Does anyone have/play the pc ver. of FFVII?

righty folks. The problem with the PC version of FF7 is that it takes a lot more RAM that you might actually think. It can play all the movie sequences, sure, but putting the sound effects with the movie sequences take up a lot of ram. Secondly, the music timing slows down depending on how much ram you have. The main thing you have to worry about though. Is the swirling effect of when you get into a battle, for instance, the gold saucer demo. That takes up the most RAM in the whole game. So personally, I just switch off that effect, in the FFconfiguration files. So it doesn't display special effects. Don't worry, you still have magic, limits, and everything else, just that the swirling effect doesn't happen, so you're instantly in a battle. I'd recommend around 2GB for FF7, to play rather smoothly...

O.O Two Gigabytes of RAM!

...........Nnnnnno. Trust me; it only needs a fraction of that amount to run smoothly. The problem is… the game’s 10 years old now and was written to take advantage of computer hardware and software that is now ancient in terms of today’s computers.

133 MHz Pentium Processor (166-200 MHz Recommended)

4 MB Video Card (8 MB Recommended for 3D accelerator)
32 MB of RAM (64 MB Recommended)
4X CD-ROM drive
DirectX 5.0 compatible sound and video card (DirectX 5.0 is included)
260 MB minimum of free hard drive space (minimum installation)

Basically, it’s a backwards compatibility issue with the newer hardware, not a lack of RAM issue. In short, the newer hardware will do it’s best to run it, but not without problems.

There are patches available for the newer hardware, but I doubt you’ll find anything for today’s newer equipment… You may, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

You've got to understand the computer has the capability to play FF7, but that its got system processes, MSN, winamp, internet updates, limewire and bitorrent to do at the same time, which obviously takes up memory.

Those aren’t “Windows” system processes, those are crap applications that shouldn’t be running in the background if you intend on playing any game, new or old!
I'd recommend around 2GB for FF7, to play rather smoothly...

Do you even know what your talking about? With 2Gigs of ram that runs Oblivion smoothly. By the way, with the grass graphics turned on.

You don't need 2gigs of ram, 64MB is perfect.
i have played it on my pc, and only problem to me was that graphics were a little bad. I played it on my old computer with 128 mb RAM
Well, ram matters as long as you have the correct graphics card and CPU specs. You probably didn't have an updated graphics card.
Yes. I have the game for PC. Hate the keyboard controls.. But yeah, supposedly, the graphics are better.
Actually the first time I was offered to play this game it was the PC version of it, but I hate playing computer games; absolutely hate it.

I played it only on the PS1, but I've had friends who played it on the CP and they've had no problem with it. They've also played it on PS1 and they prefer the console better than the computer version.
I have always played it on the PS1 over the PC, the quality on the PS1 of the sound is much better, it's far more compatible as it's a console game, and isn't prone to OS crashes thus its far more reliable. And to my tired eyes the graphics aren't much better on the PC
No but there is a way to make the graphics look better(for the characters that is). There is a patch called "Reunion" that you can download that puts all the characters in high Resolution including the NPC's. The music on the PSX version is better because it's not in a midi format. With the PC version, it's easier to make characters like Sephiroth, be in your party for the rest of the game. I've been trying to make patches myself whereas you can play as ShinRa instead of the regular party but that's another story.
No but there is a way to make the graphics look better(for the characters that is). There is a patch called "Reunion" that you can download that puts all the characters in high Resolution including the NPC's. The music on the PSX version is better because it's not in a midi format. With the PC version, it's easier to make characters like Sephiroth, be in your party for the rest of the game. I've been trying to make patches myself whereas you can play as ShinRa instead of the regular party but that's another story.

YReunin patchhhhonly makes main party and some npc's look bete, it gives youthe batlle characters instad of he blocky ones, there is a patch to change all thenpc's thou, they both together make the game worth replaing for them looking better alone. :D
PS theres alsoa music patch that lls you pay any mp3 tracks instead of the gamse music. FF7 piano collection anyone :)