Does anyone Cosplay?

Me and my girlfriend have always wanted to, but never got around to it.
Plus, I live in California now, going to film school, and she's back in Washington. She'll be here next year, though, so that should provide better opportunites.

Though, the only couple we could go as would be Urahara and Yoruichi from the Bleach series. (If you saw us together, you'd see why...Long blonde hair and grizzly beard, tired eyes, she's dark skinned, but has bright-colored eyes and is tall.)

My sister wants to come with us dressed as Penelo from XII. She hates that game as a FF title, but it's the only little blonde FF character she can pull off. Haha.
Sometime earlier this month, i made it to the Anime Festival Asia '08 in Singapore. The cosplays there were pretty interesting.. But i thought it wasn't as good as the ones in Japan...

Anyways the Photobucket link there. (The other pictures were random, some being signature/avatar requests and all.)

Hey everybody im not exactly sure if this thread goes here but it was the only general spot i seen. Im just curious how many people out there go to cosplays as different characters and things. I would like to hear about some things all you guys dont see very much of as far as props for cosplay outfits go. Doesnt neccesarily have to be FF can be from any anime or anything people would like to see made, cant promise these things will be made but i know a guy who is excellent at making cosplay items so lets hear what you guys would like to see more of. If you could post a pic up of the items you would like to see as well, if one is not available thats fine. Thanks everyone.
I got into cosplay many years ago but only really started last year when I went to Manifest in Australia. I absolutly love dressing up and just running around and having a blast with other cosplay and anime fans. I went as Rinoa Heartilly last year but it looked shoddy, namely its because I gained weight and my hair was too short for her and unstraightened mid-convention.

I am doing Songstress Yuna this year, having not completed my Gunner outfit in time - it will be done for Supanova next year though! lol Just a shame its a brought costume but on the plus side my hair is still short and brown to pull Yuna off. XD I just don't like buying the cosplays as they lose accuracy and the sizes are always a bit off... *glares at evil Aerith cosplay from two years ago*

I only wish I was pretty enough to do cosplay, I still have a great time but still. :(

Here is me as Songstress Yuna taken a few days ago:

1000 Words
Real Emotion

And one of me as Rinoa Heartilly taken at Supanova.

Eyes On Me
It really is too bad, but i cosplayed once in Japan. I was there for exchange and my friends got me to dress as Kanda Yuu from D Gray Man. As fun as it was, i forgot to take good photos T.T and now in Aust, i dont feel awfully confident enough to do it once more by myself >.<