Help Does it matter who I sell my loot to?


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 3, 2008
I just got FF12 and Ive havent played that many RPG's so Im a little uncertain about how I should be selling my loot.

Can I sell my loot to just anyone or should I be more careful and hold on to certain rare items to give to certain traders?
I don't think it matters. I never held on to it, I just sold it straight away.
However I could be wrong, just wait till Gabranth comes on, he'll know.
I don't think it matters.

But there is one loot that you shouldn't sell till' this hunt...Great Serpent Skin I think it is. But I don't think the prices change, depending on the shop keeper.

Anyway, no, it doesn't matter who you sell it to.

As you progress through the game, you'll come to realize that certain weapons can only be obtained through the Bazzar. You have to be careful what you sell otherwise the loot you sold will account for something you didn't intend to buy. A perfect example would be the Masamune and Tournesol: They both require the Gemsteel loot (along with other items) but if you sell your Gemsteel before selling other items, you could end up with the Masamune when you wanted a Tournesol.
Thanx for the help guys^_^


Anyway, no, it doesn't matter who you sell it to.

As you progress through the game, you'll come to realize that certain weapons can only be obtained through the Bazzar. You have to be careful what you sell otherwise the loot you sold will account for something you didn't intend to buy. A perfect example would be the Masamune and Tournesol: They both require the Gemsteel loot (along with other items) but if you sell your Gemsteel before selling other items, you could end up with the Masamune when you wanted a Tournesol.

If I do make a mistake like that is it permanent?
Sorry dude but it is. If you sell the one off items you can't get them back and often can't get the weapons. As Gabranth said be careful what you sell.
Well, once you sell the required items for the Masamune, but not the Tournesol (this is just an example) the Masamune will appear. My suggestion is to sell the components needed only when you want to buy the intended weapon. You can find guides on Gamefaqs which explain the Bazzar system further, and include lists of all possible items that are obtained through the Bazzar, along with their respected recipes.
You should especially be careful when getting a recipe with loot used in multiple recipes. An example is the "Attenuated Great Sword" (Save the Queen) and "Memories of Yore" (99 Pebbles). You need 4 Quality Stones for Memories of Yore and 10 Quality Stones for Save The Queen. Selling 10 Quality Stones along with the Sky Jewels and Holy Crystals, will not get you the Save the Queen, instead, it will get you 99 Pebbles. It will also clear out the history of the other 6 Quality Stones. Therefore, it is best to get 14 Quality Stones, selling 4 to unlock Memories of Yore, buying it, and then selling the remaining 10 Stones and other ingredients.
I guess you should sell every last loot (except black orbs and others less

useful). When I was playing it helped me to obtain certain rare items, and I

hope there is no problem with it.
The only loot that does matter who sell to is fish from the fishing mini-game.

If you sell your fish to a normal merchant, you'll get less gil than if you sold them to Ada (that girl in Soutbank Village who's walking the shore, right by the fishing boat) she'll pay the same as merchants for common fish, but with better fish, she'll pay more.

It's nothing major like, just more money.