I think there's a difference between an artist (in the musical sense) and a musician.
I believe an artist is someone who is creative. Therefore, they create. They make their own stuff. They write their music based on... whatever. They tell a story. Whether it's about love, past experiences, trauma, angst, etc. They, again, create.
Then you have a musician who is more or less just someone who plays an instrument or sings. They have musical ability but lack the writing ability. They typical tend to be the kinds of folk who have their music written for them and they just merely perform it, or do covers.
That's my opinion anyway.
I agree with the sentiment of the post completely, but I've always had the two terms switched in my mind, I dunno why, I just feel like 'Musician' is a far more honourable term in todays music where everyone is just considered someone's favourite 'artist'