in general) always seems to put the kiddy gloves on when it comes to the heavy stuff, and nomura is no better at it from what we've seen.

The closest I've ever seen a JRPG come to being emotionally moving or take on any particularly powerful subject matter was in Lost Odyssey in the Thousand Years of Dreams sequences.
I don't think it will manage an M rating. OK yes, it has some blood and whatnot, but as mentioned before, this isn't House of the Dead, Resident Evil or whatever- where blood spurts out like volcano eruptions and flying dismembered limbs afterwards. There will be dark themes, but that is present in many other games. Lost Odyssey an example, as mentioned before. As long as the F word is not used here like an irate Gordon Ramsay alongside themes such as sex and intense drug usage being involved etc, it would be clear of an M ratingl.
Well not necessarly sex scenes or cutting peoples heads off. But there could be something "close" to a sex scene xD. Like a very cute couple sort of love thing. Ya I found it strange how FF started with the E rating too. But now its in the T section. Maybe Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be rated 16 plus? like close to Mature.
Only ballsy developers have M ratings, square enix has never been one to be ballsy (unless you consider ffvii). No offense, I love Final Fantasy.. but for me I see it focused on "T" rating.
Only ballsy developers have M ratings, square enix has never been one to be ballsy (unless you consider ffvii). No offense, I love Final Fantasy.. but for me I see it focused on "T" rating.

Off topic but - FFVII rips off wholesale from FFVI, how is it ballsy?
from what I've seen I could see Versus having a rating of M. It seems very dark and more violent. I mean I saw the main character stab a guy as they were falling and there was a lot of blood for a final fantasy game...
from what I've seen I could see Versus having a rating of M. It seems very dark and more violent. I mean I saw the main character stab a guy as they were falling and there was a lot of blood for a final fantasy game...
I still doubt it. Soul Reaver for PSone was (originally) a Teen rating. And that's a really bloody and brutal game when you get right down to its content.
I don't think that this game will be rated as "M", but it deserves it ;) Darkest FF game ever... Can't wait ... Noctis
Why does everybody automatically assume that FF Versus XIII is gonna be the darkest FF? What, because it's set in a dystopic future where everything is either midnight blue or black, that automatically makes it dark? More blood automatically makes it a mature game?

The Fallouts have darker content than all the FF's combined. You can commit genocide AS THE HERO in the early games. In Fallout 3, if I remember right, you can be a cannibal. It has a lot more ethical and moral undertones about what people do to survive, laike a society run entirely by (and comprised entirely of) children, which begs the question of how they keep the population up if they exile people once they reach a certain age. (Think about it.)

There's M-rated games that make ANYTHING Final Fantasy look preschool in comparison.
Square has stated that this is going to be dark for a final fantasy and has said that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is the darkness to Final Fantasy XIII's light.
Square has stated that this is going to be dark for a final fantasy and has said that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is the darkness to Final Fantasy XIII's light.
That could just mean the color scheme. After all, FF XIII doesn't seem like it has the attitude where it has to view everything through 90% opaque midnight blue shades, so there's your difference between FF XIII and Versus XIII; the light-enhancing glasses or the 'omg I can't see' shades. Nothing I've seen from this game so far seems to suggest any darkness... Just a moody brooding Sasuke clone.
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Nothing I've seen from this game so far seems to suggest any darkness... Just a moody brooding Sasuke clone.

There are people who thought that Organization XIII had a legitimately "dark" tone.

Seriously, there are fans who would be happy if nomura made a ham sandwich that proclaimed itself as "dark and edgy". :ness:
Terms of the game being dark - Could possibly be the darkest FF yet, Honestly, I've only seen blood a few times in FF at all, in 7 a couple times (midgar zolem, and jenova) and once in 8 that i can remember (when Squall was slashed by Seifer). But this could be a mysterious aspect to the game as well, or even as Eddy Gordo stated, just the color scheme (even though its very unlikely, FF always uses every type of aspect in a game weather it be love, anger, excitement, sillyness, and many others)

Although they may not be aiming for it, they may just get an M rating cause of all the things that are in a FF game, Sexual themes, alcohol and drug use, language, and now blood and gore?(exaggeration on gore) It could just reach its M rating without even knowing it.