Does anyone have a trick to level up?


Loard of the board
Mar 6, 2007
plz if u av any tricks or tips jus post them here pls bear in mind i have finished the game so im nt usin it 2 beat the game
I don't think I really had any 'tricks' when levelling up. I simply went to an area where there were strong monsters and constantly just battled, battled, battled. It got the job done
Go and fight at the monster arena in the calm lands! That'll help you get boosted up. Just fight as many battles as you possibly can. It really will help to get those Sphere Levels up ^_^ Good luck!
No tricks really. Just fight in's Dungeon, I forgot what its really called. When you get strong enough there, do the Calm Lands arena fights
How did the trick go again?

Triple Overdrive
Party has Overdrive Comrade (getting overdrive when ally is injured)

and I forgot the rest
Sleep Sprouts drop Tele Spheres, if someone has virtually finished the grid, then kill sprouts and use tele spheres.

And you may get Dark Matter

did anyone had a chance of getting 99 warp sphere free from the chests in omega ruins or dungeons?! hehe i got it years ago
if your not going for insanely powerful stats - Dark aeon beating stats - then the best place to train up is the omega ruins ^_^ 3 hours of training in their and my Yuna had more hp than auron and took off 11k-21k with each Attack - with her staff not magic :lol:
Sometimes I read while playing. I have the music on, and just press the X repeatedly.

It works like a charm.
Make a weapon that has these
Triple AP
Triple Overdrive

Equipt these onto your chares taht you want to level up. PUt 2 of them on Comerade overdrive and one of them on Stotic.

Fight DOn Tonberry and attack only with the person on Stotic. Revive and repeat. First time around, I had Tidus, Rikku and Khimari. Attacked with Tidus and got 99760, and my AP went mad. Then I kept fighting, and ocne it got close to attack, I had Tidus use COver or whatever that was. once I ron, or ran away, I'd get MAJOR Spehre levels, IE, everyone had 99 that was in the party with those items. Heck, I did it for 10 minutes and everyone had 99 from the same battle!

But it'll only work with the stuff on the weapon above.