Does it get better?


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 14, 2010
Ok I've only just started (I've come off at the first save point).

I was aware of the style of battle system before I bought this game but I didn't mind it from what I heard. But I just don't like it.
Even just to attack with my sword I can only hit once then it has to charge up again.
I can understand magic and techniques needing to charge but it's so annoying hitting the enemy just once then running away then going back and so on.
Surely if it's just a basic attack I should be able to keep swinging the sword until maybe stamina runs out or some other system to determain how you can attack.
Set your gambits up. this frustrated me no end at first, and set the battle thingy to wait, makes life abit easier so can select things if you wanna jump in and take control. You cant just swing your sword as you want, you still have to wait for the bar to fill

It does get better, it's just really frustrating at first - it was for me anyway, I just felt like I was mashing at the buttons and not being able to do anything

You will find yourself just watching your characters fight once you have set your gambits up, and only intervening when necessary. Don't write it off just yet, it IS a fun game once you get your head round the battle system. Shame it took me to right til the end of my first playthrough to finally get my head round it mind..but I'm just slow

My 2nd playthrough was much more sucessful :8F:
That's unfortunately how it works. Annoying but you'll adjust. The battle system becomes a little more complex as the game goes on with Quickenings (Limit Breaks) and your Summons for the game. However, you occasionally get to attack multiple times with a single attack command. You'll also get gambits, allowing your characters to attack automatically as the situation merits. You can make them attack enemies' weaknesses, and heal allies with low health.
I understand your frustration there. There are some flaws, inconsistencies and frustrating elements of the MMO-like battle system. What you described is certainly one of them. However, I didn't mind it as much the further on I played. The Gambit system really does work to my favour most of the time - particularly if I need healing, AI will take care of that for me. When it comes to the Espers though - they do become rather underwhelming. Expect a lot of combat as well.

Seeing as though I rather enjoyed FFXII despite its shortcomings, I'd say that it definitely gets better the further you go. I rather like the story actually - and you will get to meet rather fascinating characters and antagonists. When it comes to the towns and cities - I was certainly impressed by what I saw. As ever, the CGI is excellent quality and certainly epic to watch.
I think u'll start liking the game after the 2nd time u finish it. The gmabet system is a bet lame, but u'll like it by the time. Lvling up is so damn easy and great and the equips are great.

Some characters sucks and I won't say who...Vaan...But the good part in the game that u can easily take him off the party.

That's what I remember >.>
lots of pessimistic views on the game i see...

from as an objective position as possible, I can tell you the combat isn't supposed to be action-like ala Devil May Cry/etc, it's the same ATB system from FFVII-IX but placed into a 3d environment where you can move your characters. Adding in gambits a few hours from the first savepoint, the system gets much more complex in terms of setting them up as well as managing your team during fights (you can switch between player-controlled characters using the up button on the D-pad, if I remember correctly).

Going back to my personal opinion, hell yes it gets better. Unlike in VII-IX, you can switch party members in and out of battle and even change gambits during combat. You can also switch party leaders at a whim which makes casting that dire potion much easier, as opposed to waiting for their turn. The ATB aspect will take some getting used to, but think of it like an attack delay. Better weapons have shorter delay, and different weapon types have different delays as well.

The beginning is slow, but picks up.
I disagree with most of the posts here. I absolutely loved the gambit system. It takes some getting used to for sure, but once you figure it out it gets so much better. And once you get more abilities it gets even better still. At first, when the only gambits you have are like...attack and cure and potion, it's stupid. But when you venture off later in the game to do side quests and monster hunting for rare items and doing the clan centurio hunts, you'll find that making a good set of gambits for all characters is a real challenge. FF12 is the first of the FF games that I would say was truly an all around challenge (since the first one on NES that is). I liked the fact that there was actually a chance I could lose a battle, which I never ever feared in other FF games (unless I was fighting a Weapon in FF7 or Ozma in FF9 or one of the last monster arena battles in FF10). Once I got more options for gambit customization and had more abilities, I began to describe the system as "perfect." If you give it a longer try, you might wind up feeling the same.
No, it doesn't get any better.

Erm, once you learn the ropes, I would say it gets a bit better. The battles are exhiliarating, to say the least. Especially when you have to spend a good half an hour checking your gambits, making sure they're organised for the battle ahead. There are a lot of hunts/marks to dig your teeth into. I really enjoyed them the most.
No it doesn't get any better, the story and characters are rank.
The battle system is basically an ATB, the charging is the same as FFVII or FFVIII, the kind of magic you do effects how long it has to charge as well, from what I can remember at least. If your only problem is the battle system, you'll adapt.
If you already feel that the story, characters etc, aren't very good, that won't change. It'll become even more obvious.
I have to agree with DeanOMiite as i really enjoyed the Gamits and the battle system. The game DOES get better when you get into hunts and further into the story.

Yes, sitting in the waterway killing frogs and bats is the most boring thing you could do in the game... It gets better.

stick with it, when has a FF ever let you down, it will get better....

Mod Edit: Please put a bit more effort into your posts. Thanks. :)
I think since this was posted a while ago hes either decided the game for him is either good or crap.
Personally the more I think back on the game the more im learning to appriciate it.....I might replay it at a much later date to better define my feelings in regard to it. The MAIN problem thet mostly irks me about the game,thet I remember, is I beat it so quickly.
The battle system though I found ok..the game play style didnt overly offend me in any way but the story to me didnt get any better.